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Everything posted by Lung_Tien_Lien

  1. What? Victor? Not sure what you mean. What did you win and how? I'm going to have to ask you to elaborate so I can understand what you're saying.
  2. ... I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious of if you're just flat out trolling me now. Your forum buddies? Street cred? "Lost a lot of good men"? How did she make you look foolish? I read her response as lightly teasing for assuming she was a man and the Darth Commonsense comment was (to me) only a humorous way of asking if there was official confirmation. I understand that calling her 'Sir' (the first time) wasn't meant to offend, but she didn't seem offended. You on the other hand then childishly called her 'Sir' again and went on to make your other comments as described above.
  3. Hehe, indeed. I'm quite enjoying my Pureblood Jedi Knight as well Yeah, that's what made me think it was the "sir" thing and not what you wrote otherwise Ah, well.
  4. Is it really so difficult to just tell us whether it's a bug or intended? (And if it's intended, why?) I mean, it's just a small thing, but...
  5. Ich hab leider auch keine Ahnung Translation: He/She is asking if there's armor that looks like the armor the JK is wearing during character creation for their Trooper. Does anyone know?
  6. Your Sith Inquisitor is already level 50 or above, right? If so, I'm pretty sure you won't lose the unlock. Once unlocked, things stay unlocked. (Same with the companion affection achievement.) I don't think a dev has said anything about that yet, but yeah. Personally, I'd risk trying, that's how certain I feel. (Besides, if you're very worried, you can always create your Consular before changing your Inquisitor to Cathar.) I'm sure she would have thanked you as soon as you had clarified that no, this isn't official. Are you sure you aren't just miffed that she called you out on your use of "sir"?
  7. There's no difference in terms of stats. Some NPCs may have a line to say about the species you picked specifically or you get to defend 'aliens' as whole, but none of that changes anything about the story at all, it's just flavor. Pick whichever you like, really.
  8. This forum does have a level of dislike for F2P, but in-game it's a different matter, I've found. People are generally welcoming and helpful. Even when someone on Dromund Kaas asks how to get their AC, there will always be someone willing to explain it yet again. I would recommend subscribing simply because the F2P restrictions are terrible, but I haven't seen anyone rage against F2Pers in-game yet. This forum (like most video game forums) tends to be a bit hostile and negative towards most things, really
  9. It seems that nobody even reads the Suggestions forum. Probably not true, but it feels that way. People also post here when their server goes down but the rest are fine, although each server has its own subforum. Same goes for PVP every once in a while, or some group content, crafting etc. All of those have their own subforums. I do think the answer simply is that most people read General Discussion and if you feel very strongly about something, you want to reach the largest amount of people you can, right? I don't really mind, personally.
  10. I know how you feel. Up until recently I really didn't want to do the group content for the HK parts, either, because I was worried about being terrible and/or getting unlucky with group members. Here's my advice, though: Run through Makeb and if you're worried about gear, run some dailies for basic commendations - a few pieces of basic gear will be more than enough. Read up on the FPs on dulfy so you'll feel more confident and then just do it. Tell your group you haven't done it before. I know there are horror stories on the forums, but my experiences so far have all been positive. (Yeah, do expect that people might ask you to skip the cutscenes, but that's the only thing.) Most people in the game are quite decent, it's just that you don't hear about them as much I'm rather sure that BW won't ever provide a solo alternative for this. Just look at the end of the Macrobinoculars/Seeker Droid questlines - clearly someone thinks mandatory group (that barely anyone will be doing months from now) is a great idea.
  11. Yes, true, although I do think it would have to have dropped in price by now. I don't think that changes much about what I said, though, since there are many people that stay subscribed for longer than four months. (I'd say people who only stay around for four months aren't that likely to spend a lot of extra money on the game, either, since that does require a certain level of commitment.) So yes, GW2 is B2P and not F2P, I used the wrong term, but that's still quite different to a subscription-based model.
  12. Haha, no, I didn't. I think it was in an instance. I basically /ragequit that quest
  13. Agreed. First time I picked it, I abandoned it halfway through, because I was getting so frustrated with the mob density. And then a droid pushed me off a ledge and that was that. Never picked up the mission again That whole area is incredibly frustrating.
  14. People are already doing that. I hope nobody's falling for it, but I'm sure some people do. :-/
  15. Well, the difference is that in GW2 everyone is free to play and has full access to every feature*, whereas in SWTOR, we have both subs and F2P. Yet, here subs get charged additionally, whereas in GW2, you only get charged for whatever it is that you want to buy. (Such as recustomization kits.) And we don't know yet if there will be a way to sell access to barbershop features on the GTN, or do we? (Honest question.) Look, I didn't argue because I'm upset because of this, only because I don't think GW2 is a good comparison. Personally, I never expected them not to charge for such a desirable feature. I don't think it's right, but it's also not really important enough for me to rage about. *Edit: Since I just read the post above mine - by feature I'm referring to gameplay and such, which is restricted in SWTOR's F2P option (Warzones, FPs etc). Expect most things that have to do with appearance to be in the gem store, yes. Nothing that might get you better stats, though. Basically, their gem store functions like the CM does here.
  16. I know what you're referring to. That doesn't mean I don't find what you wrote trite. Your comparison to "alpha males" who didn't get laid although or because they "won" an argument online is what I found nonsensical. I still do. I understand that you probably found it funny, hence the first half of my sentence. Sorry, I'm in a crabby mood today, but I still don't think this thread adds much to the overall discussion.
  17. I haven't been playing for about two months now, but last time I checked, every dye was available on the Trading Post or had a chance of dropping randomly. Did they add new dyes? As for 'no barber shop', you can buy kits that allow you to recustomize your character for gems. Also, and this is the actually important bit, GW2 has no subscription fee. And you can convert in-game currency to gems, so you can buy directly from the gem store without ever paying a cent of your real money.
  18. Well, if you can actually hold aggro, as I said, more power to you. It does seem like the person you quoted was talking about someone who couldn't tank properly with their DPS spec, though. Stands to reason that people might not even notice that you're not spec'd as a tank if no issues arise
  19. I'm sure you think what you wrote is tremendously witty and original as opposed to nonsensical and trite.
  20. ...well, can you actually tank with your DPS spec? If so, more power to you, but I have a feeling the rest of your group is struggling more than they would have to because you don't feel like waiting. Most likely, you only finish the FP, because the others are compensating for you. Don't you think there's a reason why tanking is its own skill tree?
  21. Well, False Emperor/Foundry have the HK parts. Other than that, it might be people that don't feel very confident in their skills and don't want to become an anecdote in one of those 'terrible group finder experiences' threads ;p And you get some basic comms as well. Or achievement hunters. When I did False Emperor for the HK part, the tank was dragging us through it at incredible speed and since they always selected 'pass' on the items, I wonder if they weren't just doing for the achievements. Or a good deed for the day? Who knows
  22. I don't know, I enjoy my Smashmonkey in PVE (Never use her for PVP, though, I know people there hate that spec.) It's great for mob clusters, I always felt like I was lacking proper AOE when I ran Carnage. Great for dailies/clearing trash quickly. Not sure how good the spec is at lower levels, though, as I only switched after I hit level 50. It's a pretty simple rotation, yeah, but I didn't think Carnage was that difficult, either. (But who knows how well I'm actually doing with either of those specs.) But yes, as already stated, there's tons of info in the class forum.
  23. ...what is this doing here? Ask a random female person in your life on the off chance that you posted this because you're actually curious, as opposed to being bored out of your mind. Then again, you must not know a whole lot of women if you think all of them prefer heels.
  24. Hm. I think it looks a little "fuzzier" than the old one, but that's it. I don't think it's anywhere nearly as bad as you make it out to be, quality-wise. I do think the concept is a bit boring, but so was the old one. Very standard and uninspired, but I can't say I'm terribly bothered. Details matter, but... it's a loading screen. I understand when people talk about gear and its level of detail, but not loading screens.
  25. So, basically, report people you don't agree with? Yeah, sounds good. From what I've read, it's not exactly a game-breaking bug. Annoying, yes, but remember that they only do unscheduled maintenance for bugs/glitches that help players in significant ways. (Ilum exploit.) They didn't fix the space missions until they released the new patch, either.
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