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Everything posted by Lung_Tien_Lien

  1. There's every need to keep bumping this thread if people want an answer. I understand that it's against the rules, but what would you rather see? People making a new thread every couple of days to remind everyone that yes, they still care about this? They're generally letting a lot slide when it comes to forum rules, for better or worse. In this case, I think the bumping is justified, but that's just me.
  2. I don't see the benefit of this suggestion. Queue times are fine for Tanks and Healers and take a bit for DPS, more people on one server won't change that. I'm not sure if you've menitoned your server yet, but I play on the Red Eclipse and the only planet that feels like a ghost town some days is Ilum. But I'm not sure, because I'm hardly ever there myself. Open world PVP? Sorry, I play on a PVE server and don't care about that. PVP servers might benefit more, but then, there will probably still be more Imperials around. Lag is also worse for PVP than it is for PVE. Wazones would benefit, yes. Ever since they introduced those brackets, I've had to wait much longer than before. (Still not terribly long, but noticably longer.) However, they might find a way to do cross-server Warzones instead. Also, as someone else mentioned, what about character names? There are many players still upset about losing names when the last merges happend. Oh, and... one big PVE and PVP server...? So... my Ping gets to be three times as high, because I'm sure you'd like that server to be in the US? Two big servers each, US and EU wouldn't really work, either. The chat is already immediately filled with crying whenever someone dares to post in a language that isn't English. Because that's so terribly rude and a personal affront to each and every English-speaking person on the server All that and lag, really. So no, I'd rather keep my server as-is.
  3. I always dismount if I stop anywhere on the fleet for more than a few seconds, but... I'm not sure why it bothers people so much when others don't. You can zoom in and click through speeders. There's nothing immersive about the fleet to begin with (Hi, Darth x_mastahpowah_x! Oh hey, Mako - oh hey Mako 2 - oh hey Mako 3.... Why is that Darth dancing? etc.) in case someone wants to argue 'immersion > convenience'. Maybe it's my server, but there are never too many people on their speeders anywhere. A few, yes, but never that many. Or perhaps I just don't notice them. Someone in another thread suggested giving everyone on the fleet a speed boost and ban speeders so you could still get around as quickly, which I would be fine with. Banning speeders alone - not so much.
  4. Bumping this in hopes of a reply. It's such a minor issue, but it's silly that we haven't gotten a response yet.
  5. Probably because many people would use those CC for other things since not everyone is yearning for a name change. I'm perfectly happy with my characters' names, for example. I imagine they don't want to just give away precious cartel coins that someone may otherwise have paid for.
  6. I use them much more often than before. Previously, I'd constantly outlevel the gear I could get and so I often ignored the comms. Now I can buy gear for my level regardless of how many quests I did on one planet. It's fantastic! You can save up the necessary mods for Makeb on Voss (and Corellia, I guess, but I always make sure I can skip the entire planet except for story missions. That layout...) rather easily. I really enjoy this new system and the many ways you can earn Planetary Comms now.
  7. I'm not sure what you want to achieve there. I have Win 8, but hate the Apps so I use it like Win 7 ;p That said, I run SWTOR in borderless windowed mode - so if I ALT+TAB out of it and then go back to it, it doesn't need to load... whatever it loads if you run it in fullscreen mode. It also doesn't crash if you do that. (At least for me.) You can run any program your computer can handle in the background, too. Same thing? Sort of?
  8. You know, usually I'd be supportive of this thread, but... nah. Been watching Fox News, have we? Clearly, same sex marriage ruins everything, including your precious PVP. Yeah, bugs should be fixed. This pet bug of yours is no more important than other bugs, though, sorry to say.
  9. I like how people defend mindless time-sinks. And it is mindless - the Seeker Droid at least has an indicator where else you should look (and in spite of the problems people have with it, it's mostly helpful). Yes, you can mostly find someone to do it with and yes, you should be at least a little strategic about your search, but come on. It's still an utterly pointless waste of time, regardless of how lucky you get. The Heroic 2's are fun and the mandatory FPs are fairly simple nowadays with a level 55 character. DPS queue times can be a bit long, but you'll get a group eventually. (I did it with a DPS character, because I was unfamiliar with the FPs.) All that said... HK-51 is very useful and worth the tedium. It's obvious those quests were designed with many people doing it at once in mind, which was quite short-sighted. Pick a movie and move the media player window in a corner of the screen while you're searching, at least you'll have something to do.
  10. I'm merely telling you that you will achieve nothing with that tone and that it's hypocritical to tell someone to stop whining while giving off the impression that the entire thread is a personal insult to you and the way you think other people should behave. Edit: Just saw your second reply. It is your opinion that people are wrong to feel this way all right, there's nothing factual about it. Obviously I wasn't referring to the mechanics of the event (which are the facts you stated) as it's clear that that is how they currently are and the OP questioned whether they should be changed. You don't think so, which is fine, but there's no need to be as rude about it as you are.
  11. Do you honestly think insulting people and throwing a tantrum will convince anyone to see things your way? The OP is worded calmly and politely, there is no crying involved. The same cannot be said about your post.
  12. Ohh, right, I remember now. I'm sure that scaling just happened... accidentally... because as we know, it's stuff like that that happens accidentally and not say, the sudden disappearance of scaling when five new levels get introduced... Even though I don't need them, I think they should definitely scale. Some people paid CC for them - making them less useful afterwards is not okay.
  13. This does suck for people who like using training dummies. I didn't buy them and never planned to, but there's no downside to them scaling and a lot of downsides to them not scaling. But since we couldn't even get an answer as to whether the removal of the portable Hutt trainer statue's laugh was on purpose or a bug, I guess they're in no hurry to reply to this, either. Sometimes I have to wonder what their criteria for answering a question on the forum are. This isn't sensitive information in any shape or form.
  14. Considering I heard people play a Cathar Trooper and having explained to them what a "Cathar" is... I doubt it. Would be nice, but I find it highly unlikely. (Pretty sure you can ask about what a Chiss is if you play a Chiss IA as well, so...)
  15. I agree, but the average PVPer who isn't nearly as good as they like to believe they are likes the easy pickings an event such as this provides. I'm sure I'm an easy target, but then, I have yet to get attacked by anyone who was the same level as me and on their own. Somehow, it's always people ten levels above you (generally, not Gree specifically) or groups of three or more. If those quests were actual PVP quests (as in, kill X amount of players or do X amount of damage or heal X amount of health in the PVP area etc.) it would be a different matter, I think. As it is, they're PVE quests shoved into a PVP zone, providing ample opportunity for people to just hang around and gank PVEers 'for the lulz'. If they were real PVP quests, I might even participate! I have nothing against PVP (I do play Warzones on my low-levels and it's fun), but I dislike the forced mix of PVP and PVE. But as I said. It's relatively popular because a considerable number of (but not all) PVPers aren't actually looking for a fair fight. They're looking for a fight they can win. And this event provides.
  16. I agree, especially with the last paragraph. I'm not on a roleplaying server as I don't really roleplay, but it's sad to hear that even on an roleplaying server, people get mocked for... roleplaying. Personally, I think people should get warnings/temporary bans for that sort of thing. There are different server types for a reason. (A change in attitude would be optimal, of course, but realistically, the only thing that could be done is stricter regulation.)
  17. What you wrote amounted to, "PVP is the only thing that takes real skill, so shut up." That's no more of an argument than what you quoted was. I agree that PVP needs more love and I mostly play PVE. I agree that there should be more WZs, a new valor rank, rewards for open world PVP etc. I think it should stay separated from PVE, however, and open world PVP (at least the way it has been implemented so far) only encourages either ganking on PVP servers or trying to get people flagged by running into their AOEs to then gank them on PVE servers. I stop caring about other people's enjoyment if it starts detracting from mine, which I think is understandable.
  18. So? What's your point? I understand that you think PVP requires more skill than PVE (which I partly agree with), but so? What does that have to do with anything?
  19. I can't say I mind. But then, "more like the Gree event" doesn't sound promising, either. Open world PVP as I have experienced so far is never 'fair' in any sense of the word. (I'm on a PVE server.) It consists of: accidentally getting flagged while healing someone in a PVE fight, later engaging an elite and once your companion is half-dead having a Sentinel that's ten levels higher leap at you. Players camping your base and/or running into your AOE to get you flagged. (Also about eight levels above you.) Running around with another one of those accidental healing-induced flags and getting jumped by three enemy players at once. Here's the thing: I think PVPers should definitely get more. More WZs, rewards for open world PVP etc. -- BUT all of those rewards should be PVP-specific and PVP shouldn't directly interfere with PVE. Yes, yes, get some gear, learn to play, find a group to run around with... that's not an argument. The game never picks you up and drops you into a raid going, 'Lol, u should have made sure u had the right gear and know the tactics! now u can only leave once youve died '
  20. I agree. My Inquisitor kept hitting on him, but I had to wonder if the guy wasn't just being polite in order not to piss off The kiss was cute, but I had to wonder. That aside, I agree with the OP. I'd be perfectly willing to pay for more class stories - I would be willing to pay for them individually even. No, I wouldn't be happy about that, but I also wouldn't complain. It's better than no class stories at all. I'm afraid that they will keep faction-specific stories, however. If so, I'll probably leave once I've seen all the individual class stories. End-game gear grind or PVP gear grind just isn't appealing to me.
  21. Yeah, those things would be nice, but it's much easier to ask for and develop new armor or a new speeder than it is to develop a new FP or operation, let alone story missions. The latter examples take much more time and resources. I also disagree with the focus on 'fluff'/vanity items, but it's not like they could pump out new content at the same rate even if they wanted to. (Without hiring a massive amount of people, I mean.) Aside from that, please stop with the whole, 'OMG ESO is going to kill SWTOR unless the devs step up their game!!!' No, it won't. People will either start drifting away or they won't, but it won't be because of one singular game. I for one won't even consider playing it if it's anything like the other ES games - bland NPCs, bland PCs, boring dialog and mediocre storytelling. But hey, you can put a bucket on an NPC's head and then rob them blind, so that's something. [in Skyrim.]
  22. An hour ago they went for about 750k on my server. Not that bad, everything considered.
  23. It's for the entire account, of course. You can buy the Cathar unlock for credits, too. (On the GTN.) It's what I plan on doing Edit: As for whether you should, well, that's really up to you. Do you think you'd get enjoyment out of playing a new race? Then go ahead.
  24. Why? I think they just look cool. I don't know what people have against them, but then, I'm also not deathly afraid of the "furries" invading "my" game. The implementation/cost etc etc has been discussed in many many threads and I'm not thrilled with that either, but aside from that? I think they turned out pretty nice.
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