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Everything posted by Dimdeo

  1. I'd rather have someone rage quit instead of someone rage in a corner of the map. Rage quitters will be replaced. Rage afkers will not.
  2. I personally don't post on forums of games i don't play but to each their own.
  3. In Ultima Online my house was in Felucca (FFA PvP with looting). In games like AoC and WoW i played on a PvP server. Fun fights for me are group v group but these fights hardly ever occurred. Mostly it was ganking lowbies and griefing and i cba going through that again while levelling. or maybe i'm just old
  4. *nods and agrees, then attempts to go back to work*
  5. I don't mind people leaving and being replaced. Positive example 1 : Whining Spammer left, got replaced by mean killing machine riding a death star and dual wielding two angry wookiees. We won. Maybe he wasn't riding a death star. Negative example 1: Whining Spammer stayed, sat in a corner most of the time and continued spamming ****. People slipped on his tears. Eyeballs exploded from too much eyerolling. How about a tiny Valor buff instead for people that stay. Or an achievement. Or maybe I should get back to work.
  6. Am i the only Sorcerer healer that doesn't think Operatives are overpowered? Sure, i get wrecked quickly and efficiently sometimes by one of them but that's probably because the player is good. I find the average Assassin more annoying than the average Operative.
  7. I actually enjoy healing as a Sorcerer in 8v8. But I skip 4v4 completely. (levelled a Scoundrel for that initially but then found that i just don't like death matches)
  8. I used to wait for "that next PvP MMO". Halfway through my second MMO (Ultima Online) it was DaoC. Then it was Shadowbane. Then came AoC (omg it's the WoW killer everyone said). Then it was Darkfall (or was Darkfall before AoC? I can't remember). For some reason, [insert current MMO] was lacking, and i was waiting for [insert next MMO]. Nowadays i'm too slow and just not competetive enough anymore.
  9. For my 55's i use Treek as either Tank or Healer. For Alt levelling i don't use Treek since she doesn't get any rewards from missions.
  10. Thanks guys! I tried a couple different builds and either madness or a madness hybrid seems the way to go for DPS, staying mobile and being able to quickly LoS. Tee hee hee i even tried a Corruption/Madness build which was fun for survivability (Fadeout+Resurgence+Dark Resilience). I could heal myself to full. But i could not make them pay In the end i went back to healing, as there seems to be a lack of healers in the PUG pool on IMP side?
  11. That'd be sweet :-) Would you keep or lose the huttball when blinking? And could you blink upwards? On a sidenote, i could use some pointers in PvP. Been trying different builds but i feel like i could do better. Corruption spec in 8v8, that's okay. In 4v4 I feel like i need to be supported by the whole team in order to heal. Lightning spec only seems to work well if I stand still a lot (Thundering Blast especially). Madness spec keeps me nice and mobile but enemies die slowly (can't burst) For regular Warzones, Should i go for some sort of Hybrid Build? Or should i stick with healing? (preference wise: Sorceror DPS or heal. Despite my slow reflexes and lack of swtor knowledge )
  12. Dimdeo

    Sorc healer!

    Yeah i'm levelling a Scoundrel now and leaving the Sorc to mess around in 8v8's
  13. PvP is what it says. Player vs Player. For Oldskool PvP, play Oldskool games like UO and EvE. For WoW'ish PvP, play WoW'ish games. Don't complain about WoW'ish PvP while playing a WoW'ish game. Just switch to a different game with a different type of PvP. And yes, i PvPed back in UO. I'm too old and slow to go back to games where i actually lose my gear when i get killed.
  14. All MMO's i've played had/have terrible general / starter chat * People just saying nasty stuff to start arguments, people saying OtherMMOX is better, etc. Fewer and Fewer Trolls spotted as you level up * Except for Ultima Online because it didn't have Global Chat.
  15. In another MMO or on a PvE server? ;-) There's a list of my chars in the IMPs of UO group on Facebook. Give me a shout some time
  16. There's more activity on the user created TRE forums: http://www.redeclipse.eu/
  17. Same here (except that i'm 37) \o/
  18. Dimdeo

    seriously, roots?

    This topic made me think of an old Sepultura track:
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