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Everything posted by Aikura

  1. Agree with the OP! But yeah, as others have said, I'm grateful this game is not as bad in that respect as some others out there...
  2. I'd really love to see Black and Light Blue. But I suspect this is an area where you needn't worry and the developers will keep rolling out dye combos ad infinitum (or until they stop being profitable).
  3. Yes! This would also solve the issue of players from 'consolidated' servers being forced to rename their characters, and the multitude of complaints from players unable to choose the names they want because of duplication in such a narrow field.
  4. As others have said, I have also found it to be much easier to find time for gaming post-university. At uni, especially at a high level of study, there is always something else you are supposed to be doing. Your thesis never…goes…away. Even if you manage to find some time for gaming (or anything else), it’s hard to indulge without feeling guilty and this really detracts from the experience anyway. You end up giving up and going back to work, having not even enjoyed yourself in the interim. Now that I’m working a standard job, work stays at work and my time outside of it feels like my own again. I play for around 30 hours a week now, and still have time to study part-time, volunteer, and (on occasion) service my social life. Oh, and having a husband/wife also playing the game definitely helps!
  5. This could be the best thing I have ever read. Yikes, I should get out more...
  6. More importantly, is it possible to genetically engineer a pigmy elephant you can keep as a house pet? That would be sweeeeet.
  7. Three-hundred years of immortal Emperor's Wrath awesome badness > lame Mr Hyde golem thing wannabe any day of the week. +1 on the romance option!
  8. Try logging out and in again. I've had this problem too, but it just seems to take time to register. For a couple of items, it took a few days before they showed up in Collections.
  9. I've had this too, and it also seems to mess with the 'Hide Head Slot' toggle. Happens for me most often during class mission cutscenes, especially on my ship.
  10. I too am curious about this. Every time something is added, I worry there will be some cost to performance that will stack over time. It's already quite challenging to get this game to run consistently.
  11. To those who cannot grasp why this is a problem and why "just doing the grey missions” doesn’t solve the problem, being overlevelled degrades the game experience by: a) diminishing the level of challenge; b) diminishing the sense of reward. Challenge and reward is pretty much the formula for all gaming ever, so I can completely understand why the OP cares about this. Sure, you can skip content, but for many people that defeats the purpose (one presumably plays to experience the content, right?). I too would be in favour of features to reduce the excessive XP gain; even as an F2P player I was generally overlevelled, and that was without doing FPs, WZs or space missions.
  12. Thanks for posting this, somehow I hadn't found it yet.
  13. With the dust settling a little, I am now quite happy at least with the Collections feature (it’s actually working now, for a start!). Still some disappointments, with the dye lottery in particular, but overall happy to have more stuff in the game than before.
  14. Indeed I did! And every variation of this I could think of, to no avail. However... Update: With no further action or experimentation on my part, most of my Cartel items have now registered in the Collections UI. I’ve read similar experiences from other people now. I’m still missing a couple of things but I expect they’ll turn up soon. It seems it just takes time.
  15. This is where mine is currently as well, but as it grows I might explore the other options a bit more.
  16. /signed! Love the Cartel Market, but hate the gambling aspect and the very limited choice of specific appearances you can buy. Quite happy to fork out real money for pixels if I know what I'm getting!
  17. Yes it's a Cartel crystal. Unfortunately, I have already tried your suggestion as above, and no luck. I’m having this problem with most of my Cartel items, including my recently purchased Eradicator's set. Currently, my speeders are the only Cartel items registering in the Collections UI (and even then, not all of them…).
  18. I'm having this issue too. I tried extracting the crystal and putting it back in; no luck. Any other suggestions?
  19. While I’m still happy, overall, to have an update and that the game is slightly better and I have slightly more stuff than yesterday, I too am a bit disappointed. Like everyone else who has paid attention, I knew and understood that this would largely be a Cartel Market update, and that a more content-heavy patch is to follow in a couple of weeks in the form of 2.2. I fully understood and gladly accepted that I would have to pay CCs for the dyes and collections features and I was very much looking forward to them. However, I was not expecting the “dye lottery”, which has largely put me off that feature. Neither was I expecting the “full set required” prerequisite for collections. I think you are shooting yourselves in the foot with this one. I might have been inclined to gamble on your Cartel packs in the knowledge I could replicate nice items I find across my account. But having to collect an entire set is not a good bet, and I suspect fewer people will be willing to take it.
  20. Remember that MMO forums are the deepest, murkiest pits of vile pus-spewing despair that the Internet (in all its anonymity-fuelled hell-spawning glory) can produce. I have seen people spout venomous vitriol with more passion and alacrity on MMO forums than in debates on human rights, global poverty, climate change or violent conflict. They are, almost without exception, festering latrines overflowing with a turgid mass of ill-considered, self-indulgent whinge-fests. When you look at it like that…THIS forum really isn’t that bad! Screen out the whiners and focus on the sharing of ideas; you’ll find there is plenty of cautious optimism and healthy, constructive feedback as well.
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