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  1. The challenge is adjusting your play to manage your own challenge level. If you are smart enough to do it.
  2. this business model works until you lose enough cc buying players to make a huge dropoff in cc sales. once you step off that cliff, there is no going back. Will their current fiasco be enough to do that? we will have to wait and see.
  3. if it was something you could unlock in your collections, maybe. a 1 use item? not a chance. this was a waste of development resources if it is supposed to be that rare. at least with the arbiters sabers you could unlock it.
  4. wildstar catered to the hard core..and 60 of the dev staff got pink slips last week. less than 50k subscribers....MMO's are a business and hardcores dont pay to keep the servers running
  5. my point is that dailies are not considered challenging content..they are a time sink used to generate cash to do the challenging content. DF/DP and the 2 new ops are the challenging content. The people that will have it the worse are healers if this isnt taken care of prior to launch. Tanks may have low dps, but they can take the damage for a long time where healers can heal or do low dps, if they are healing themselves the mob isnt taking damage. Hopefully this is being looked at by the beta testers. We shall see. I would much rather a tester read this and go check.
  6. part of what concerns me is that they have said that they will adjust lvl 50-55 content if the dps nerf makes it too difficult..but on the day that 3.0 hits, how long till they make any adjustments? will people look at a 1 to 2 month wait while they collect data? will any part of that content range be broken for any period of time? is any of this being tested? not doom crying, just honest questions that we probably wont get any answers to untill it goes live. which may be a mistake on BW part.
  7. I agree with you, the person I was replying to was complaining that they were too easy. but they need to be completed by new 55's in leveling greens. they are dailies, not meant to provide challenging content. there is plenty of that if people will just step up to the plate.
  8. news flash: its a level 55 planet these are dailies, not raid bosses. they need to be completable solo if you want challenge raids----->
  9. 2k for a killing blow in pvp wasnt over the top? how many of those could you get? and how many crafting rewards can you get a day? with only seconds per click.
  10. If I could hit you with a big enough boulder you wouldnt feel anything else
  11. gearing is a huge problem in this game. they intentinally put crap mods in gear and limited what gear you could get to the point that people arent willing to go through the hell to get a new tank even moderately geared. you need the gear that drops in the op but you cant get in because no one wants an undergeared tank riding along. so unless you have understanding guildmates, you are out of luck. and if you have good guildmates like that, you will be tanking for them, not LFG.
  12. its not that they are too difficult(although they are intended to be able to be done solo) its tha the level of difficulty jumps all over the board. one mission is easy, the you turn a corner and are facing a gold and 2 silvers that all have multiple stuns and holds. from bottom of difficulty chart to the top in 1 easy step. I would hazard to guess the people complaining about it being too easy have multiple alts to gear their lowbie up and have legacy powers. the devs have to walk a tightrope on this and err in the favor of keeping new accounts from quitting in disgust. not exactly an easy task.
  13. its greifing. and I tend to report it as such. remember, if you get griefed its your own fault!!!
  14. thats why I enter pvp wz's and wander aimlessly. Its good fun not contributing.
  15. 1 big difference. you can go into warzones and fail EVERY SINGLE TIME. you still get coms and you still get gear. try that in pve, you get repair bills.also, lets see pvpers pay repair bills so they need that additional money.
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