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Everything posted by Aikura

  1. Yep, agreed. The trick now will be to keep it up! But I have faith.
  2. This is sweet golden nectar of truth. In any case, this news isn’t particularly worrying. It certainly doesn’t represent a grim twist or any real change from Disney retaining licensing discretion. The argument that granting exclusive rights stifles competition is a bit off the mark in this particular industry, because studios are loath to compete anyway, especially within an IP. Disney or LucasArts or whoever holds the cards at any given time would avoid simultaneously licensing two big Star Wars MMOs, because that would devalue the license. Likewise, studios don’t want to enter into such direct competition, and the competitive edge of their properties usually depends critically on difference. So those hoping to see two games of this type with the same IP competing in the open and constantly bettering themselves as a result would probably disappointed, exclusive rights or not. SWTOR will instead continue to compete against other MMOs with different IPs. I don’t know what this means for the future of Star Wars games; I’m still hoping 1313 will see daylight in some fashion. However, this is good news for the state of SWTOR and its prospects. I hope to see more investment in it as a result.
  3. C2-N2. I KNOW he is up to something!
  4. This is an issue for me too, but I think the quote below really is the essence of it: I am still on my first couple of characters and so pretty determined to complete everything I come across, but as a lot of it does indeed seem to be "padding", I might be able to overlook it on subsequent characters. Tip to increase challenge: Dismiss you companion and go it alone!
  5. I always play my Guardian with a friend, so we never have our companions out except for the occassional Heroic 4 or FP. For those, I use Kira.
  6. A couple of minor transit matters: Taxi graphical glitch: I love the taxis; it is a clever and innovative way to both streamline travel and show off the amazing locales. However, the stuttering taxi glitch can really spoil this, especially on Coruscant and Nar Shadaar. There is only so long I can pretend to be Wonder Woman in my invisible plane! Speeder sound FX glitch: Sometimes my speeders are accompanied by a faint hum sound as I ride around the environment. Other times, hitting the speeder hotkey can be like pressing mute; all becomes eerily silent. It would be great to have a consistent sound effect. Even better, if there a few different sound effects (including some gruntier ones) to vary the sound of different types of speeders, it would make all that commuting much more enjoyable!
  7. Guardian and Shadow. Hard to choose between them.
  8. Yeah, though I'm sorry to see the OP leave I'm really not sure what to make of the reason. It's like he's playing a different game. Generally, I find the content fairly easy solo, and WAY too easy in a group. And I'm not a very good player. I tend to go for style > efficiency. Two elites and three silvers six levels below you? For a four player group? You could flatten them with one eyelash.
  9. Thanks for the welcome and for the advice. I did indeed stumble upon the Suggestion Box subforum. The in-game Customer Service tab seems like a long-shot but I might give it a go as well.
  10. Fix Dismiss Companion. Let me start by saying I love the fact that I can dismiss my companion. Sometimes I just do not want them around. In particular, I like to play through the planetary and class missions with a friend, and this “single-player” content becomes tediously easy with companions along as well. The problem is, dialogue cinematics automatically recall your companion, and you cannot dismiss them in combat. As a result, ALL of the boss fights in planetary and class missions are reduced to four-second zerg-fests in which our companions demolish the “boss” before they can even react. It is extremely anti-climatic and actually quite immersion-breaking. Given that this is a multi-player game, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue! Please change it so that companions stay away until recalled (I can think of no reason why it should be otherwise). When I tell my companion to get lost until I say it’s okay to return, I mean it!
  11. Hello there Let me start by saying I love the fact that I can dismiss my companion. Sometimes I just do not want them around. In particular, I like to play through the planetary and class missions with a friend, and this “single-player” content becomes tediously easy with companions along as well. The problem is, dialogue cinematics automatically recall your companion, and you cannot dismiss them in combat. As a result, ALL of the boss fights in planetary and class missions are reduced to four-second zerg-fests in which our companions demolish the “boss” before they can even react. It is extremely anti-climatic and actually quite immersion-breaking. Given that this is a multi-player game, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue! Please change it so that companions stay away until recalled (I can think of no reason why it should be otherwise). When I tell my companion to get lost until I say it’s okay to return, I mean it!
  12. I have some characters that I play mostly solo, and some that I play exclusively with a friend. I tend to spend a bit more time on co-op play. I find both playstyles have their benefits and caveats, and I enjoy them equally.
  13. Beloved community, honoured BW representatives, fellow players. I have done it at last. Taken the plunge. Jumped to lightspeed. After a few months of casually sampling the free content (with the occasional one-off Cartel indulgence), I have joined the esteemed ranks of diligent SWTOR tax-payers. I expect this is exactly how the F2P model was originally intended function and, while still far from the sleek starfighter of promise, it has still progressed from the drunken Bantha that stumbled alarmingly off the EA-ware production line in 2012. I am sure there are many like me who came with few intentions, but then couldn’t resist the terse pew-pew of blasters, electric vrooooooon! of lightsabers, for too long before they force-leapt in with both feet. In short: I love your game, the sheer breadth of the class story content is quite incredible, it is fun, I love full voice acting, I like pew-pew, I want to stay. The direction of the game over the last few months seems mostly positive, and the commitment to “quality of life” improvements going forward is heartening. Kudos, keep it up, make good on your promises, and May the Force deservedly fatten your wallets with my hard-earned currency for the foreseeable future. I have one question for the community here: Where is the best place on the forum to report bugs/feedback to the developers? I know, I know: there is no point, wasting my breath, blah blah. My boss has a philosophy: “You can ask for something and likely not get it, or you can not ask, and definitely not get.” So, obligatory whinging to a minimum, please. Thanks in advance.
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