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Everything posted by LordKitana

  1. This isnt the case ive outhealed sorcs many times on my op and merc https://www.instagram.com/p/_o4JOTL7WF/ thats my op and for merc https://www.instagram.com/p/_ooSSnr7Wc/
  2. ikr its funny because he assumed i was a fail sorc to begin with when i get top heals a majority of the time and thats with all heal classes . I like how he tried to tell me my skill lvl without grouping up . Its ok tho to me it shows his lack of intelligance enough as is .
  3. Is this the only butthurt thing you can even say ? stay salty hehe its funny when a grammar/spelling nazi has ocd n goes crazy the world inst going to end dont get your panties in a bunch and im not sorry if my posts offened you go be butthurt elsewhere to someone who cares plZ
  4. LOL even if they do get nerfed i have my merc heals / dps im good
  5. yeah i agree its getting bad like why cant we all be posting for more wzs and stuff instead i think by the 50billioth nerf sorc thread that bioware will get it LOL
  6. awww is someone butthurt do you need a butthurt form . This is supposed to be a sarcastic post to make fun of the sorc pitch fork crowd dont get your panties in a bunch have some fun live a lil
  7. srsly tho we ned to be buffed up #sorcsneedbuff2016 #buffsorcs lel im suprised no ones raging here yet ahaha
  8. Like **** no way man like I dont think were buff enough bioware !! I mean make us more buff so we can give people something to qq more about
  9. i beg to duffer its funny watching the pitchfork brigade storm through thinking the devs will listen and fyi all that salt ulu got i could use some on my fries ty
  10. If you cant kill 2 sorcs or 2 of any healer your def in al2play issue ive been able to have no probl at all on my dps classes . so no sorc heals are not op i main all 3 and hardly doe on merc or op too so are those classes going to need a nerf too eventually ? are people going to whine n cry about them.next bcuz once thos heals if it ever gets nerfed its biowares fave class btw so gl with that but yeah i can see it now the pitchwork crowd over every dumb thing bcuz theyvlass smarts or dps
  11. All i can say is everyone needs to fill this out http://imgur.com/HJODwNd
  12. Hes right dont tell him to look at the end just becuz they are a sage sorc doesnt mwan they are always top heals ive outhealed plenty of sorcs before and survived longer thwn plenty of them.before on merc and operative like he said skill>gear . Yes im in a guild but most the time i q solo and i do fine i dont ned oremades to caryy me i can handle myself .
  13. and also can not name one sorc i couldnt shut down dpsing on my merc guarded n all so again http://imgur.com/HJODwNd
  14. ummm since i play all three idk why your qqing about ops n mercs or aka commandos i loke hardley ever die on my merc or op idk i love those classes aswell . And im not white knight defending sorcs at all its jut all healing classes in gen just yeah they may be the ez class to play but so many fail sorcs n sages everywhere . I pvp allday ive played againt good and bad premades and premades with 4 or mlre heals n still won so idk the issue is...but seems like a team cordination one fyi if the team is great at communication amd focusing your going to win doesnt matter if the other team theres 7 healers they allcan get shut down quicky even gosly ones if you hit them at the right times n pull them way from tanka or group
  15. i have before on my jugg back on bastion i has the furious set and also i have i also main an operative ob you have no clue who i am
  16. idk how many darn times i have to say this i main all adv classes olay all 3 heals . I get top heals reguarly on a daily basis on all 3 op merc sorc . It comes down to team coordination really . If you have new ppl of course your not going to dps anything down against a premade . Dont be blaming classes for your l2play issue .Whats next op n merc heals nerf. Mercs are bursty af healers too if wel skilled . Ive seen some really skilled mando healers aswell. But if the team doesnt have the dps then its the matchmaking system . . icant stress enough that team coordinayion cummunication n ficusing helps kill sorcs. ppl dont belive me but norm ppl will try to kill them while guarded by a tank . chase rhem down n get annilated by the rest of the team for having tunnel vision . Theres alot that comes into play here. Try and vorrect me if you insist to but ive been playing for 2 yrs . pvo hasnt changed much it doesnt matter what healing class its pples l2play issues of not knowing the classes weaknesses n waiting until all cds are poped begore engaging in http://imgur.com/HJODwNd
  17. LordKitana


    HERE http://imgur.com/HJODwNd
  18. you guys just need this http://imgur.com/HJODwNd
  19. i sense your butthurt bcuz i proved you wrong <3 heres a butthurt report hunny youll need to fill it out n return it in to me when your donehttp://imgur.com/HJODwNd
  20. if you knew how to read my whole post never once in there was i talking bout just sorcs big whoop obv its common sense for other classes too so dont get snippy with me sir calm your man ******* and btw i i main all ADV Classes so yes i do know what im talking about thank you tho
  21. and also my sorc is full min maxed /augged aswell gear means nothing on any class ive gotten most dps on a merc in ove gear 2.2mil dmg its the players skill . End of disscusion, I also main all 3 healing classes n get top heals with all 3 so idk why people are QQing l2play mostly l2focus not that hard .if you dont believe meh here https://www.instagram.com/p/-0YQdcL7RV/
  22. you need a premade ? idk but to me it seems like if you die every 5 matches seems like your the only fail one here . ahahaha LOOOOL OK first of all i dont need a premade to carry me thats funny and im a fail sage or sorc hunny play some pvp with me i never die and thats bcuz the other team lets me free cast and or theres really good tanks but in also dont need a tank .I can handle myself being any class healing idk bout you but Im not taking it offensively its just funny how you auto assume like a idiot please tell me more that you know so well about me ? because you know so much right ? and tbh half the teams now on harb are terrible and many dps dont have the dps to kill me so like i said above learning to play and learning when the right time to focus a sorc .. doesnt matter how op there isnt always going to be a tank there to save them. Also it depends on the team so if you keep blaming the class i feel sorry for you .
  23. And you cant really be blaming a game type either . L2play ****** teams are bound to happen nobody wins allthe time relax .
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