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Everything posted by LordKitana

  1. Also i guess i know sorcs weaknesses simce i play a sorc healer too so like i know when the oh crap crap moment happens and how to take them down ive been playing since 2012 and i like to pvp with my guild and friends . So i also have every advclass ingame both factions . Ive played a decent amount of time in this game so yes im not lying like i said above group with me sometime btw . I came to harb from bastion so i have pvped quite alot and know most of the really good pvpers here and how they play so yes i think i know what im doing
  2. lying ? heres my deeps if u dint believe me https://www.instagram.com/p/-0YQdcL7RV/ also why dont you group up with me on harb sometime ill show you how to merc
  3. whos trolling ? sorry that im having a better time then you on my merc lulz
  4. Going against well premades while being super focused on a merc without a tank and surviving is indeed amazing and i say were fine . i play both arse /body a d get 1 mil + both specs its pretty easy and dont just assume that gear >skill ots not im still half 204 unaugged on my merc yeah here we go again i beat an op healer today https://www.instagram.com/p/BAD9fCfL7ZB/ when i beat a sorc heals ill post it up too havent reallt seen heal sorcs today in my matches on my team .
  5. i take down super good sorc heals no prob when i respec dps on my merc its called make them.bubble yhen burst them down interupt knock back way from tank then net omce they hit 40% most will be dumb n run thinking they can outheal merc net lel funniest thing . So short summery merc =sorc deaths confirmed . on average i get 1mil+ dmg on my merc in dps spec n in heal spec i get 1 mil+ same with engin sniper so rasy to take down sorcs its not even funny .
  6. come to harb we have a few good pubside premades latley
  7. if they didnt have an extra tank (shank tanks) and or back up healers esp if these are counted from regs then yes they have peeps carrying them for those numbers . i doubt they could get them on their own with out being ina premade im just saying . And tbh its hrd to take it serisoulty when the same person is in multiple categories on multiple toons too lel .
  8. ive been up against cresendo /exile premades full of geared ppl who do ranked on imperial side on their pub guilds. I face premades 24/7 so no im not facing bads im facing l33t players
  9. ive played 4v4s on my merc snd shes perfectly fine hell i outlast sorcs on the other team Skill>premades or gear
  10. i cant even with this thread lmaooooo mercs are fine you just must be pretty bad in pvp with one then seems like your having a bad day i do super fine on mine idk why everyones complaining
  11. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL merc mode activated LEL i cant even take this serious
  12. Ok mind you i play on 15 fps so be weary .......Sadly many of it as of recently is a L2P issue . Now im no sorc defender i do main one for pvp but as of latley im really getting into my merc dps/healing working on two sets im enjoying it so far they are not under powered by no means and neither is operative. ill give some proof sure i cant take pics of the whole score board bcuz my phone can only fit so much on the screen but ill show you . Now by no means am i bragging about any of the heals im just showing its possible to obtain these heals any of the healing classes . Im not asking to be in like a hall of swtor fame or anything im just tryign to prove a point that mercs and ops are also fine . Sorc healer :https://www.instagram.com/p/_g7HnHr7Uv/ Op healer :https://www.instagram.com/p/_o4JOTL7WF/ Merc heals :https://www.instagram.com/p/_9DQDRL7fZ/ mind you im in the process of still augmenting and min maxing my merc heals but they have great burst capabilities . Mercs are no way under powered .... same with operatives... Its really peoples player skills the next time i out heal a sorc again on my merc or op ill try n screenshot it the best i can . It also depends on how the team is . I hate to say it but lately esp on harb i noticed i pvp regs 24/7 that not many good dps are out there most that i see lately is 400k max granted some known ppl and the premades will have 1 mil + thats bcuz player skill . Shoot half the time its a focus issue we players mark heals . Then you get the dps that would rather focus the tank they cant even kill for half the match esp in 4v4s . I think that is the problem its rare that good dps focus heals sometimes they do but as a healer in the battlefield i see it constantly dps is always focusing the really good guard swap tank and letting healers free cast then they complain about too many healers like really ? How about just focus and interrupt once they use all cooldown n separate us from our tanks its not hard premades get it . Also its not the communities fault that your guild doesn't group up with you or that you dont know how to dps or focus certain target or pick a class that your not good at either. So no im not a sorc white knight i play all healing classes and i enjoy them all and i think they do fine ive been playing for about 3 yrs now and its still the same concept it hasn't changed. You have every right to disagree with me im not here to argue im just saying things from a healers point of view . Now if this post offends you then by all means you can fill out a butthurt report for it bcuz my opinion is stated and it is what it is .
  13. i dont even go by this to compare they were in premades and prob had 2 tanks and 2 healers granted bcuz of who they are were talking bout ppl who play that are not that well known as they are .
  14. how about i was on my phone trying to type up i fixed that mr gg tho
  15. Ok mind you i play on 15 fps so be weary .......Sadly many of it as of recently is a L2P issue . Now im no sorc defender i do main one for pvp but as of latley im really getting into my merc dps/healing working on two sets im enjoying it so far they are not under powered by no means and neither is operative. ill give some proof sure i cant take pics of the whole score board bcuz my phone can only fit so much on the screen but ill show you . Now by no means am i bragging about any of the heals im just showing its possible to obtain these heals any of the healing classes . Im not asking to be in like a hall of swtor fame or anything im just tryign to prove a point that mercs and ops are also fine . Sorc healer :https://www.instagram.com/p/_g7HnHr7Uv/ Op healer :https://www.instagram.com/p/_o4JOTL7WF/ Merc heals :https://www.instagram.com/p/_9DQDRL7fZ/ mind you im in the process of still augmenting and min maxing my merc heals but they have great burst capabilities . Mercs are no way under powered .... same with operatives... Its really peoples player skills the next time i out heal a sorc again on my merc or op ill try n screenshot it the best i can . It also depends on how the team is . I hate to say it but lately esp on harb i noticed i pvp regs 24/7 that not many good dps are out there most that i see lately is 400k max granted some known ppl and the premades will have 1 mil + thats bcuz player skill . Shoot half the time its a focus issue we players mark heals . Then you get the dps that would rather focus the tank they cant even kill for half the match esp in 4v4s . I think that is the problem its rare that good dps focus heals sometimes they do but as a healer in the battlefield i see it constantly dps is always focusing the really good guard swap tank and letting healers free cast then they complain about too many healers like really ? How about just focus and interrupt once they use all cooldown n separate us from our tanks its not hard premades get it . Also its not the communities fault that your guild doesn't group up with you or that you dont know how to dps or focus certain target or pick a class that your not good at either. So no im not a sorc white knight i play all healing classes and i enjoy them all and i think they do fine ive been playing for about 3 yrs now and its still the same concept it hasn't changed. You have every right to disagree with me im not here to argue im just saying things from a healers point of view . Now if this post offends you then by all means you can fill out a butthurt report for it bcuz my opinion is stated and it is what it is .
  16. um yes it does effect fps esp since mine is so low icant react to stuff as fast and autotarget no i click my wz frames by hand and use my naga to heal wih all 3 healing classes at 15 fps #getonmylvl #whatsyourexcuse
  17. yeah the flock of sheep tend to use fotm i play all my classes there neefs to be diveristy im tired of half my team being healing sorcs and ops n hardly anything else
  18. I get 15 fps but manage heals like this https://www.instagram.com/p/_q25ker7bb/ https://www.instagram.com/p/_o4JOTL7WF/ Anything is possable sorc,op,merc i heal on them all
  19. i dont know bout most but my pc is **** let that sink in i get those numbers being on 15 fps pc yeah so i wouldnt say is a healer issue other then there are really skilled ppl playing
  20. yes i norm stay top heals with my healers granted sorc is ez peasy to do but so is merc and operative i dunno maybe they are all super ez to me bcuz i love healing and im pretty good at kiting so that could also be why aswell as i notice a lack of healers being focused in pvp alot of dps go after tanks lel this ill never understand ahaha
  21. just bcuz i dont take a pic with my phone the whole scoreboard lmao and yes it does happen often just not in 4mil+ i get close to 4 mil ish av on my healers its easy to do when two good teams battle it out in regs and they do prove that those classes are capable of high numbers and as for my form it isnt me who needs one
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