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Everything posted by LordKitana

  1. more like they are going to just be lazy about it and refer to upping toons slots as their lazy half crap solution and going to tell us they are on sale and that will be it they will most likely ignore all of us complaining in chat and will prob only read the dumb questions about stupid stuff . Like they normally do .
  2. Idk why biofail didnt just already do that i mean we get new achievements all the time for this expansion yet they cant not be lazy to come up with achievements for our existing toons ? This is a petition to change that you can also add what suggestions youd like to see to the tiers. Lets make this happen for a future Dark vs Light Event . We should be able to use our lvl 65s and it shouldn't matter heres what i think the solution should be . Its simple really : Remove the level all 8 classes to 50 req Remove the reach dark /light 5 req make the achievements from legacy if we already did them not count so all we have to do is just go do a said operation or kill a so said wb and well get the event achievement remove the crafting req completely ; they are way to expensive to craft all the way to 550 on brand new toons just make the event give out light or dark rep based on any convos all over the game add the event to just do any type of missions heroics that have convos and make all those choices count same with kotfe chps those dark vs light points should count at the end of the event there will be prizes added to the dark and light vendors on fleet and you just use the rep + light or dark tokens to purchase the prizes : ex like themed decos and outfits and crystals and weapons but have them be legacy bound Remove the cartel packs you get that are bop Remove the wanna be heirloom gear theres no need for that make pvp have double the comms during the duration of this event and make operations and flashpoints give out extra comms as well during the event preferably group finder material content as well as upping the req from gsf cant for get those ppl matter too make a reputation in achievements for this event and make the titles for once you hit hero and champion nd legendary based of light or dark See bioware its really not that hard if you wanna contact me i can explain in detail how to get it to work and be an awesome event . Any thing else ive missed let me know below and put /signed if your with me
  3. Seriously when will people stop giving EA the money they want for crap like this if you stop buying from cm theyll finally listen to us .Keep giving EA money and they'll continue to not give a crap and more events like this will come in the future if the game makes it that far. Increasing the server slot amount seems like a big **** you to veterans who cant use their lvl 65s for this event so you guys are taking the lazy route to up toon slots where in there did upping toon slots going to change anything ?!?!?! You have already pissed off half your player base already even more so with hypercrate cc cost that went up , if you want to just stomp this game into the ground then just pull the plug already !!!! It is so sad what you guys are doing to my favorite game . Maybe if you guys would stop being desperate and money hungry EA and actually gave a damn and communicated with us on a daily basis the game could be so much better . Other games Devs are constantly communicating why is it so difficult ? Stop being lazy and trying to get money out of selling slots just make the event able to use lvl 65 toons and then you wouldnt have to worry about anything . If anything you should recompensate for all the trouble an hype of this event , WE were PROMISED new content but in REALITY we have to go relevel 8 toons still idk why new achievements on existing toons would be so difficult to do ? why are you guys avoiding theres a 195 + pg of people telling you whats wrong with the event and your lazy answer is to add more slots really ? tbh im glad my sub is running out soon this game is going down the drain . I highly doubt the livestream would discuss anything about the event in general your prob just going to mention slots are on sale and thats it and then your prob going to ignore all the backlash from he event , i hope your ready for that backlash bcuz its a real slap in the face to us that have played for 4/12 yrs yet you add another slap on that face but just upping the toon slots .
  4. idk how to re edit on a phone so ill just copy what i said from before and add onto it ..... SMH ok look WE get that we DONT HAVE TO to this event as veterans , but you all are missing the point here. We would like to do this on our existing characters how hard is that to understand ? Please explain to me why any of us would relevel just to get top tier rewards when most of us all have 65s . Why would me make throw away toons that get these titles and stuff thats not legacy ? WHY? Like WE want the titles and rewards on our mains, like why in hell would we level only to get everything on our our throw away 50s ?? Also the packs wil prob be bind on pickup and the stuff inside the crates will be prob bop and bound to that toon as soon as you open it so why bother esp if you are going to just delete the toon after that makes no sense . That is the whole point of events esp in the past. I dont understand how hard it is to just implement a new event surrounded by some new content for existing people. Like all the people saying " idk why ppl are complaining for then dont level if you dont want to " .Because in order to do this achievement re-leveling all 8 classes is a new legacy trolls can tell me and give me examples of it not being ? They are basically telling us to re get legendary status . And from the lowest tier of rewards it would have to be a new toons anyways. Which is a bunch of BS to the people who have spent 4 1/2 yrs defending , supporting and playing the game . I get it may be like time walking but the difference is time walking scales you down and you run through old content it doesn't make you relevel all 8 classes thats not time walking . Also this isn't a speed run contest idk who came up with that logic but it isn't . Mock all of us veterans that you want but until you've put in 4 1/2 yrs work of leveling and grinding out stuff for your legacy only to be told your toons cant join the event and you need to redo it all over AGAIN , then you have the right to talk . We have earned our rights to complain and it is a huge slap in the face .They are going to already drive away what community is left as it is and then maybe they will learn not to make us mad . Part of me thinks this is a business move and they are hoping the game will die out so they wont have to support it anymore , not that they do right now anyways ..... Tbh they should have stuck with making KOTOR3 if they wanted to focus on story driven content . They could have easily shutdown swtor . With how things are going i dont think they are going to get many new players attention . The new players will see how upset the veterans are and they'll prob think twice about subbing to the game . Besides the sub rewards have been crap latley and the new chapters feel slightly rushed . But this nails it in the coffin for me . I love this game to pieces i really did but support we are getting on this is none . Ive played for 4 1/2 yrs now but it is nice to know our veterans dont matter for this event and its nice to know , we wont be able to partake in this event . Whoever thought of this event or whoever was in charge of thinking these requirements were ok should be fired . They might not notice it now but they will soon . But like i said above im fine with having to gsf , im fine with redoing hm fps , im fine with soloing all the solo fps , im fine killing wb , and im fine doing the other stuff. Its the having to recreate 8 new toons that everyone doesn't like , maybe us veterans want to try for legendary tier but its ridiculous that we have to max lvl crafting on those toons plus lvl them all to 50 . Can you see why were all a lil upset ? I mean wouldn't you be if you've finally got everything up to par only to have to redo it all over AGAIN for prob a one time event ?
  5. SMH ok look WE get that we DONT HAVE TO to this event as veterans , but you all are missing the point here. We would like to do this on our existing characters how hard is that to understand ? Please explain to me why any of us would relevel just to get top tier rewards when most of us all have 65s . Why would me make throw away toons that get these titles and stuff thats not legacy ? WHY? Like WE want the titles and rewards on our mains, like why in hell would we level only to get everything on our our throw away 50s ?? Also the packs wil prob be bind on pickup and the stuff inside the crates will be prob bop and bound to that toon as soon as you open it so why bother esp if you are going to just delete the toon after that makes no sense . That is the whole point of events esp in the past. I dont understand how hard it is to just implement a new event surrounded by some new content for existing people. Like all the people saying " idk why ppl are complaining for then dont level if you dont want to " .Because in order to do this achievement re-leveling all 8 classes is a new legacy trolls can tell me and give me examples of it not being ? They are basically telling us to re get legendary status . And from the lowest tier of rewards it would have to be a new toons anyways. Which is a bunch of BS to the people who have spent 4 1/2 yrs defending , supporting and playing the game . I get it may be like time walking but the difference is time walking scales you down and you run through old content it doesn't make you relevel all 8 classes thats not time walking . Also this isn't a speed run contest idk who came up with that logic but it isn't . Mock all of us veterans that you want but until you've put in 4 1/2 yrs work of leveling and grinding out stuff for your legacy only to be told your toons cant join the event and you need to redo it all over AGAIN , then you have the right to talk . We have earned our rights to complain and it is a huge slap in the face .They are going to already drive away what community is left as it is and then maybe they will learn not to make us mad . Part of me thinks this is a business move and they are hoping the game will die out so they wont have to support it anymore , not that they do right now anyways .....
  6. So a few questions here ... 1)whats the point with the XP gear? Is it like legacy heirloom gear that we can put on any toon and it levels them faster ? 2) What about the each 8 classes to lvl 50 achievement ? Do i have to relevel all 8 classes to qualify or does it auto count it from my achievements if i already have legendary status ? 3) Also will the XP gear be class specific? like for example only warriors or inquisitors ? What level can toon wear them ? level 1? level 10? 4) If we have already done some of these achievements they are asking does it auto unlock for us , or do we have to go redo those achievements in order to qualify ?
  7. Im perfectly fine on my sorc i dont even notice the changes . I still play like normal healing . Its the FOTM sorcs that QQ because sorc is hard i guess.
  8. /bump feel free to add any more types of hairstyle ideas here too def need some more options for the other races .
  9. I hate that inv max is 80/80 why not add tabs to the inventory just like cargo holds and legacy banks have ? It will be nice to have for the people who have filled cargo bays due to hypercrates and in the process of selling stuff or moving them around .
  10. Like woot you get a title but how about a pvp exclusive armor set or crystal or something . The grind to 100 deserves something more then a title .
  11. Lol ...its not even a nerf at all for all the skilled sorcs it wont matter . For all the noob fotm sorcs then yea they are going to qq about it bcuz they dont know how to effectively use consuption on a sorc its not hard really and this nerf isnt even that big of a deal either def wont effect my play .
  12. yupp i thought it was just me rebooted pc and everything so its obv not my crap top them oh well hope they fix this soon .
  13. I would love to see then on all legacy wepons including the season 3 legacy weaponset !!(and all future ranked weaponsets) And or all legacy weapons in general . I have 65s of mirror classes on both factions so it would be nice if i could still use my legacy weapons . Id hate to switch bcuz when i want to play my sorc or my sage i can put my legacy gear to them its how many higher ups play . Also the season 3 wepaon set is my favorite set i use them pvp/pve as well as the nightlife and gree event legacy stuff . It would be really nice if us players could have tunnings on to our favorite weapons .
  14. Swtor fashion is my thing and we def need better dye colors. SO I was thinking since theres light / blue and purple rtc why dont we have a light pink med pink dye yet? Id also like a white cyan dye or a nice turquoise primary dye . Idk but a lot of yhe dye combinations just dont go together very well . I think we should get some new ones . If you guys have any dye color ideas please post below what your dream dyes would be .
  15. Yes i agree to make these available for all swtor races i think all swtor races deserve these hairstyles . Its been awhile we need some good ones .
  16. Im curious as to what other merc healers are running . I am just very curious to compare if im using the right percentage so far i would like to compare so if you could . For example like what crit ,power ,alac are you guys at ? Also what augs are more benifical to merc heals ? If you could be so kind to list them below it would be appricated seeing how im not having luck finding many pvp guides to compare with .
  17. i think they are pretty good hairstyles to add to the market its been awhile could use some better female hair dos
  18. this is why i stopped qing up i figured for wanting to try now i cant , i mean i know im not the best but what hes doing is unfair to ranked players its as bad as the trolls who sit there n throw matches all day . Please bioware fix this i would like a fair chance at trying ranked . Ive done the 10 games wanted to do more but im putting on hold until this is delt with ..... :(
  19. LOL someone is super anti sorc never going to happen they will need to make it where once you phasewalk youll just stop channeling its an easy fix (maybe not for bioware). But with them being so busy(making next chapter) i doubt they will fix it fast enough we will just have to wait and see.
  20. what aboit for artifice what happened to the black cyan amd white crystals?
  21. beacuse that person came into a created chat channel going nuts who else ?
  22. please bioware ! for the love of god olease no odessian stronghold or zukuul . id gladly buy both a oricon theme and a manaan themed stronghold so worth it
  23. Lowbies is now considered 40-64 try again super lowbies is 10-39 maybe if he typed more detail people could help him more dont try to be a smart *** doesnt look good for you
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