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Everything posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Thanks all. This will let me support my raid group (which my wife is also in) without sending any more money to BioWare, at least until my wife's sub runs out.
  2. So i am going Preferred soon, but still would like to raid with my group. I'm pretty well decked out as a sub: all 4 Strongholds, Cargo Hold and Legacy storage fully unlucked (with CC). I have 19 toons (16 at L60), 2 full panels of BtL raid gear in my Legacy store, lots of mats, lots of Jawa scraps, somewhere around 15 million credits, 1000 CCs left. The legacies of spending too much real money on this game. Any advice on what unlocks (besides Ops passes) I should buy with those credits before I get credit-capped? Or should I just transfer all those credits to my wife, who recently renewed for 6 months and won't be going Preferred for another four months? She can buy stuff and trade it to me, right?
  3. The law is not as simple-minded and naive as you think it is. But feel to go sell people raffle tickets by telling people they have a chance to win a really cool prize, say a house, when all they really have a chance to win is your worn-out socks. Let us know how that works out for you. Chances are, you'll get free room and board courtesy of the state.
  4. Unlikely. You're claiming they wanted the "super rare" mount, for example, to be a 1-in-1000 chance. That's too easy. And if the other things they nerfed, e.g. the Java Junk, was 100 times as likely, the yield would have been higher than when it was originally released. No, they meant to turn it into a useless hunk of junk. Or they are really really stupid.
  5. Plus you missed your chance to do the quick-and-super-profitable Ravagers Exploit, so you aren't going to get as much out of it as a lot of players did.
  6. There are no reports of any BW comments on SlotGate or RavagerGate at today's Cantina on the twitter feeds I found reporting on the event. Nothing at all. Nor any talk about when any bugs will be fixed. They did read a Producer's Letter tho. More promises. 2 new FPs in February! Woohoo! I've started a thread on Cantina news going that has links to the twitter feeds.
  7. No, they probably cannot do that. Six months ago, much less three years, no one would have imagined that there would be a need to code that functionality into the game. And it isn't that easy to track such items anyway, so you would not code that in on a whim. So they probably cannot do what you ask, even if they wanted to, without punishing lots of innocent players or doing it manually for each toon of each player that did the exploit. And they do not have enough staff for the latter. We have learned that BioWare's current team cannot modify the game's code without a high risk of introducing serious bugs. So don't ask them to add a remove-lots-of-stuff-from-players to the code, it is not likely to end well if they do.
  8. Actually, no. What matters is whether BioWare used bait-and-switch tactics to get real money from people. It doesn't really matter what they baited with or what they switched it to. That they swindled people out of money is enough.
  9. I predict that any change in costuming won't work in cut scenes and convos, BTW.
  10. Integrity is only important if you are willing to make sacrifices to keep it. In-game sacrifices don't count, they are not a real enough harm. So if integrity is making the game less fun for you, then why play that way? It's a game. No one suffered any real-world harm from the Ravagers exploit (except the people BW banned), and even the in-game harms are attenuated and arguably outweighed by the benefits to the non-exploiters. So your integrity when dealing with the game mechanics is not needed. Save it for your dealings with other people, where it matters. And If it's any consolation, the federal government also encourages exploiting. But only by the "in" crowd.
  11. You can 4-man the first boss of 8 man SM Temple of Sacrifice. A raid team I was on did it last night: split into two teams, with 1 tank and 1 heal in each. Easy peasy, no exploit required. We used to just 8-man the 16 man, but the rewards are better, for us anyway, if you 4-man the 8-man.
  12. The preponderance of the evidence available to us indicates that the above-quoted statement is not true.
  13. regarding lack of communication: Wow, calling lack of communication a feature. Is there no limit to how low you can go in your BW apologia? I apologize for my mistake if your aren't really being an apologist for BW, but are instead just trolling.
  14. Basic bugs carry no threat of potential legal liability or public relations nightmare. We are all inured to them. The perception that the devs have swindled the players out of real money, on the other hand ...
  15. And you had to bump another thread about slots, because we need to know you think there are too many of them? You rail against the existence of this thread, but your post helps keep it on the front page. Hilarious. Lame and contradictory, but hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.
  16. Try doing some exploits if you haven't already. It makes the game more fun. Trying to work around the bugs in Underlurcker, for example, will be much less frustrating when a majority of the raid team is in 198 gear.
  17. Like Han Solo, hero of Star Wars, we need to "Exploit first (before BioWare exploits you)." The developers have flushed down the toilet any assumptions that integrity is important to them. They have demonstrated that they are willing to use their bugs to exploit you for real money, so you might as well use their bugs to exploit the game for valueless pixels. That's not much recompense, but it's better than nothing. "Exploiting SWTOR: The Way It's Meant To Be Played."
  18. Spoken like someone who is either ignorant of or not concerned with the facts of the case. I like a hot shower. I would not like a boiling hot shower. Coffee that is merely "hot" does not cause third degree burns that require skin grafts.
  19. This is BioWare's SWTOR team. History shows that asking them to re-code the crafting algorithms is essentially identical to asking them to break crafting for months if not permanently.
  20. That's a correct assessment. Most people don't learn how make their own mainhand barrels or hilts by RE'ing a comm vendor offhand or a drop, they trade mats for it. So tradeable mats are superior to bound ones.
  21. When I saw this thread title, I for some reason thought: "Huh? A mount that looks like the Contraband Slot Machine?" I think I'd get one if they were available.
  22. Pretty good evidence exists that they banned some people who advertised on fleet chat that they were selling the lockout. Possibly permanently, because the guild they were in started advertising for new players shortly thereafter.
  23. My hypothesis is that the silence is because their lawyers told them to stop creating potential legal problems for BioWare until the lawyers and the advertising flacks at EA figure out how to best get BioWare out of this mess. Colorable claims that BioWare defrauded players of real money may be a new class of problem the likes of which the SWTOR management (if there is any) have never experienced.
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