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Everything posted by Mister_Ewing

  1. cross-faction & cross-server are the only things that could possibly make ranked pvp meaningful (besides improving class balance) grinding elo with&against the same handful of people on the dominant faction of a server isn't very competitive sure, flashy rewards are nice, but fluff isn't any kind of fix, whether it's character or legacy bound
  2. i do it all the time, good practice for arenas :'D a guard in 1:3 matches is very optimistic & 9/10 times it's useless cause tank completely ignores his role & goes for the dips ^^ mmm peels, only if i force them by kiting enemy near a ranged friendly so he would panic & activate a knockback ~_^ i don't usually see maras/sents, unless i q 1; juggz trying to ravage me, all the time, but it's so predictable, they're not much of a threat. pt are annoying, much burst, much range, much mobility & they're number is ever increasing. op, mmmm, they usually preffer to ninja nodes. sins do stick & both dps specs burn fast through my hp; deception is so frustrating for a healer, every time i create a gap & they can't close it with speed, a lol slash hits me saying "where u goin', buddy? wait for me, i luv u long time" -_-
  3. I really wouldn't describe op as raging. It comes more like a long time customer expressing his disappointment at the poor & mishandled attempts of the staff to have a "dialogue" with the game's playerbase. Nobody is condoning what some lunatics have gone out of their way to do. If the moderators will consider that this thread has gone too far as toxicity goes, they'll edit&lock it, no need for you to call out for a delete, which would make things worse. &p.s. you're 1 of the most active users of the thread &thus play your part in not letting it die
  4. It's just that balancing patches are sooooo slooooooow & soooooo ineffective, by the time they'll manage to achieve any semblance of class balance the next expansion is just around the corner &&&&&&& we're back where we started. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bOy3RNyWME http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_return I actually enjoy the specc/discipline changes that expansions bring, what's there to do after you know how everything plays out. The new fotm & people flocking to them, filling pvp with those select disciplines within a few classes that drive out all else becomes very off-putting if left unchecked for a long time. p.s. i do enjoy your thread, keep on playing ranked, you'll see it can really improve your play, just enrich your ignore list with those adorably offensive http://www.troll.me/images/ancient-aliens-guy/douchebags.jpg ^^
  5. does it bug at times? yep (but so do force speed & sonic HTL, dramatic movement speed modifiers frack up the client it seems) should it be removed? that's just cray'cray, would make oper/scoundrels free kills, no doubt about it, since it's their most important dcd, gap closer & creator a more reliable roll would be nice though
  6. you are hereby awarded 1 hearty chuckle, my good sir!
  7. Mister_Ewing

    Please explain

    Happens occasionally. A troll queus just to let his pop expire because he doesn't care for ranked & enjoys screwing with people (i think u can even see them on LBs, no wins, no medals & rating <1200). The group finder can't find a 4th in the remaining time frame & the result is generally an automatic loss. Obviously it's not fair at all, but could be exploited otherwise. Hold on there, **** happens, play enough games & these things won't affect your rating that dramatically. Solo q involves quite a bit of luck, sometimes you achieve your desired rating after 10 matches, other times it's a long trek to it after the 1st few couple of games make your rating plummet. That's why some players preffer to try their chances at the 10 match roulette with another toon.
  8. you only see number of wins&the LBs display even the people with fewer than 10 matches played &whose ratings don't matter when it comes to giving away the rewards; i'm guessing that's the cause of your bewilderment better luck this 5th season!
  9. My thoughts on how to improve ranked: - cross-faction -> alleviate server faction imbalance, hopefully faster pops &less q-syncing - removal of ranked comms from regs (including the 3:1 exchange from pvp vendor) -> population increase - they won't remove bolster but they could improve it so pve hero gear doesn't result in 1k expertise - changing the elo system - rewards per AC (&maybe server as well; oh, &definetely limit to only 1AC per account(&per server if no xserver)) -> would dramatically increase diversity
  10. My thoughts on how to improve ranked: - cross-faction -> alleviate server faction imbalance, hopefully faster pops &less q-syncing - removal of ranked comms from regs (including the 3:1 exchange from pvp vendor) -> population increase - they won't remove bolster but they could improve it so pve hero gear doesn't result in 1k expertise - changing the elo system - rewards per AC (&maybe server as well; oh, &definetely limit to only 1AC per account(&per server if no xserver)) -> would dramatically increase diversity
  11. /signed I can barely bring myself to collect the +10 datacrons anymore & only if I'm planning on doing some ranked with that toon. It was fun the 1st time I collected them, but afterwards it's just a boring, time-consuming, occasionaly very frustrating chore. Would be nice if once you got them all, every character across your legacy would get the minor stat boost from them (they all get to display the legacy title, why not the xtra stats plz).
  12. "If it will shut you up." Skadge, BH companion, when you send him off on a crew skill mission (sometimes) " My husband, the pushover! " Valk Beroya " I've seen jawas fight better, riduur! " Jos Beroya, Blood Hunt " You are strong ... but you could be stronger! " " The force is a weapon, I will show you how to wield it! " Sith Warrior Trainer "One of you has vowed to join the New Empire, but which one? I'm certainly not telling" Malgus, False Emperor ( i wish i would have actually been given a choice ) " His servants have waited for a thousand years... they will slay you, and return to the stars " Professor Ley’arsha, Athiss " Such minds. Such fertile grounds for terror. " " Sanity is a prison. Let madness release you. " Dread Master Raptus (Dread Palace) " Hahaha.... " Dread Master Brontes (Dread Fortress) (i like her laughter ) " Been waiting for you. " " Seemed like forever. " " But we get paid by the hour. " " So no big deal. " bounty hunters Jarg&Sorno (Karraga's Palace) " You are immortal! " wz announcement for an 18 medal streak (omg, i'm kephess) &many more favourites xD
  13. It's really just a minor improvement over unranked gear, maybe you're just hitting premades. also sir lance is right about 50s roflstompin lower lvls in mid tier, just inspect their gear & see how their weapon dmg is 1/2 of a 50ish lvl player along with the difference in hp; also the various disciplines crit chance & surge bonuses to main rotational abilities is high up the tree etc mids are broken, this is well known
  14. this sounds nice & simple ( they'd probably say it isn't :'D ) posting to keep the thread alive so maybe there's tiny chance a dev might read it & implement it for testing
  15. That reset out of combat would be very useful in 8v8 & pve, not having to wait on leap cd to close a gap at the start of a new fight or regenerating to build fury/centering for initial burst &resources. On my juggernaut&guardian i always have the reset utility& the 1 that reduces leap cd when attacked. It's really frustrating not having it when i switch to marauder/sentinel.
  16. what do u see as op about my proposed changes?
  17. - could you guys please give marauder/sentinel an utility that resets dual saber throw / frenzy / force leap upon exiting combat (similar to the juggernaut/guardian utility) - do make defensive forms (build fury when attacked, improves lighsaber forms) baseline - please take predation off fury system & give it a cd; also immunity to movement impairment during it is much needed with so many classes having roots&slows in their rotational abilities; marauder/sentinel needs some uptime on their target (just make it similar to hydraulics or hold the line as it has already been suggested) cheers
  18. The changes seem terribad, an already not very strong class in pvp is going to get retired as it won't have the tools to control& stay in range of target and will lack the burst to do anything of significance in the narrow timeframe of being in mellee range. I read that jugg/guard will have an utility that'll allow them to boost ally speed when activating chilling scream(another utility makes this ability free to activate); if so, why even keep predation when it comes at a serious dps cost. Making predation purge movement impair on activation(utility) is again useless, won't help marauders even a bit unless u change it so that they'll be immune for the whole duration of predation like jugg will have during endure pain (utility). Who do you think will even bother to put a point into the 'heroic' abiity of rooting enemy on 2nd leg slash cast? Who will waste the time to cast it? could go on, but whatever... much has already been said, it looks as if you never play this class my 0.02$
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