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Everything posted by AlaricSevGirl

  1. Let's see, Elder Scrolls Online does pretty damned well for itself. Most of the players do not subscribe.
  2. Any idea when it will come back. My main is just sitting around on Coruscant with Theron with nothing to do.
  3. Links please because I think you have that completely backwards. The problem with Bioware is EA. The truth is: "BioWare's Mass Effect Andromeda is scheduled to come out by the end of EA's current fiscal year, meaning it will be out by the end of March 2017. However, during an earnings call today, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said EA would delay the game if it [EA] felt it needed more time to make it better. Anthem " "At that point, Anthem’s action was a lot more like Mass Effect: Andromeda’s (which was the strongest part of that game). But that did not impress Soderlund. To win him over, BioWare came up with a flying mechanic. Soderlund loved that." The monetization, the pumping out games before they're ready has nothing to do with the devs. It has everything to do with EA and the bottom line.
  4. Exactly this. When they went from classic SWTOR to what they have now, I lost interest. I come back every now and then to play my characters because I miss them, but I really loved the old system where you could choose the skills you wanted. The game is way too easy now and too "single player". I don't know whose idea it was to make KOTFE and KOTET solo only but it was pretty stupid. The stories were good but they should have been either party or solo. I have guild members that won't return to SWTOR because of the solo content.
  5. I agree with you completely. The problem is that EA won't invest in this game, at all. The second problem I see is that console players have to buy into console online passes and people want free. EA is all about esports. RPGs have very little room in their world.
  6. Honestly, they should remove companions completely and have them as story characters. Droids are more interesting after the little story bits. They are never going back to what was before and the 3 minutes of interaction between our characters and the companions will never return to what it was level 0 through 50. Trust me, I wish it did, but their writers are uninspired and think about it, how many jedi, sith, bounty hunters, etc have partners. Plus, the content is so easy now that it doesn't make sense to even run around with a companion who never says anything at all to you. Either they go back to the old formula with more interaction between the PC and the companion or they do away with the stumps they made and give us droids. Honestly, though, I'd love to see more interactions written at least between love interests and the PC as we go through new content. A twenty minute story interaction every content release wouldn't hurt their budget, oh wait, they don't have a budget thanks to EA. Twenty minutes of story is all we get now period. Guess my suggestion will never happen.
  7. I log in occasionally but there are so many better games out to play. I probably log in once a month.
  8. Absolutely, like the one who says well I'm here because I still have sub but the only way he still has sub is because he resubbed. Complaints, complaints, complaints. You don't like it, take your money elsewhere....but they don't. They resub and complain all the while they are still playing the game.
  9. Total BS. Raiders always think they are the make or break people but what happened to Wildstar hardcore raids. That game failed because you can't cater to a minimum population. Raiders are a minimum population.
  10. But with no one in it, who cares how it's decorated. It's a lonely, lonely ship. We can't even bring in our new companions. Theron and Lana should be on our ship. In the new content, they go everywhere with us. Just doesn't seem right.
  11. I agree 100% with the OP. Enough is enough. Do we need 50 droids that look exactly alike except for the colors? No we don't. BW needs to get inventive and give us pets that are unique or don't bother at all.
  12. Hell no, don't even talk about voice acting. Steve Blum is one of the best voice actors I have ever heard, so much so that he can set whatever price he wants and they will pay it and he is all over ESO. There are other amazing voice actors in ESO too (some who have voiced in SWTOR such as Steve Blum and Jen Hale). I have played TOR and ESO from their beginnings. I think the content from 0 to 50 in TOR is great, from 50 to 60, pretty good and from 60 until Nathema, just passible. On the other hand, ESO has a great story for every faction and continually produces new content with excellent story and voice acting. They are very different games. After I got my main through all the content in SWTOR, I'm not even sure I want to take anyone else through KOTFE and KOTET. I'm hoping that BW gets their act together and produces something of great quality for the new Empire vs Republic story line or I'm afraid the game will not survive. The classes are just not interesting any more since they made everything easy mode and the companions do all the real work. They took away gearing companions, etc. As a veteran player, those are the things I really miss. The servers keep getting merged because players drop out like flies. There isn't enough in the game to keep people interested or coming back. They cheapened out on most of the romance options that returned post 60 except for a few and some are still missing because they figured that everyone would be happy with Theron and Lana. They underestimated their players. Poor Koth didn't even get a scene in Nathema. I'm hoping that they really put some thought into the new story line. I love SWTOR. My son calls it my addiction (he's a 22 yr old smart ***), but I can't agree that the new content is anything to write home about and when you have 20 characters, it becomes more of a chore than anything else.
  13. I love Doc. My Chiss Jedi guardian is waiting patiently until he arrives. I haven't even done the new content with her yet because it just doesn't seem right. And Doc's romance turns into a very charming romance/marriage/wants to have kids.
  14. Yeah that was pretty bad but I ignored it. I did like the new movies but...I'd love for them to get away from this entire evil emperor crap. I'd love to see an emperor who is pure sith, scheming, backstabbing, lying. What happened to real sith emperors who don't look like comic book villains. At least BW got that right and Valky was at least good looking.
  15. Come on, they are only recolored duplicates of what we already have. If they did something different, people probably wouldn't mind so much.
  16. Nah, Theron is not the type to have a wedding ceremony. He's the type to elope. My favorite part of KOTOR 2 was running off with Atton at the end. My shadow would never do a ceremony. It would be quiet under the stars, just her and Theron pledging to each other. Save the manpower for much more important things like actually giving us a fully fleshed out sensible story.
  17. First of all, what a way to start a post. You're either a very immature adult or 12. Second, by group content, if you read what I said, you'll see that I meant stuff like Makeb where everyone can do it together and everyone has a choice in the story. Solo content is not going to save the game and anyone who thinks it is, it not very smart.
  18. My friends and I had a great time last night and played the game for 4 hrs. They hadn't been in the game for a long time and had to update the game before we could even play, so we ended up getting offline at 1AM. That doesn't mean there aren't issues with the game. The content from 55+ should all be group content. There should be nothing that you have to solo in the game. KOTFE and KOTET should be changed to reflect this and frankly, they made the wrong decision for making it solo only. Being able to solo it, yes. Not being able to group up unless you're just in one person's story, no. I hope they're smart enough to not do that in the next content. I'm not saying that it can't be one story. I'm saying it should be like all the flashpoints, everyone gets a choice of dialogue, all PCs are in cut scenes. It's easy to do. They do it in flashpoints. When SWTOR started going solo only, they lost what an MMO is. Now, I'm not saying the game is going to shut down tomorrow, but the lack of content does signify that they are not really focusing on the long term future.
  19. What that he was undercover? Don't think so. Felt totally real to my JC.
  20. I completely disagree. Theron is a spy. My agent would never tell anyone what she was up to unless it was a direct order from command. Anyone could get word of it and people have loose tongues. In my agent story, she pretty much does what she wants and explains it later. Not to mention, your title is just nuts. There is nothing Bioware has to explain. That's like demanding an author change their novel to suit your tastes. Pfft, none would do it. It's their story, they can do with it what they want and if you don't like it, there are a lot of games out there that you can try.
  21. Hmm, I don't remember the character who came back to my JC. I thought she was the one I didn't kill in the latest content, KOTFE/KOTET/ etc. I don't at all remember her being from my 1 - 50 storyline.
  22. Wait, someone from the past was brought back? I played through it on my jedi consular and I didn't notice anyone but the sith that I didn't kill because Kao is 100% light side. Did I miss something completely?
  23. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it. I on the other hand, thought Nathema was the better writing of all the content from KOTFE to end.
  24. I have no problem as a healing commando with Jorgan as dps. Why would anyone make Jorgan a tank? That makes no sense to me.
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