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Posts posted by Dejoule

  1. PVP ON the balloon would be sweet but an easy win if you just push 'em off. ;)


    I remember when I was leveling my consular I was with an SW in the balloow. I'm on a PVE server (Canderous Ordo) I managed to taunt him into flagging and then knocked him off the balloon about 5 minutes away from the sand crawler. Good times.


    I have two other 50s now, and I've just strongarmed a friend with a knockback to come knock me onto the sandcrawler.

  2. I'm ready, mainly because it adds very little of interest to me. Will do the new corellia quests once and won't bother with them again. Hopefully one day Devs will find a better way to gain endgame pve stuff that doesn't involve repeating the same damn quests every frigging day.


    I'm not a big fan of the daily quest model either. However I have no suggestions as to what should take their place. Some people say dynamic events are the way to go. However after playing Rift for awhile... the dynamic events weren't that dynamic. It was the same thing over and over.


    Anyway, I have no idea what to suggest in their place, so I don't complain about them too much. I don't do my dailies everyday. I only do them probably once or twice a week. I actually haven't done any dailies for the past 3 weeks aside from the PVP ones. I PVP quite a bit - first MMO I've like PVP in.

  3. havent been able to find screenshots/the right one on torhead so far :(


    anyone know what this set is or where to get similar ingame?


    I don't recall the robe because I never really paid much attention to the trainer. But based on your description, I'd say look at "Robe of the Insight" maybe? It drops in Athiss.

  4. I watched the video, Bioware, where is the 3rd middle bar?


    Not the side bars, I thought we where suppose to get the option to make the center UI have 3 bars.


    The side bars don't assist me like a 3rd middle bar would.




    You can take the sidebar and make it horizontal, ergo making it a 3rd middle bar.

  5. Wont mater in 1.2 why because you will have mail, GTN and a repair vendor all on your ship then the mount grievers can QQ cuz they can grief any more


    I'll still be using the gtn on the fleet until the majority of the populus has the gtn on their ship. The one you can unlock for your ship is a black market gtn (last I checked) which is linked to nar shaddaa

  6. Bioware releases small speeders.


    People cry that they aren't star wars, "we want real speeders"


    Bioware: They are too big, and will cause issues in smaller spaces




    Bioware: Fine, here you go.


    People: These large speeders are getting in the way on the fleet, this is ridiculous, you suck Bioware, fix it!



    Oh Good Grief /facedesk

  7. While I agree with the sentiment,(and I do because it would make finding the entertainment on the forums easy too.. just go to the complaint forum for a laugh) it is not as simple as just making a new subforum. Because the subforum will be created, but nobody will post in it because they'll immediately figure that their voice won't be heard there. Also people who have legitimate issues and feedback will be told to go to the whiner forum because they lack tact or finesse in their post style, or simply because somebody disagrees with them.


    It is unfortunate that there is no real simple solution to the problem of crybabies.

  8. I still wish I could move the buffs (specifically procs) independent of the player unit frame so I can see when I have procs to use other abilities. I know somebody in this thread said yay for being able to move buffs/debuffs. But I watched the video and didn't see a box for buffs, and On the PTS I didn't notice it either. If I'm just blind please inform me as to what I missed.


    I typically have a proc bar right on top of my character so I don't have to watch my buff box or unit frame.


    I say this is important coming from a sorc prospective, I don't know how important it would be for other classes, but I'm sure all builds have at least one proc they need to watch for

  9. 1: My most un-fun thing currently is not being credited for daily/weekly quests. I should not have to win 12 warzones before I'm credited for winning 3. Also, we downed Gharj this week... I was there, I got a belt. I was not credited. That is immensely frustrating.


    2: The GTN needs some TLC, it's in pretty sorry shape


    3: I should be able to right click and invite people to group direct from the guild list. I can from the friend list, but not that guild, although I can passively call somebody an A-hole in their comment that cannot be seen unless they look, that almost makes up for it. Guild Notes should be visible right on the guild page so people don't have to right click a name and manually check the note. That way people can know at a glance who's an alt of who, etc.

  10. Is it working as intended that you can only have one? I thought this was a bug, but now I'm not sure. I have tried putting my current cube in my vault, but I cannot since the cube is classified as a mission item.


    If it's working as intended, that's fine, but if it is a bug, I'd like to know.

  11. I checked the google app market and it's not there. It looks like the authenticator app is currently for iphones only. I hope they incorporate Droid OS phones soon. They should probably also code for Windows phones as they seem to be fairly viable now as well.
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