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Posts posted by Dejoule

  1. Because they want to award the people that actually play the game and try to make the community great. After 4 months if you don't have a 50, you're not even casual, you are a sporadic player (My GF's wording, not mine - she's not 50 yet and is not getting a free month either)


    This game has the easiest leveling progression out of all the other MMO's I've played, I have 3 50s and a 46 along with various other alts. Even a casual player that plays more than sporadically will have a 50 by now.

  2. For Sith Sorcerer you get Force Storm legacy ability

    For Jedi Sage you get the Force Quake legacy ability

    For having a lvl 50 Jedi sage OR a lvl 50 sith Sorcerer you get the class buff for whichever faction your on


    i have a 50 sith sorcerer when i play republic i have the jedi sage buff.

    The part I have highlighted in red is incorrect. Having a 50 sage, the legacy ability I have is Project, as such, I get to throw septic tanks at people while playing my bounty hunter.

  3. I don't understand your complaint about running through ops to get to the boss after a wipe. This is the first MMO I've played where they at least give you a speeder to get you where you going faster.


    If you really want to talk about a runback, you should have tried Twin Emps in The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.


    I don't care for the random boxes either. However they aren't game breaking, it's a world event and a little randomness to it can be a good thing.


    The Flight point thing... yeah, I don't understand why some of them don't connect either, but the run between them isn't that bad in all honesty.

  4. The only crafting nerf I found that annoys me is the reduction of the rakata stims yet again. I understand they said they were phasing them out by making the next tier have better stats without having a reusable option, however they didn't mention that they were nerfing the current ones we already have for a second time... or is this the third time.
  5. nope that was an assassin.


    Did you mean marauder here? I ask because an assassin is an inquisitor.


    And on the fact that only medium armor classes can have hoods and helms, that is quite annoying. I was hoping to see if I could wear my Kallig's Countenance with a hooded robe on my sorc as soon as I got the time, but now I know not to bother.

  6. I don't know if it has been said yet.


    In full Rakata gear it used to cost me around 78K to repair when I cracked (Yellow Icon, not Red)


    Yesterday we were doing the new op (fun) and my gear cracked. I went to repair and it was 28K.


    That makes a big difference, thank you for recalculating the repair fees.

  7. The cunning datacron is the one all the way to the north right? That one doesn't require a group or running on any pipes. You have to run around the wall on the republic questing area and then run through the hole in the fence


    The endurance one - I always got the impression that one wasn't working as intended and was instead supposed to require two-3 ppl.


    As for the cunning one, when I get home from work, I can post the solo path to get that one without using the pipe... Actually, I've NEVER used the pipe.

  8. Well then chances are you don't qualify for the legacy Tauntaun pet.


    You unlock your legacy by completing Act I on any character. Most people get to this point around level 30. If you haven't even reach this point then you haven't met the qualification requirements.


    That is incorrect. The page states that the only requirement for the tauntaun ram is to have an active account. Nothing more.

  9. In order to make sure that you receive your in-game Legacy Tauntaun Ram, your account must meet the following criteria by April 12, 2012 ,12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 21, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT:


    You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

    You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code.

    Your account must not be banned.


    Not an active subscriber? Purchase the game and activate your account on or before April 21st at 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT and you will receive the Legacy Tauntuan Ram pet*!


    This was pulled from http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120412-1.


    So after the 21st they will probably just show up in your in game mailbox.

  10. I would agree with the 24 hour clock except for the fact that Bioware is based in North America, where the 12 hour clock is practiced, as such they are posting time in the format they use.




    I also seem to recall the Royal Navy keeping time by bells. Perhaps we should start posting maintenance times in that method as well?


    Maintenance will start 3 and 1/2 bells into the forenoon watch. Try translating that one.{/troll}

  11. actually. 3 of 8 where medium (Op, Sniper, Marauder)

    and 3 of 8 wear heavy (Jugg, Merc, Powertech)


    Also, I agree with your post, and I remember reading something where they are already working on it.

  12. I'm most interested about the CS Ticketing Improvements. Apparently those are more substantial than people would think.


    I called yesterday around 5pm EST to remove my physical security key so I could attach one on my mobile. The CSR told me that at the time he was unable to help me with that due to their system being down due to updates taking place in preparation for today's patch.

  13. until we get the choice of playing the wz we would like to play you cant add penalties for leaving quiting a wz ,


    if you crash / dc you can not re-enter that wz so will you lock someone out of wz for the next 15 mins because they crashed/dc'd ?


    so it is not as easy as some people think to solve ,


    Actually is still is that easy. The game can tell the difference between a disconnect and other activity. This is apparent by the fact that when somebody logs off they leave a normal party, but when they disconnect they get grayed out, the message in the chatlog even differentiates.


    The penalty can be made to not happen to DC'ers

  14. I don't know if this has been said yet, but I remember reading a statement where the feedback about gear had been heard, but there are already a couple tiers of gear on the pipeline, and after those are out we'll start seeing the new gear as affected by the feedback.


    As such, continuing to complain about something they are already fixing is rather pointless... just leave the horse alone, it was dead quite some time ago.

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