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Posts posted by Dejoule

  1. So if collicoids infested the Senate on Coruscant - would there be any tell-tale signs?


    You would see evidence of their tunnels. I remember in the story saying that they could chew through metal, so weapons vendors can get colicoids from a balmorran arms shipment (since they were originally intended to be used as living weapons) and they could take over starting with the Senate Commerical District.


    Same thing on DK, have the colicoid thing start near the vendor area and spread from there.

  2. While the ships of the fleet can move... I don't think the stations can. I think they are just satellites in orbit of whatever celestial body they're put into orbit around.


    Also, having the primary social hub of the game move around the map would be insanely frustrating to people.

  3. Arguably, it's only an issue if the players left on a ghost town server don't want to be on a ghost town server. Some, as this thread illustrates, don't mind.


    Now, it's very different if we end up in a scenario where the opportunities have passed for free transfers and people who wish to be elsewhere are still stuck on a ghost town server.


    I also remain intrigued as to how the inevitable reduction on some servers will be handled. One would think that at some point the hardware to keep a server going is just not viable for, say, a mere 100 players.


    Actually, it is a little more involved than that. Bioware may be forced to shut down a server with only 25 people on it (The small guild that likes being on the dead server due to being able to keep their name, etc.) because it costs more to manage the server than they are making in revenue from the players on said server. So some players may still be forced to move at some point. Bioware has stated that it will not be in this round of transfers though.

  4. The Bridge and the forcefields are designed that way intentionally, though. The doors can be held indefinitely through zerging. However the bridge and the forcefield are more about staying alive and harassing the other team. Those two points are designed so that they can be progressed past in a matter of time.


    Your minor complaints would change the way the entire warzone works and they would have to change several aspects of the warzone then.


    I completely agree that it is insanely frustrating to have to sit and watch while not being able to do anything about it, but that is how it was conciously designed to be.

  5. Kel Dor








    Non-Basic Speaking





    Ortolan and Ugnaught (I don't personally want to play these, but I think it would be great for those who want to play smaller characters - like those asking for the ewoks they will never get.)

  6. I am referring to the word 'still' in conjunction with the layoffs. Perhaps I am just afraid for the game I really love or simply paranoid. But to me this sounds as if content production and budget have been slashed down.


    I read that statement as content production will continue despite us having to cut back on our staff. People see layoffs and immediately think all work on improvements and future content will stop. They were merely trying to reassure us that this wasn't the case. Also, as others have mentioned; they aren't cutting back on their staff.

  7. I remember old smuggler vids they showed the smuggler had an ability while in cover called blind fire. He literally just held his hand above the cover and fired his blaster without looking. Maybe cover fire was the agent equivalent and it just wasn't removed when such skills were changed?
  8. Seriously? (Actually... I'm not that surprised.) I played some WoW back in Vanilla, and I remember there being more choice than what we have here. Fully filling the tree still left a lot of unused skills, as I recall. I enjoyed thinking about it and deciding for myself how to spec.


    I think this current trend is an insult to our intelligence. :tran_frown:


    The vanilla wow trees were pretty good as well. So was BC for that matter. I'm talking the new ones that came with cata and the ones coming with mist of pandaria that are terrible. the MoP one is like a Ladder with only 6 skills in it.

  9. So if Bioware offered you an XP boost as a paid MT, you'd be ok with it?


    Everybody on these forums always goes on about how if Bioware introduces MT's they will unsub and never look back. Why is it acceptable for other companies to do this, but Bioware would be condemned for taking a similar avenue?


    Also patch 1.3 is slated for June I think, so relax.

  10. Rank 2 speeder training used to be 220K, if i recall correctly. I was able to afford that and all of my training without issue. I was also able to level my crewskills at the same time. I did not buy any gear though, and the equipment for space is so cheap and if you do your space missions the parts pay for themselves.
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