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Posts posted by Dejoule

  1. I can't believe that I'm the only person having a difficult time with this...


    Every other MMO that I know of charges for character transfers with the exception of Rift.


    Also, The number of servers isn't entirely Bioware's fault. They opened more in response to people crying about queues during launch when large queues are to be expected.


    "We don't want to wait this long to play, we want it nao!"

    "Ok we'll open some more shards"

    "The new wore off and now all the queues are gone and I rolled on one of the newer shards and now I'm alone, give me a free transfer because I was too impatient to wait in a queue!"


    As such I think that transfers should cost money. I think heavy pop servers should be closed to transfers only allowing transfers to standards pop servers. Give free transfers from the ghost town servers to the standard servers. This will turn some of these standard servers into heavy pop servers.

  2. Waaay back then in the dawn of time, if a game didn't work, it wasn't released or you took it back to the store to get a refund. There wasn't a way to patch games (and the coding was so stupidly simple) so if you released a game with too many bugs your company took a BAD hit to it's rep. It seems like only after game developers have been able to put patches on the internet for people to download that things have gotten really bad. Since devs know they can fix any problems later, it seems like QA has fallen by the wayside. I'm not saying that downloading patches is bad, just noticed that seemed to be the pivot point. That's just my 2cents. I know I'm probably in the minority, just wondering what the rest of you think.


    In response to this directly. I think a lot of the reason games are buggy now has more to do with the complexity of the coding now compared to the days of 5.5 floppies, etc. The code back then was a lot simpler and as a result, easier to ensure that it was bug free.


    The ability to patch after release initially helped prevent a game from flopping from too many bugs that weren't found in beta because they could issue a fix. Now however it seems some publishers (not developers) are starting to use the patching as an excuse to force developers to release games faster and fix problems later. I'm not saying that's what happened with SWTOR; I'm just saying that's what the general feel of the market is now.


    To answer the question posed by this thread. For a MMO, I'd say it stops being new around the 1 year stage. For normal games, 1-2 months.

  3. Fraction imbalances can be solved by finding the Lowest Common Denominator and multiplying through. :D


    Faction Imbalances are a tougher subject, I think. I imagine some "fixes" are coming, but it wont be immediate. Stick with your populated side for now.



    dammit, beat me to it:D

  4. Orange gear is not very good.


    Actually, Orange gear has the potential to be BiS gear with the way crafting works. Orange gear slotted with the mods, armorings, and enhancements gleaned from the dailies (or GTN) are actually statwise BETTER than Tionese, but worse than Columi.


    So saying that orange gear is not good is incorrect.


    Also, it is not Bioware's fault that the people on your server that normally run HM FPs and story ops require ppl to be geared already. The Hardmodes and the Ops are very forgiving on gear requirements, and that is just those people being elitist because it makes them feel better.

  5. During an operation (Denova is where this really became noticeable) it takes about 30 seconds after starting combat for AE ground plants to appear on my screen - which has resulted in unnecessary damage/death on multiple occassions. After about 30 seconds into the fight, all AE effects load properly and immediately, it's just the start of the fight - This is most problematic on the tanks in Denova.


    Also, from time to time, my cursor simply disappears until I click a mouse button.


    Has anybody experienced these issues, and know a fix perhaps? I figured I'd ask here before submitting a bug report in game as it may be something on my end.


    I'll post my specs since those seem relevant to the situation at hand.


    CPU: Intil i7 920

    Video: ATI Radeon HD5870

    RAM: 12Gigs of DDR3 2000

    MoBo: Asus P6T

    PSU: 1000W


    My graphics drivers are at 12.1 or 12.2 (I don't remember for certain. I just remember having to revert one behind the latest due to AA issues.)


    If I forgot any important specs, I will post them upon request. I run the game on maxed settings in Ops, PvE, and PvP with 60+ FPS. I only have occassional graphical stuttering on the fleet when it gets up above 200ppl on the fleet.


    Also please refrain from posting ATI sux - get NVIDIA as I will simply ignore you

  6. Could someone at BioWare please at least acknowledge that 1.2 wasn't very kind to healers in general? Maybe explain the reasons why? Tell us whether or not your metrics agree that healers seem to have been overly diminished?


    They have said this. I believe it was Georg Zoeller specifically. He said the healer changes and sorc/sage changes specifically were done to further tighten and refine endgame and make ops more challenging. He specifically said that sorcs/sages were overperforming.


    Also, while it is not what you want to hear, It is not the end of the world. Healers just have to put more thought into what abilities they are using. My guild has sorc, merc, and op healers. All of them perform equally well. Two of our sorc healers also PVP all the time. If you are Canderous Ordo you likely see them. They are always near the top if not on the top of the healing chart of the warzone with few deaths.


    So while you will view this as inflammatory and categorize it as a L2P thread. Unfortunately, that may be the case. Nerfs are never fun, but there is always a way to work around them. The nerfs did not make any AC "unviable" as people like to throw around.


    Unfortunately saying something is "unviable" is now the goto argument when somebody doesn't like something... kind of like "X ruins my immersion."

  7. They fixed the medal issue for when you lose a warzone. That was pretty crippling and I'm happy that was fixed.


    The codex thing may not seem that important, but considering the world even is only available temporarily, the outrage caused by not being awarded the codex and then never having the oppurtunity to get it again would have been catastrophic.

  8. I do not find frustrating the running (athough firebrand and stormcaller are quite a ride after wipe). I find not well thought (but not gamebreaking) the double loading. You wipe, you load the fleet only to turn around and load the ops again. Given the thought that you do not run from medical centre (graveyard) to the entrance of the instance. Would be kind of nice if you would just repsawn in the instance instead of starring at two loading screens. Although it is not gamebreaking it would be nice little adjustment.


    With that though, that's the same as in other MMOs, even WoW (unless they changed something in cata) You wipe, you have to load outside to the world, the zone back in and load in again. (I chose WoW because Firebrand and Stormcaller sound like WoW bosses, I don't know for sure though as I haven't played since Icecrown was launched.

  9. Yes this exactly, im an altoholic but I CANT gain legacy exp because my alts are on more populated servers than my main.


    I love swtor and I would love a free month to lvl my alts.


    Knowing about the legacy system, it is your fault for not rolling all of your characters on the same server. Now you want people to fix your mistake for you.

  10. IDK about that. I've been playing since early access and play at least a couple of hours 4 out 5 week nights and more on the weekends. My main is only level 48, but I'm an alt-aholic. I didn't concentrate on getting to 50 as I'm not really an end game player. However, Even though I don't have a level 50 I'd hardly say I'm a sporadic player LOL


    True enough, but having several alts I'm betting you have legacy 6?


    And @ the OP: I'm not asking you to play like me, not everybody can be laid off for January and February, I just got lucky. My point is that if you don't have legacy 6 or a 50 by now, that your a sporadic player, and the free month is meant as a reward to those players that are keeping the community alive.

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