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Posts posted by Dejoule

  1. The option to Unify Colors is currently not functioning as intended after Game Update 1.6. We're looking to ensure a fix in an upcoming patch and have added this to the Known Issues.


    While you're looking to fix this could you please also look at assigning some colors to the covert chestpiece so people using them can still have matching pants, gloves, etc.

  2. A good way to reward the people who bought the special edition of the game would be to add a GTN kiosk, bank, guild bank, and a trade skill vendor to the VIP lounge. It would not give an advantage to any player but would make it a happening place that people would want to hang out in. And when you get around to my other suggestion of adding Sabacc, Pazaak and other games of chance to the game, sprinkle a few of those around up there too.


    If you're going to add all of this stuff up there you really should give it a mailbox as well.

  3. Every post I've read says that performance is HORRIBLE on windows 8. Thing is, all the shops I go to only sells computers with windows 8 OS. Which is understandable...


    People still buy computers in shops? Just build your own. Unless of course you're talking craptops - then carry on.

  4. I think the key thing here is that with only 2 in-game CE exclusive items (the CE Flare Gun and the CE MiniMech Mouse Droid) they had no cause to go giving one of them away.... That is the kick in the pants for me.


    The flare gun was never a CE exclusive, it always came with the DDE. The only things exclusive to the CE were the mouse droid and the CE vendor.

  5. For the majority of the population, receiving an invite does not mess up their flow. I know in general when I'm fighting I'm more focused on the target's castbar and healthbar and watching my quickbars. I easily ignore any invite requests. The other person involved probably didn't realize sending a group invite to you would mess up your rhythm.


    Personally, I ignore and reject all invites unless they send me a tell first.

  6. Buying a CE does not make you a VIP(which stands for Very Important Person) It just makes you somebody who purchased the CE. I purchased the CE, and I do not feel ripped off. I received what I paid for. I don't feel the need to be elitist over the other players in the game. Apparently my entitlement is lacking, or I just have a better perspective on the things that matter.


    Nothing about purchasing the CE makes any of us very important. I honestly feel the worse thing the devs did was to name that stupid part of the fleet the VIP lounge. So many inflated egos and elitist bs has arisen from something that was supposed to be a fun and temporary distraction.

  7. My request is simple. It was actually already a set in the game.


    I want the Jedi Sage Centurion Gear. It is by far my favorite looking robe set in the game, and i would love to wear it on my sorc. I love the tattered brown robes. I'd be ok with the robes being a darker brown and having red runes, however, the light brown with the blue runes lookes really good. The Champion and Battlemaster robes look terrible by comparison.

  8. The only Black Hole/Campaign piece that is a downgrade for me is the earpiece. The rest of them are upgrades. A lot of pieces have a loss of Willpower, but a drastic increase in power and other stats. That makes the piece a solid upgrade. When looking at the stats, check the secondary ones as well, not just the primary. Also, don't be afraid to mix and match mods. A lot of my mods came from mystic sets, some came from striker sets, and some came from Force-Master's.


    A lot of the time the upgrade comes down to a select mod being a massive upgrade over the existing mod you have. I remember when I got my campaign mainhand, all I needed from it was the hilt. Gear upgrades are more about getting your stats prioritized through mods rather than getting a static upgrade from getting a new pair of pants. It takes a little getting used to.

  9. First of all... all the space missions are ridiculous easy. You need to get the proper upgrades from the comm vendor and for credits.


    Second, there are more than enough PVE quests to level you to 50 without every touching warzones, space, or flashpoints. The fact that you are having difficulty in this area means you have missed some quests along the way, or are intentionally skipping them and are now complaining about the result.

  10. Im sure they know how, there has to be another reason


    It had to do with people who had switched out mods in their rakata gear already prior to 1.2 They could easily alter the original piece that you find on the vendor, but everybody who had pieces and swapped mods around would get screwed over and not be able to benefit from the change without re-acquiring another rakata piece.


    If I remember correctly, that was their reasoning.

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