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Everything posted by skarvika

  1. Thanks for the info, I'll keep it in mind. As it stands, I feel like PVP in BC is like that already, probably due to premades and players geared for PVE. Also just the natural matchmaking imbalance (for example I played a WZ today where we started 3 vs 8) I couldn't do that unless they made all bound items bound to legacy; I've spent too much time and energy on my main to bring myself to focus on a new character unfortunately.
  2. What's your character name? I remember we had a bit of a discussion about this topic yesterday and I said I rarely see maras ending up in the top half of the chat even. I did manage to see a mara get top damage today, but otherwise it's been mercs and juggernaughts every other time dominating the top half. Maybe you were the guy I saw get most damage?
  3. Hey, there's me! Honestly if they'd just done KOTOR 3, none of this would be an issue...
  4. This really sounds like something you'll need to call customer support about. https://help.ea.com/en/article/swtor-support/
  5. What BW needs to do is add the regular WZ maps to ranked as well. Then they need to disable group queuing from unranked. Problem solved. The way I see it, these premades are actively discouraging pugs from enjoying this content and that hurts the game (and BW/EA) in the long run.
  6. Queshball's map is one of the worst PVP maps I've seen in an MMO. Good lord it's confusing, which isn't helped by the fact that typically WZs lag like hell and everything on that map is more or less the same color. I'm pretty decent at regular Huttball, but Queshball is a chore.
  7. Thanks for reminding me; it's more or less Queshball I was referencing when I said I hated the map. Queshball is....ugh...
  8. Powertechs are so stupidly OP it's ridiculous. Now honestly I'm a one character kind of guy so I only know the ins and outs of marauders, but Powertechs seem capable of dishing out massive amounts of damage while being very tanky. For example, in WZ today my entire ops group was whacking on one guy who was isolated and the guy just wasn't going down; it was a struggle to get him anywhere below 50% and he continuously hit us with AOE stuns. I have 3 abilities on my bar that remove stuns, but he was just stun spamming over and over and picking the whole ops group off one by one like we were nothing. That's just an example from today but that's not an uncommon thing. In other words...PLZ NERF
  9. Spot the one guy that doesn't suck at huttball:p
  10. Hm would you recommend another server? I still have a transfer token from when they gave those out free, I figure I'd rather get wins and comms if I could but I wonder if it's the same deal on every server. I was considering Harbinger just for the activity. A lot of my PVP comes earlier in the day and BC is slow for that then.
  11. Well I'm a returning player and purchased a 4 month sub. I'm enjoying my time with the game. However the key word here is that I'm returning. That means I've left before and could do it again. I'm glad that there's story content for me to do, but what happens when that runs out? I'll probably cancel my sub like last time. I hope that won't be the case and that BW will continue to keep me as a customer over these next few months, but if not, then I'll likely return to ESO. Hopefully BW will keep me hooked for however long, but when there's no more content, just doing the same WZs over and over becomes pretty mundane and not worth 15 bucks a month.
  12. While I agree that yes, SWTOR is under the EA umbrella and thus will be produced with lackadaisical effort at best, SWTOR isn't horrible in terms of overall playerbase and I see a few years of life still in it. I would say however that from my observation the player base on my server has dropped about 20% since 2013.
  13. Well since you said you queue for BC, is it just me or do we have **** teams on the imp side stupidly often? I'm thinking of even switching servers over it, this whole week has been really crap with a couple exceptions. Very few wins.
  14. I'd sign up but sadly my expertise is about 300 short because I didn't swap out my relics. Oh well. Could I still come by and watch?
  15. I'd like to avoid huttball as well. I absolutely hate it. The map is ridiculously confusing and it's difficult to see what the hell is happening anywhere. I don't think I'd lose any sleep if they took it out of the game completely. It's the only one I ever groan at when I see the loading screen. Well, that and the arenas naturally, but those are over fast. Huttball can go on for 10 minutes. EDIT: Referencing Queshball more specifically which seems to be more common. Normal Huttball I don't mind so much.
  16. Eh, just seems that I die before I can dish out real damage unless I'm with a decent team. Just wish I had a bit more reliable protection in situations like that so that I wouldn't be rendered completely useless if I got a crap team that likes to spread all over the map.
  17. Yeah, I'm aware of that, but it doesn't provide enough protection in the situations when you'd need it. It's fine on 1v1s (I actually always use it then) but when getting tunneled it's all but useless...which is the only time I find myself absolutely needing some kind of protection, as I said. 20% damage reduction won't save you in a 4-on-1 scenario and if your other options like Force Camo or Undying Rage are on cd, you're just about done for.
  18. I usually do try to go stealth and maybe pop Predation if I really need distance. As far as out DPSing them, let me give you a hypothetical, because this very scenario happened to me today: I'm getting focused by 2 tanks and a DPS and they also have a healer. I'm a single squishy marauder. They're taking chunks out of my HP bar milliseconds at a time. I'll be dead in seconds if it keeps up. Would you expect me to be able to survive, let alone destroy all these guys? Sometimes you've just gotta take the L man:sul_frown:
  19. Force Camouflage, Predation and Unleash are the defensive abilities I use (and I love them) because stuns and other cc is very common in PVP. I find them to be incredibly useful. But as far as a shield goes, Saber Ward has a 3 minute cd for 12 seconds of protection, Undying Rage is 3 minute cd for 4 seconds, and Cloak of Pain in the worst case scenario is 1 minute for 6. The cooldowns on these abilities I feel just don't make them viable in those situations where you're getting whacked on by multiple opponents, which is frankly the only situation where I feel I need that kind of protection. Yep, I do notice the difference. I often do fairly well so long as I'm not the target; if an opponent's focus is on a different player, then I find myself more times often than not killing them.
  20. I really wish we had some obvious way to fix this. WZs have been godawful on my end today, loads of under 65s around the PVP terminal, been humiliated in all but one match. It's very unenjoyable.
  21. Honestly I rarely bother with mara defensive abilities because the duration is so short and the CD is so lengthy. I used to use Cloak of Pain and Saber Ward religiously but they run out so fast that I hardly find them useful. I used to buff Cloak of Pain as much as I could with utilities and still found it to be a waste of a slot so now I only ever pop it if I'm in a desperate situation. I typically hold up ok in 1v1s, but I tend to get tunneled very frequently and Cloak of Pain does little to nothing for me in that situation. I don't like having to pop these things when already engaged in combat mainly because by the time they're activated I'm already half dead anyways. Maybe it's a server thing. Begeren Colony usually sees maras at the mid or bottom of the table in terms of overall damage.
  22. I have noticed this. I'm usually around the middle of the table, most of the time guys at the top are playing a ranged class. Maras I think have the potential to do the most DPS but usually don't in an actual WZ situation. For example, I can dish out 3k DPS to a dummy but WZ numbers get nowhere near. We're also terribly squishy because of our heavy emphasis on offense, so we end up getting rolled before we can unleash too much damage.
  23. I think we need to get rid of the PVP bolster honestly. They'd be dropping like flies and they'd decide either it's time to actually be useful and earn some comms to buy PVP gear or they'd go away and stop ruining PVP for people who actually want to play. Even a good PVPer is useless if their whole team is made up of LOL WHAT'S THIS BUTTON DO facerolling PVErs.
  24. We need a proper matchmaking system is what we need. Groups fight other groups. Solos fight other solos. Under 65s fight other under 65s. Problem solved.
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