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Everything posted by skarvika

  1. skarvika

    4.1 hype!!!

    As SGDQ legend Chibi would say..."HHHOOOOIPE" More godforsaken OP sorc bullcrap for the next however many months. This picture is my only response to that: https://gyazo.com/d790aaeaa7889acb995f07a2607871da.png
  2. UPDATE 2: I deleted my Bitraider folder; I heard that fixes some issues. Since doing so, the game has been working fine and running at normal temps since. Perhaps there were some corrupted files that needed to be repaired through the launcher? Not sure if this is a permanent fix. Will update again in a week if there aren't any further problems.
  3. That it does! I've had so many issues with this game but never so bad as this! I'm using AMD...thanks anyways though!
  4. Only ever do Ziost dailies because they're quick and PVP dailies because I like PVP. Otherwise nah I try to avoid 'the grind' as much as possible.
  5. I'd considered it may be a cooling issue, but that wouldn't explain why my computer only overheats while playing SWTOR. SWTOR jumps up my cpu temperature by about 20-30 degrees (f) more than other games. Temperatures are normal otherwise.
  6. UPDATE: I have installed IOBit Performance Monitor and can see that SWTOR is making my CPU run extremely hot. I believe this is the cause of the crashes. I'm not sure why it's started happening suddenly though; I have never had a problem like this with the game up until a few days ago. Tested my temperatures with Fallout 4 and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, both are running normally, so I believe this is strictly related to SWTOR.
  7. Chears to you too. I'm tranfering my character right now. I can't wait for the transformeation! Who needs a crossserver?
  8. I just want that damn immortality bubble gone for good. I want to know who thought it was a good idea to add an ability that makes the player (And hey can pop it on their teammates too! Fun!) literally immune to all damage? That's some god mode horsecrap and there should never be anything like that for any player in a game like this. PVP wouldn't be half as horrible as it is if that one ability alone was removed.
  9. It would be significantly after the pack is gone. A few months or so. If you want the item then and there, buy the packs. I think the prices for the sort of even out this way: They're charging 2,000 CC for previously released armor sets. That's 20 bucks mind you...not necessarily small fries for one item, which is often used purely for cosmetic reasons. Conversely, 2,000 CC can buy 4 chance packs. Then you have folks like myself who never buy chance items, which means no money comes from me when those packs are released. However, I'm ok with buying items directly. That means that EA can use this method to make some of the money they 'lost out on' so to speak.
  10. My reasons for unsubbing last time was because there was no end game content, no more story content in the foreseeable future and PVP was freakin' broken. Nearly 3 years later, I've purchased a 180 day sub but probably won't renew because of the same issues. PVP being broken (nerf sorcs ffs!) is the big issue for me this time around though. I would like regular class story updates secondly though. I think the class story writers are very good and I'm always entertained when playing through them.
  11. To be fair, I'd just like all pack armors to be purchasable after the pack they came from is no longer available. The Sith Recluse set in particular would be really nice.
  12. In my experience it's not worth it to spend CC on packs to open. There was a time when I spent around $200 and got 100% junk that years later still isn't worth anything. Some people are more lucky than I, but I've sworn off spending money on chance items in SWTOR for good. If I were you, I'd buy packs to sell on the GTN instead. People will buy them and you may raise enough credits to just buy the item you want directly from the GTN.
  13. This problem just began yesterday. Doesn't seem to be any specific reason for it; sometimes I can go hours without any issues, sometimes it's happened less than 15 minutes after loading the game and it doesn't matter what's happening in game. I am certain that it's related to SWTOR however because my computer is only crashing while playing. I've previously been able to run the game without any problems, my drivers are all up to date and my computer is in fine health without any malware. Anybody have any ideas as to what could be causing this?
  14. skarvika

    PvP is dead

    I've said it before, but the team with the most sorcs wins. It's like some kind of stupid game of rock paper scissors. There's a chance you'll be on the team with sorcs and a chance you won't. Either you'll win or you won't; the outcome is pre-determined. https://gyazo.com/dd70e9a21c972e00b323f110d00a7768.png You wanna keep saying healing isn't OP? They can heal for as much as we can hit. That makes them virtually immortal. Hell, just compare the K/Ds between the 2 teams.
  15. Good idea. There's also vendors on the fleet that sell 208 gear for data crystals.
  16. To be frank, I think more people would be queuing if the healer problem were solved. I know I dip out of PVP as soon as I start seeing premades full of healers regularly. Otherwise I can PVP for a good long while...hell I PVP'd with Ruhun for what, 5 hours or something the other night?
  17. I've said it a million times, we just need 1-2 dedicated servers. Better population, quicker pops, less server lag + likely saves EA money on all those low pop crappy servers they've got up right now.
  18. Alternatively, do WZs; you can get a full set of 208 gear with warzone commendations. There's also a vendor that sells 208 mods for comms.
  19. I've noticed sometimes it'll be wildly unbalanced. For example, I did an arena yesterday where my team had 4 and their team had 2. I mean, I'll take a free win any day of the week but cmon now:csw_jabbapet:
  20. skarvika

    "Pub pvp..."

    I have noticed there is a general lack of quality among pub players. Even when their douchey FOTM premises win in a WZ, you get a strong feeling that those players are just BAD. I mean, I'm not a hard guy to kill and they seem to have a hard time. One of their premade groups tonight even stood around while I capped the node right in front of them. The only reason they win any of these games is because they have heals and immortality bubbles up the yin yang and can basically breeze through objectives that way. That's another problem with premades: it's easy mode, so you don't actually learn how to use your class effectively (unless you're a healer of course). Once sorc/sage heals are nerfed, I feel like there will pretty much be no hope left for pub players.
  21. I deal a good amount of damage on my jug, way more than on my mara who hits for beans. The only mara I've seen all week is Ruhun; I seriously just don't see anyone playing them anymore which is sad because the actual playstyle is good, they're just not typically viable. Almost every class is fodder compared to sorcs and pure tank specs. The PVP game is more out of whack now than ever.
  22. Sad thing is, this isn't a rare occurrence. Compare my team to theirs. Not only is it 6v8, but they've got 6 sorcs and we've got 1 (4 years in and it's still this unbalanced?) Everyone on my team ended up rage quitting. They knew how it was gonna go. The team with the most sorcs wins. https://gyazo.com/4dfc85184a18dcce8c63618892e37969.png
  23. The team with the most sorcs wins 90% of the time. It's like it's turned into some stupid game of rock paper scissors that you pay 15 bucks a month for. I might go back to ESO, I kinda miss the PVP there.
  24. Nothing appears on the trainer's list. This is really bugging me, feels like I'm not getting the most out of my abilities but I'm not exactly sure what I can do about it.
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