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Everything posted by Morthion

  1. Essentially doubling the developer workload by forcing them to put all content through their processes twice: once for the synced and once for the non-synced.
  2. You can always, you know . . . read the part where he said the other people refused to team up. Saves time?
  3. I'm currently taking damage by using a companion that isn't in heal mode. This might help without requiring you to dismiss your companion.
  4. I actually like the current leveling rate (combined with level sync) because it allows me to unlock class abilities sooner without outleveling a planet entirely.
  5. I don't think this will happen for the simple reason that they'll essentially have to design and balance things twice -- once for the synced and once for the unsynced. I'm assuming that's not where they want to spend their time going forward.
  6. If people want the game to do something that they are perfectly capable of doing by themselves, why do they object to overpowered companions in the first place?
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