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Everything posted by Heathenblood

  1. Yeah I have,and makes sense that its only in the warriors story of makeb because only a few people are supposed to know about the emperors voice and the emperor . Still it seems most players who played sith warrior still think the emperor is dead they obviously didnt pay attention.( otherwise op wouldn't have posted his initial post). Strange too sense warrior was my first toon and I seems to remember that distinctly still and people just finishing it now that already did jk story are like ***? I'm wrath to a dead emperor. I honestly think people don't read their letters instead take whatever's attached to it and deletes it. Or they just spam space bar through their whole storyline experience and them proceide not to read the mail then complain about it when if they just paid attention the first time they wouldn't be asking these questions.
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=615432 These were on the pts for 2.0 not sure how much it changed on release. Was the only parses I could find for 2.0 that compared every class
  3. As you can see guardian does not have better dps then sents. You just need to l2p. And in pvp all classes are fairly balanced so if your dieing a lot that just means you suck at playing a sent In pvp
  4. Guardians get really good around level 30 they have amazing dps and great tanks
  5. Emperor is not dead. Sith warrior storyline letters prove that. The emperor is just in a slumber.
  6. Haven't done makeb yet. Still trying to get all classes 55 before that. So I didn't watch the vid to avoid spoils. But anyone who doesn't believe the emperor is still alive should watch it as Im sure it has proof.
  7. Yeah they should just get rid of them. People use them unjustly. And all they do is piss me off, I'm one of those people who like to be acknoledged when I do something big for the team, so more times than not it just makes me rage since people abuse the vote system. A good time in particular was during the hyper gate warzone. I came in when the game was nearly over losing by a good margin . I stealth over steal the enemies pylon with 5 sec left. If they would have had it. game over for us, but this made us last another round still slightly losing though, so I snatch pylon again and hold it for a minute and a half by myself sense players can't seem read and help. But anyways we ended up winning. Get 0 MVP vote. I say in chat. "Such an ungrateful lot if players" and exit warzone. Get a pm sayin "not my fault you suck." Because I didn't top anything and barely reached 8 medals because I came mid game and ran strait towards there pylon to win the game instead of running around trying to just farm medals. They would have lost without me taking that pylon the first time and they were just too stupid to pay attention to the one who won the game for them. Anywho enough qqing from me lol. My opinion is to just remove it. People don't use it properly and it just gets players like me and the op to post qq threads on it. Not like you get MVP com to get special MVP gear or something it just gives you one extra wz com so keeping it around is just useless.
  8. Here you go proof the emperor is still alive Make sure you read both letters in the video
  9. The op basicly asked what's the wraths purpose if the emperor is dead now. But sense I just gave proof he's not dead the purpose of the warrior remains the same. To follow and enforce the emperors will. I agree the emperor probably won't return in this game but the fact remains he's still alive and warrior doesn't have to change a thing because there is no reason to change.
  10. Racism and slavery isn't evil by no means is it morally correct but that's perfectly legal in their society. Thomas Jeferson had slaves no one called him evil because that was the social norm back then just like how it is in the empire. Racism isn't evil either just because you dislike something doesn't make you evil. I don't like mayo. Does that make me evil, no. A more relevant example is one of my friends dad hates all Mexicans because when he was working a co worker( who was Mexican) wasn't paying attention and crushed his toes and now he's missing 2 toes. Should that be a reason to hate all Mexicans because of the actions of one, of course not( its actually pretty stupid if you ask me), but it doesnt make him evil. He's actually one of nicest people I've met. Point being racism and slavery aren't evil. Just not today's norm, and because of that people shun it just like how the empire shuns aliens, it's not in their norm to like aliens, so that is just as closed minded because now you're the one saying these people are evil and wrong because of their social norms and beliefs. Can't imagine if you ever tried traveling to a foreign county. There are tons of things that aren't going to be your social norm. That being said the corruption, sabotaging, and power plays against the citizens of your faction are wrong but both sides do it just far more promo ate within the empire. Especially between the sith.
  11. Emperor is not dead because...
  12. 8 smashers would be funny as hell. All the 8k+ damage aoes they'd be dropping like flies.
  13. Yes they will. Jugs don't develop much at all til 30+. And assassins don't get some key things in their trees till 30+.
  14. Sniper an gunslinger are the same. There aren't any differences to matter. The reason you are losing is simply because that person is better than you.
  15. I've never noticed this problem infanct it's always felt it has been the otherway around on my server. Doesn't matter what side I play the republic seems to lose like 2/3 times sometimes it is worse. The most memorable time (also was making me rage behind screen lol) was I spent about 7 and half hours just playing warzones on my gaurdian. And my weekly was at 2/9 warzones won. That day was the most frustrating thing I've ever experienced( on this game) usually it's never that bad. And it's not me I still seem to at least get 8 medals on the crap team but they'll have like 3-4 and like 0 objectives. Then I switch to empire and we win most of the time. Usually finish my weekly in like 12 games on empire. Republic like 100 lol. Idk just though it was strange everyone sees it the opposite of what I usually experience in warzones. Anyways I doubt there's a hidden buff. Just probably crappy players. On that servers empire faction
  16. Yeah this frustrates me to no end always pisses me off when I'm on my assassin tank and steal a pylon or command point and hold it long enough by myself (maybe one person will help) or I get 90% of the points in huttball and you know you're pretty much the reason your team won. And you get 0 votes. Always makes me scream at the screen even though we won. In like " you ungrateful mo *******" lol so yeah hate when people just vote their friends they should make it so you can maybe only vote top 3 or something but then again that probably won't work either because I know sometimes I don't get many medals because I was trying to do objectives and not just farming protection or damage or healing.
  17. I can't seem to be able to find 2.4 news only thing I've found was a fake dev thing that at the end says its fake. I can't find the real one? Or is everyone talking about this? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6385082
  18. Sorry didn't read through the comments just the OP(s). And yeah I see where that makes sense. Anyways good post I hope devs see it and maybe take action based off your ideas.
  19. I like your idea for a new class but this. Every class has their own primary stat and adding a new stat would be more preferred to me. Other wise you'd get players using maurader/sent armour since they are both medium armour as well. Not like adding a new primary stat would mess up the game because it'd only apply to this new class. Just like how cunning is pretty useless on a sage or something. Idk just a though not sure why you'd name it though.
  20. Both factions are mrrriored abilities example is knight=warrior , but empire has better story lines all are good IMO, idk much about wow but pick whatever class you like because all of them have good enough dps trees and classes are pretty balanced in pvp. And also you should never be static in this game that would be stupid you at least always have a free attack you should be throwing into your priority rotation to make it so your energy doesn't drain and by some rare chance it does you just spam the auto a couple globals and you should have enough again but standing around static would just be plain stupid in this game. Anyways pick what you think sounds the most fun
  21. I think the op want to just turn it off for just themselves everyone else will see when dark ward is active on them.
  22. Honestly I find this game one of the easier mmos to heal in, but I didn't start healing til about level 20 on my sage so I able to get rejuvenate pretty quick which I assume makes it tons easier sense youre healing still while deliverance is channeling. Idk I wouldn't give up on it if I were you it'll get easier as you level and get better heals
  23. Tank tree works. Middle tree just seems assassin though. And the stealth still just seems weird sure it's tactical to sneak and spy but its hard picturing jedi doing it sense they always seem so upfront and not the sneaking type. But if you're tank tree you don't really use stealth in combat anyways.
  24. I just don't picture the stealth and the hitting people from behind moves as very jedi like. And sage fits the story more as a healer because
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