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Everything posted by Araberen

  1. It's super weird...because they didn't introduce second iteration of changes for commando, gunslinger, shadow. And we have 13/16 classes in their summaries.
  2. And we still have 3 classes that needed second iteration of changes (slinger, mando and...shadow?)
  3. Dormant tremor in new elom fp doing A LOT LESS damage than in old ones (for example read reaper)
  4. I HOPE sages and sorcs can wield double-blade lightsabers in outfit. There no use of them in combat, no animations needed, just aethetical purposes
  5. Araberen

    Season End?

    Rewards were announced at the start of s14 https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20210426-0
  6. ATM i'm able to solo vet Red Reaper with plasmatech , lvl 15 companion and def legendary items (1 mil absorb after power yield). It's only class atm, that so smooth on soloing fps.
  7. Moralist good point with the set bonus 7.0. With our choices in ability tree we lose even more valid options, because of what we NEED to take
  8. I enjoyed playing Plasma Vamguard, except i don't know why hydraulic overrides not baseline? You will take HO always, i don't see, why you would not do this
  9. And i thought that was bug..... .holy **** this is awful
  10. Hey, i have a question about pvp gear: if we have max item lvl 326 at start, but players can get 328-334 via operations...how it will be balanced for me as pvp /ranked pvp player? I see it the way that PvE players can get into ranked and have better gear than me, exclusively pvp player
  11. Thx, for reply. But my point was more about that with stats we have NOW and scaling we have NOW, some abilities need adjustment. Good example will be "Mysteries of the force": solo/heroics, solo vet fp - you can't really benefit from it (mb with raising crit rating it will be more useful, but i'm talking about what we have NOW) in pvp it will be useless too (same reason). On the other hand we have "Dormant Tremors" that is good right now and might need minor dmg increase. Etc. That was the main point of my testing, to give feedback on what we have NOW, and what might need adjustment But overall i really like that vet fp is now harder, i don't like how casual MM FP on live at all
  12. Additional: 1. Psychokinetic Torrent triggers flashy thing on mind crush and it's confusing. Because if you playing balance for some time it indicates that you can cast it instantly. And this flashy thing always activated on it, distracting. 2. There is no visual indication of re-applying class buff after death (and does it re-apply correctly?) I experimented on soloing some vet FP and my thoughts: I enjoy to solo MM FPS on live now. On pts vet fp feels like master mode fp on live, for solo players (except bosses harder because kolto stations don't work if you not in group). 3. Mysteries of the force in this case almost useless - TK crits not often so i almost never get benefit from this ability 4. I would think about swaping metaphusical alacrity (MA) and force mobility (FM) (60 and 68 lvl choices). Because for balance there is no use to get MA, so you have 2 choices, and at lvl 60 FM not in a good spot either. Swapping them you will give real choices and it will be more balanced between TK and balance specs 5. Lvl 47 choices ...again there is almost no point to take anything than Defensive Blast for balance 6. I want to see ability on phase walk that increasing your defences after you use it, as on live right now (maybe as legendary item?) 7. Dormant Tremors - good ability, interesting and new, i enjoyed how it works. Mb some minor dmg increase, on it, will be filling more smooth
  13. At this point (318 gear + 2 legendary): 1. Mtsteries of the force - with this gear it's impossible to get 2 stacks of this buff to get bigger heal. So you always operate with 1 stack. An it almost in all scenarios will not last enought to use it after force mend goes of cd. You need to increase internal timer 2.Forceful Retribution - what the point of this ability? it dealls almost equal dmg to telekinetic burst. Like the difference between crit is around 800dmg, non crit ~200 dmg. I don't see any point to take it in this bracket. Like you can get in this tear ~44k project (slowed + mind crush) against 15.5k forceful retribution or 25% dmg reduction 3.Power of the force - again it's dealing same amount of dmg as aoe one. no reson atm to take it
  14. Question (looking for all range classes now): why we the only one, who losses soft-cc a.k.a. flash bang? Sorcs and mercs still have theirs soft cc. It's like...no heals, no soft-cc. i don't think we will compensate with huge dmg. With gear we have right now, my best hit was 51k (average around 47k on that session) on dummy (and it's white dmg that can be mitigated in many ways). And my merc biggest hit was 46k with heatseaker (average 44k) We need heal-roll at least to be viable in ranked and unranked pvp and reduced cd on phasewalk would be good addition
  15. (sorry for bad english) From a pvp point of view: 1. Merging root breaker/speed-boost and evasion in 1 ability is a bad thing. (I know i can choose not ot spec in root breaker tho, still alternative as 15% dmg reduction every 2min15sec not the best thing). PLEASE fix the tech/force dmg reduction for evasion. On live it doesn't calculated properly on some skills (Cell Burst for example) 2. We don't have any healing ability. Okay, you can take cover-heal, but bring back roll-heal. 10% isn't something huge, but still vital in ranked and regs. We are in a really bad spot (as it is for now) against dots on pts. Look at sorcs - as dot, they can do damage and self-heal really good numbers. And we will be melting under that dmg without any healing. (yes, in viru spec you can have some dmg reduction, but you want some in other specs) 3. If you force us to choose between escape (holotraverse) and defence(shield) at least reduce cooldown on holotraverse to 1 min or 45 sec and shield to 2 min (or better add healing on it). You can alternatively add healing on holotraverse (like 25% of hp) to force us use it as escape+heal. 4. What numbers in shield probe? on live there's almost no point to take augmented shields. Summarize. In this iteration you really gutted our defensives and i hope you will reconsider some of them. We still need some healing (i think roll-heal will be best for us). Almost all our cooldowns rather long and combined lack of healing makes me think about viability of class in general. As offensive we need to see all classes. But i feel like engi not doing enough damage.
  16. In regular wz, daily "march them down" counts win as 1 point, not 2
  17. Back to days when Cryyc was playing, he was using high-endurance build. Any1 tried it for s7? And if yes, what mods/enh/augs/stim you are using?
  18. (Long post to pretend it is not just a bump)
  19. My thoughts in this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8453268#post8453268
  20. I put my thoughts here (2nd page) and in this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8453268#post8453268
  21. Here i will put some points only about utilities and 2 changes we will have: HO and Disengage. my english not that good, so deal with it Let's start it slowly. Community Regular WZ New utility Supercharged Defense! HO Utilities and mobility And now , my main point: 1) Redesign Supercharged Defense! to give us x% of DMG reduction 2) Redesign Advance the line to give us -15 sec for HO CD (so we can have old numbers). Move it to Heroic tier 3) Smoke Screen OR Shock absorbers move to Masterfull tier We will have in Masterfull tier: Shock absorbers (or Smoke Screen), Med Zone, Electro shield, Suit FOE, Supercharged Defense! Activating . 2/5 you can take and choices not at the cutting edge in regs and ranked Heroic tier: Smoke Screen (or Shock absorbers), Forced march, Reflexive shield, Advanced the line. 2/4 you can take and still keep your defensives and mobility in a way you want in PvP and PvE [P.S. i want SA in masterfull simply because it will give better choices in Heroic tier for PvE] And here you still can have pattern: 1 new utility per tier (in masterfull you'll get 2, in heroic 1 almost new) This 3 small changes will not make us best option for Solo/Group, but at least it will improve our self-kiting capabilities. This will give us some decent choices for regular PvP and PvE without breaking anything.
  22. I know that BW will ignore my post, but for all who excited about new mando roll (sorry, my english bad, but i'lldo my best) With 4.0 all classes gain more mobility, but not mercs/mandos and that's why: 1) Nerf HO cd, up to 15 sec. Not a big deal you will day? You have new 20 sec "roll" (i wiill call it roll)? 2) Okay, let's look in our heroic tier: Now we have 4!!! choices and only 2 points: Shock absobers - 30dmg reduction while stun Forced march - you can cast on the move Reflexive shield - chance to get absorb shield + cd reduction (i like it because of absorb shield it gives you) Smoke Screen - you can't be leapt. okay...okay let's count it as 3 3) All classes have gap closers now (we don't know about sins, but we all se where it all leads us, they will 100% have something) 4) To get "not that good version" of sniper roll you need to use 1 utillity point. Because if you don't - what the point? you will be pulled/leapt/rolled/shadow stepped etc. 5) After this point we have: or 30% dmg reduction while stun or mobility. What a nice choice we have as MANDOS - best ranked class On the other hand we can be specced in to additional 15 def chance. Wow....as assult we can have 50 chance using 2 cds...okkay. As arsenal - in any case meh. Again RNG def-ability? I agree that VGs need nerf to HO, but why mercs? Are we so good in ranked? or we have amazing utillities (AP PT has Shock absobers, Reflexive shield as base line) Again BW you had so nice chance to balance our utillities, and you ...how to say...still missing it. Let us have 3/4 main heroic tier utiliities (swapping some to masterfull) and we can talk, but ATM it look like PONY TAIL.
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