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Everything posted by Skiritai

  1. No, mine has started this as well. never did it before. Frozen right this moment, checked the forums and found this. Hopefully they will become aware soon and look into it.
  2. Yes, the stuttering movements. I have also been crashing occasionally after trying to leave wz's. This has only been since 1.4
  3. Boy after playing lotro for so long with top speed horse, even the 90% speed (what I have now) is a dream. I don't see an issue here lol
  4. haha, was wondering about this. Since I play the evil side, it did not fit for a white uptight person telling me the force is with me and to "get out there and show em what you've got". Ok pally! WILL DO!
  5. Normally, I ignore whiners entirely and everything they say. But last night I played quite a few WZ's. That was mucho stunville. That was not fun in the slightest. I was getting stunned by sage, his two buddies started beating on me, I got free, nope stunned again, got free, nope stunned again and once more, then died, the end. I am hoping please, can you reverse these bad changes? CC was bad before, but this is much worse lol
  6. pokeyman...really? By the description, it sounds like sx pred. hunting grounds.
  7. This is a very true post. I just got my first char to legacy and realized I have to do this for all alts. I was planning on alting, but the legacy thing is RIGHT OUT for me now. I had intended to use that as a goal to achieve, then move on from there once I was able to take advantage of that. As soon as I realized it was for each char, I don't know what to do at this point. This was a big let down in a game with already massive credit sinks. I already quit the crafting due to its convoluted nature and expense, now legacy...what next lol. I feel the game has great potential, it just seems poorly thought out in some parts. I understand why game makers try to create a slog to keep people from getting right to end game, then quitting, but this type of thing is over the top, you will only hurt the main body of players, the casual gamer.
  8. Welcome o/, I am a relatively new player myself. I wish I would not have listened to the idiot, groaning whiners when trying to learn more about this game. I thought it must be truly terrible, so I basically ignored it. Oh well, better late than never:D
  9. I don't like stealing da tunder, but to help motivate my fellow heroes, I position myself between them and teh kill, then slap on my dance emote to inspire them to new heights of pixel slaying elitzorism:p Unless they scream in terror for help:D
  10. The same thing was said about Eve online when it first came out with its problems and for years after. Eve is dying, etc. Well, its been around longer than wow and still growing, albeit only the hard core truly stay there. Brutal place. This games new, the makers would be foolish to throw away a game with such a story. It saved lotro and it could work here to with patience. So craft away you worrier, I need new stuffs:p
  11. Have to agree, option 2 looks like a nerd gamer playing dress up. Option 3 looks like a steroid loser with no p#cker. Neither of them represent an average fit soldier, oh well. Went with 3 and just imagined him as a cloned/cybernetically altered killer.
  12. There is much to like and dislike about this game, but...this is about the easiest game to navigate that I have played. I think your idea of quitting would be for the best.
  13. You can read the "Republic Commando" and "Imperial Commando" novels by Karen Traviss. Gives lots of good info in the Mando'ade. The above poster was correct though, its a unifying idea that transcends race.
  14. If you do the Revan side mission, you get an orange chestguard once completed. If you pvp alot you can get a full set with warzone points from the pvp vendor on fleet, which is what I do.
  15. He was mentioning PVP by the way. At any rate, since all classes love seeing a merc, you will die alot since we are easy to kill. How I have mitigated this is to play as tactically as possible. I am never the first one to engage, I always follow someone else up (like a support class should). I also always try to be near other support classes/mercs if possible to extend the amount of time before dying by simple attrition and hoping to get picked last:D I also make it a point to mark out any team healers and do my best to protect in the hope of a future pity heal lol I even disengage and hide for a few short seconds to try to stay out of sight/mind, then come in from a different direction (yes behind a friendly) if possible. Also, you are trying to compare one of most OP classes (everyone runs a sniper) with the worst for PVP, so yes, BH is hurting atm. I did the opposite of what you did, got frustrated with my merc, rolled sniper, entered WZ's with nothing but people playing snipers and mara's. Then I deleted sniper and went back to hard mode merc. Don't give up, we'll get our buff.
  16. um, i still play/pay lotro. I enjoy my kin and the game is not as bad as you make it out to be. I would rather they try to save it than go the warhammer online route and die the slow and painful death. I did not like f2p in lotro at first as a knee jerk reaction. Took a break, came back and just got on with enjoying the game. New content still arrives, I don't mind if its a little later. Enjoy the game while it is around, nothing is forever. I tried this game from the first moment, did not like it, recently came back and like it. so idk, people here seem to spend too much time enjoying the doomsaying, just an outsiders (i am not a forum hoar) perspective. good bye forum. this is one thing this game could do without.
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