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Everything posted by Hikaru_Kuma

  1. Casy Hudson left Bioware. However, he was the project director of KOTOR, ME1, ME2, and they are great games, so don't sell him short because of one (pretty big tho )mistake-ME3's ending.
  2. I main a scoundrel healer for progression raid. My HPS on Sword Squadron HM was 5,417; EHPS: 4,746; Total heal: 2,032,159 hp Slow-release Medpac did 883,460 hp (43.5%); Kolto Pack did 84,099 hp (4.1%); Underworld Medicine 66,698 hp (3.3%), other heals 997,902 hp (49.1%) Let's consider: + 2 stacks of current SRM is 100% x A amount of hp. + 1 stack of current SRM is 50% x A amount of hp. + 1 stack of 3.2.1 SRM is 65% x A amount of hp. + 3.2.1 Underworld Medicine +5%. + 3.2.1 Kolto Pack +5% If I do 1 stack of current SRM then wait after 16s to put on another, it will be: 50%A x 16 + 100%A x 18 = A x 26 hp If I do 1 stack of new SRM then wait after 18s to put on another, it will be: 65%A x 18 x 2 = A x 23.4 hp Each of the above takes 2 GCDs to cast. So the new SRM will heal for 10% less with 2 gcds. So, if I healed with the new 3.2.1 changes on Sword Squadron HM with almost the same rotations, it would be like this: (3.2.1 SRM does 10% less) + (3.2.1 Underworld Medicine does 5% more) + ( 3.2.1 Kolto Pack does 5% more) + ( no changes to other heal) = Total heal with 3.2.1 changes 883,460 x 90% + 84,099 x 105% + 66,698 x 105% + 997,902 = 1,951,352 HP = 96% of my original total heal of 2,032,159 hp. >>> Yay, my heals do 4% less with this "QOL" changes. Unless you can prove otherwise with numbers, do not talk like it's fact.
  3. If you want to understand the story better, do the dread masters 1st. If not, just watch it on youtube and do forged alliances.
  4. I only sell rare stuffs that I know I can get it again just by playing the game. So if I were you, I'd keep the statue. Credit is easy to get IMO, if you have plan to do progression raiding which requires lots of repair times, or if you are a rare-item collector, you may want to hold on to it. My opinion: unless you need credit ASAP, don't sell it.
  5. I had this problem once, then I used SWTOR Unleashed launcher and it worked. Might as well give it one last try, OP. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=529567
  6. Very interesting changes. In my opinion I think operative/scoundrel healers are still doing fine in PVE. We co-op well with other bursty healers since we are good at constant hot + aoe heal. However, I haven't killed Revan or Coni on HM yet, so I'm not sure. I hope they will change the 6-piece-bonus because it doesn't worth it atm. I'd love to have the old 2-piece-bonus on the new 6-piece-bonus, so I can stop using the lesser armorings. In PVP, I feel like operative healer is at the bottom of the healer chain, now that merc gets better CDs. We totally suck at burst heal, and this time we have no "other healer" to help us on this aspect ...
  7. Make sure you buy the Survival kit MK-1 from the THORN reputation vendor. It's 5k and it's used like a reusable vaccine, so you only have to buy it once then you can equip it and right click on it to use . It is also a good relic for low lvl characters. If you don't use aoe attacks and accidentally hit other player's rakghouls, they won't attack you. However, sometimes it's bugged and they attack you anyway xD.
  8. + Have 1 mdps on the boss, everyone except the mdps on adds ALL STAY under the boss (2 heals, 3 rdps, 1 mdps, 1 tank) for aoe heal. + Everyone except the mdps on adds should stay away from adds. + Make sure the mdps on adds stay at max melee range for adds( 3-4 meters) + Everyone stay under the same rock for aoe heal, the best rock to choose is the one nearest the last add, or have someone call out for rock. Start to move toward that direction when boss casts Collapse, don't wait till too late. + Bubble/ slow release medpack/ kolto probe and heal the mdps on adds to full on the cross phase. + If you have a vanguard/ powertech tank they can use riot gas / oil slick on the adds or when boss casts rage storm; Vanguard / PT tank also can aoe taunt on cross phase for the sonic rebounce buff, almost no one will take damage on cross phase if you have that. + Have you slinger/sniper stay at the butt of the boss on cross phase. They can dodge/Evasion when the boss almost finish the cast and take no damage for the 1st cross. 2nd cross they can use shield probe + hunker down (entrench) and take very little damage. 3rd cross: dodge/evasion, rinse and repeat. + After the 3rd cross (IIRC) everyone ignore adds, group together far away from adds and focus on boss. + Win! I hope this help.
  9. Big heal R; aoe heal T; small heal F; hot C; instant heal V; cleanse X; regen energy small heal Z; Shift + C: defensive CD, shift + V; dodge; 1- 4- off dps, interrupt abilities. I wish I have a naga mouse someday.
  10. Play with friends and Q with your friend's tank/healer for quicker pop and a reliable group? Or play as a tank/healer yourself. When I have to Q alone as a dps, I open 2 windows and watch a movie/ news on half of the screen. Also which server are you on? If you're on JC, we can queue together sometimes. Also, I have played all 8 class stories, so I was bored and went to BC server to make a new guardian since Jedi knight was the 1st class story I played 2 years ago and I've forgotten most of it. The game is fun again, helping new people, joining new guild, starting from scrap, and role-playing for the 1st time.
  11. That's an unlock for f2p people to have the ability to access an already existed guild bank. It's not the guild bank itself.
  12. In 16 man ops - 32 man world boss, it wouldn't be simple and easy.
  13. We can't cleanse dots in PVP anymore, I'm fine with that. However, can we have the cleanse cd back? It's getting ridiculous in PVE. Mobs in HM FP put a ton of dots on the tanks. Fine, I can still out-heal that, but the bonus boss in The Battle of Rishi is hell when you don't have enough people with cleanse. I cleansed the tank on cd and he still had to use the cleansing table. Meaning I don't have cleanse for myself or any of the dps. If the dps and healer have 4 stacks of the green dot in the 1st red phase, and then get the 1st green pool in 2nd phase before it fall off, they will die. Moreover, for someone in APAC area they won't be able to get out of the green pool before they get 2 green stacks. Even dulfy ran the fight with 2 healers and 2 dps. I'm not sure how to beat warlords in SNV nightmare mode. Pre-3.0 I had to cleanse the tank on cool down for him to survive, I haven't tried it post-3.0, but I imagine it won't be pretty. I presume BW made the decision to increase cleanse's cooldown because of PVP balance, but it's affecting PVE. In conclusion, can we have our cleanse cooldown back please, at least for PVE healers ?
  14. I didn't do it for the reward (I'm on another server), just for fun. I also think you messed up the aspect ratio slightly when you resized the pic. http://i.imgur.com/tyKY8HW.jpg
  15. Tait, both old and new pve healing set bonus for commando are broken. Please investigate it.
  16. You should check the Customer service forum on patch days or actually anyday. Issues and issues with 1 -2 random answers from the dev. Most of the time it's the users who figure out the fixs and dev doesn't even acknowledge or inform others about the fixs. My PC can patch/run every other games well.
  17. Everyone wants the product/service that he/she bought/paid for to be improved. Customers have the right to complaint. If everyone did as you say, SWTOR would have died a long time ago. WOW actually fix bugs/ exploits within hours/days, not months. Every freaking patch day, I cross my fingers and hope that the launcher would run as usual. Sometimes I just need to reinstall the launcher which still takes about 1-2 hours to find the right fix; yesterday, it forced me to redownload the whole game again and I missed out on guild raid. Don't tell me I don't have the right to complain.
  18. Wow, what's wrong with merc healer ? My commando and mercenary are heal spec only. I've gotten a lot of compliments for healing in FPs.
  19. I have all 3 healers, 2 are at lvl 60. My scoundrel has better gears, but the tank still dies 1-2 times if I get caught off guard. However, in my 180+ gear commando's first hm FP yesterday, no one died at all and I had time to do some dps... Commando heal is super bursty . On the other hand, I must say the commando's aoe heals aren't as good as scoundrel's, but they are good enough.
  20. It's not that I like the change to commando dps's heal, but Operatives/Scoundrels in dps spec lost their underworld medicine heal and got a HOT...
  21. It's buggy but you can still beat it by bringing friends I helped my guidies heal through the buggy fight a couple of time. If you are trying to solo it and it bugs out, switch to a different instance and try again. Some instances on my server works just fine; I told people on chat to switch to it and they were successful.
  22. I've healed 2 HM FPs on my scoundrel so far. Mobs hit like a truck; some of their abilities do 10k hp~ 25k hp. Boss's AoE moves hit like a truck too if the tank doesn't know how to point it away from group or if some dps stand on it. It's still manageable, but most of my gears are ~186 with set bonus; lesser gear healers may have problem healing these flashpoint. It's challenging, but it feels so good when you've beaten the flashpoint. I haven't had time to lvl up my sage and commando healer to 60, so I can't say anything about them yet.
  23. My reaction: whatever, I have all 3 healing classes. Not gonna bother to complain, if it's too bad I will just go back to offline RPGs. Dragon age Inquisition, The Witcher 3 and all that... I'd miss my guidies tho. 2 years for a game is enough and it's burning out of me since I saw all class stories .
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