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Everything posted by Pharohsa

  1. Waaaah! this game isn't everything I ever hoped and dreamed! Waaaah! It's not perfect! Waaaaah! You people are the biggest bunch of whiners and cry babies in the world. Nobody whines like gamers. Geez!
  2. Thanks for the replies. Foolish me thought they had a combat purpose.
  3. Ok... I can see that. I never considered it that way. It all works, when viewed from that perspective. Of course the Sacking of Coruscant twisted more than a few Jedi. I think I may start some toons on another server, and see how this flows. Thanks!
  4. What is the purpose of melee attacks which require you to remove your equipped weapons before they can be used? I don't understand this. Am I suppose to say "Time Out!" ...open my menus ... remove my Blasters ... close my menus and rejoin combat? If anyone can answer this, particularly a dev, I really want to know what these are for?
  5. I would like to see the ranged weapons redone in the game. Break them into categories, such as Melee Ranged and Long Ranged. Then the player could choose. For example, a Powertech/ Vanguard could select a Blaster Pistol or Rifle. Operatives/Scoundrels could choose a Knife or a Shotgun. The Sniper and Gunslinger would need no change, unless the Gunslinger wanted to carry a Rifle ( for whatever reason). That said, some attacks may be forfeited. For example, even now, a Trooper Commando can use a Blaster Rifle, but at least one of his attacks will not work with that weapon so, there may be trade offs. But, not every toon is meant to be a cookie cutter copy of every other toon. I hated when they locked the talent trees in WoW. What have they got against hybrids? You should be able to make your toon as unique as possible.
  6. I completely agree. Some people are so concerned with gaming the game, they forget to just have fun. Playing a toon is more than solving min/max problems. There is also style.
  7. Looking at the new Talent tree, I saw 5 talents that vent heat, then I stopped counting. SO, if you are overheating a lot, I would think that either you are still below level 20, or you are not managing your heat well. You may need to modify your attack rotation.
  8. Companions are gained by reaching a point in your class story, not based on level. Look here: http://www.wikiswtor.com/Companions for all companions. Seriously, Google is your friend.
  9. When you think of these things, don't forget to work out how this would apply to our mirror, the Trooper. I was thinking about a targeted, jet boosted leap of say 30 meters. That could work for both classes, especially with Powertech/ Vanguard. Thoughts?
  10. Nope. I wanna shoot them in the face with my Shotgun!
  11. Well, I learned of this by playing a Sith Warrior. And when I heard it, I had to do a double take. It didn't ruin anything, but then I'm one of those folks who likes just about any story.
  12. Blaster Whip is on the global cool down, right? So, anything else you do will restart the global cool down.
  13. I am not familiar with this particular quest, but I have considered your question. You say that you avoided all LS/DS choices. I assume the conflict was therefore resolved peacefully. I am thinking that, since the quest goal was to create some moral dilemma, and since you did nothing particularly bad, you received a Light Side reward. Does that seem a likely reason?
  14. Noxxix.com is a great place to begin your research on this. I normally look at what they have and modify it to suit my vision of my character.
  15. I had a real hard time figuring out how to play my Scoundrel until I realized that she was simply a mirror image of my Operative. Then I set them both up the same way and played them similarly. Suddenly, my Scoundrel made perfect sense and was fun to play. The Gunslinger is specifically ranged (like his mirror, the Sniper) But the Scoundrel is more of a close in, hands on fighter. Blaster Whip and punches, with inter-spaced shotgun blasts are loads of fun. I hope this helps. BTW, I don't do any healing. We just sneak in and start ...taking names.
  16. I have heard of these Dark Jedi, but I can't quite wrap my head around the concept. What does this mean? Am I a Jedi who acts like a Sith? How can I remain a Jedi if I go around causing wanton destruction and glory in all violence? The Jedi stand for Peace, right? I just can't comprehend this Dark Jedi concept. How is it possible to complete the story line? It boggles my mind, really. Any insights?
  17. Will the Scoundrel FINALLY get a good attack using the Scattergun, so I can shoot Imperials in the face? I see that the new talent tree has an item called Sawed Off that gives a 4% bonus in damage to Back Blast only. Why? Why not give damage bonuses to all uses of the shotgun? Don't limit them to just Back Blast. Sure the same thing works for the Operative. People playing the Scoundrel want to use the Shotgun, and Operative want to go stabby. I have no choice but to use Leg Shot when I want to shoot someone in the face. It is unsatisfying, but the only option available.
  18. Could you possibly make it so that when someone opens their mail or accesses a GTN Kiosk, they are dismounted? It is really annoying to have lazy people riding mounts blocking mail boxes and adding to the clutter of bodies around GTN Kiosks. This is especially bad when they are riding huge mounts like cars, and I think I saw a guy in a sort of tank once. Please, please, PLEASE do this.
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