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Everything posted by LordSodos

  1. I wanted to write this post since I started to play in Beta.... WHY just WHY do I have to see so many aliens on Korriban? Zabrak, Twi'lek, even CATHAR. Has noone of you thought about the bloodline of the Sith, that gets mixed with alien blood. This way the blood of the Sith gets choked from our society. The Sith Empire does not have a racial law without reason. Through Darth Marr's actions they gave it a reason, saying that war costs too much men, and that everyone with force sensitivity should get to Korriban now, as it would be the only academy of the Sith. We Sith have academies all over the galaxy, Korriban Academy was and will always be for elites of the Sith Order. So why not BLOCKING alien races (mirialan, cathar, chiss, twi'lek, ...) and only allowing human and Sith purebloods - restoring the traditions of the Sith, giving more focus on a law we Sith already have since Naga Sadow? The forsaken Jedi filth can have all those aliens unlocked, Bounty Hunter too. I am aware that some races are blocked, but when you buy them on cartel market, you can still use them. BLOCK them too. Appeal: Sith inquisitor, Sith warrior: Human, pureblood only Imperial agent: Human, pureblood, chiss, zabrak only Bounty hunter: No restrictions
  2. If you unlock an emote in your CC collections... you need to do that on every single char... I would like to do that once for every char, also for chars that you will create in the future.
  3. Well, and still it would be more easy to make than the Yavin 4 Stronghold. Rocks are harder to make and texture than cubes that are rotated and got the same color^^ It would be a mixture from Flagship and Cubes + Landscape surrounding it. If I modeled the basic structure in a few hours... a big developer team like SWTOR has can do a whole stronghold of that size with all functions within a month.
  4. Don't ignore them, don't block them, REPORT them as spammers. I do that every single day when I get such a mail.... This way BioWare gets "some" reports as motivation to do it more quickly
  5. That is the reason why we got so many noobs right now, in PvE, PvP and RP. Because it takes time to get better. And if you level in two days you have not even time to find a proper rotation, neither to even look what skills do^^
  6. Indeed. Look at at my thread. Also related to it. Guild update (With alliance networks) Alliance basements (conclave basements) /signed
  7. The wrong game? Are you kidding me? I am playing this game since Beta. The game from below patch 3.2 was the best game I could ever find. After all it is STAR WARS
  8. The developers are motivated, but EA holds BioWare back, so BioWare needs to hold their developers back. If I win in lottery or have a good idea that brings me some money, I buy the game and develop it with my old game studio. ^^
  9. Highs: Shadow of Revan Expansion, the last one that was good. Ziost was already.. . New camera movements Improved graphics quality Improved performance New armor sets in cartel market Some mature bug fixes (Like cloth through speeder) Lows: Getting away from the original idea 4.0 Everything concerning 4.0 Game made for lazy people Vendors removed Same green **** at every mission Lockboxes instead of special rewards Centralising in general No challenge anymore Less RP than 1 year ago Star Wars fan quit the game, casual players came Automatically disabled side missions No added easter eggs Less active community moderators. ... I could go on..
  10. Agreed. The game became a zone for 12 year old girls who can get to level 50 without even seriously fighting. That way they learn nothing... We can see that in PvP now. No one guarding.. no orbs.. no passes, ... even at level 65 PvP. I liked the game where you died a few times on gold stars until you were able to make it with some stims and skills Well that was some time ago now, after four years of playing I learned how to fight properly^^ But in general it is true what you are saying. I wrote so many threads on the forums, where I rage upon that things that happen... Because it is simply annoying how people forgot the purpose of that game... and just want the easy path, not a difficult one. Not only in this game, also in other games. Sad.
  11. I just hate where the game is going right now.
  12. Every. Vendor. I. Loved. Is. Gone. :mad: :mad: I already wrote enough posts to get them back.... but instead of discussions they start to argue with you. Also every heavy, medium and light armor vendor.
  13. We can not help you, I am sorry. The only thing that can change that, is going to another engine. The engine that SWTOR uses, the HeroEngine, is not made for PvP, really. Rather for single player, small multiplayer content with pad performance and graphics quality over all. I find it amazing how SWTOR uses the HeroEngine, the best game I have seen on the HeroEngine, alone the lightning is better than in any other hero engine game, not to speak about textures and so much details. I have a GTX 980 Gigabyte Windforce (Soon Pascal SLI cards I hope), 16GB 3600 MHz RAM, Octa Core Skylake 6st general i7 CPU and even I have <40 FPS in warzones. Sometimes even <20. On Korriban I get 160 FPS I can recommend you something that you can change if you want, it might get you up to 5 FPS more. Turn off pre rendering frames in your Nvidia systempreferences, this way there won't be frames pre rendered by your CPU. In such a game it is not that good. It brought me some more FPS. Also with a Intel i5 I would not recommend it, if you would have a 6st generation chip I would say it would not be that problem. ALSO... I have noticed you said when you turn off the UI. You know what happens when you turn off the UI? Depth of field gets disabled, until you click on a target.... try to force off depth of field via "Nvidia Inspector" for this game. If that is the key, it would be nice to know for me too.
  14. No, because I was talking about money chests, that I always loved to find through exploring. Here I am talking about leveling and the game experience itself.
  15. You can try to call customer services, they always helped me alot. If you can remember the characters, security questions, email or just something related to it, they may help you.
  16. To reply arguing... Is it RP for you, if you have to use OOC PvE skills to FIGHT NPCs... A 1200 years old Sith Lord who holds more power in his little finger than his whole order of fellow who needs to fight against creatures, that should sence immense power and keep a distance, like that insects on Korriban... And then you say "hop on a speeder". Where the HELL should I get a speeder. Even through my immense powers I am no witch of Dathomir. It would just cut me out like PvE from the feeling to be inside of the game.
  17. You just can't get it into your head, hm? I swore myself to post EVERYTHING I don't like, everything I want to have, everything I would like to see. And I have my reasons for that. And the fact, that not so less people how you think share my ideas, makes this.. "special snowflake" worthless. I am just the one who posts everything that comes to his mind. Rather be happy to meet another active community member that helps and posts where he can, even WHILE playing.
  18. No, not the way I want, but the way the game offers it. If you got two options. You walk, or run to a mission or you take a quicktravel shuttle. If you choose the quicktravel, you are lazy, or don't have time. And who has no time is just too lazy to get himself time. I don't like people who play the game as pure fun or to calm down in the evening at all. I like people who feel themselves into the game and the games becomes their 2nd life. But that is, as I said, my personal view.
  19. Nothing gives you the right to say it is a lie, and nothing gives you the duty to believe it. I play over 8 hours a day so if anyone is annoyed by them, its me.
  20. Yes, and I see that there are people on the forums that just don't WANT to understand what I am talking about and rather argue about things that are not necessary at all. This is MY way of playing, this is MY understanding of players, this is MY understanding of the game, that is my view back to four years of playing, and that is MY personal thread where I talk about the problems I, and many others, have with the game right now. Have a nice day
  21. Yes it does. In some parts. But NOT for heroics and heroic areas like worldbosses. The whole level sync should get group content to life for those, who always made it solo... but it is still soloable with level 50 healer comp In RP and just walking through planets enjoying the environment and its sounds, it is annoying.
  22. No, double XP should be one weekend per year. Nothing more.
  23. Indeed. But as I said, in older times of the game many people reacted POSITIVE about it.
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