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Everything posted by LordSodos

  1. Heheheh, I don't think you were to most of those locations that I have been. You know that other city in Kaas? I was there. You know that temple in Kaas City? I was up there. You know that roof of the cantina in Kaas? I was there. I know so many locations that I could show you on every planet, starting with Korriban, the stone bridge, the lower zone where the elevator goes down ... the big metal bridge aboth the valley.... on Dromund Kaas about 10 locations, Tatooine so many... I am not only talking about the locations that you can reach without extreme jump and running. Sadly the most awesome locations are (Like spaceport of Dromund Kaas) where you can't get without it. But I would be glad to show you some, and believe me, you didn't know them before
  2. The person in that expansion is like the opposite of Vitiate. Like BioWare ran out of ideas... then perhaps they should check their community and ask them
  3. Darth Marr formed the empire to a multiracial culture party^^ Also you can't just say something like that, because else there would be 1000000000 Darth Nox and everyone would claim to be it^^ But I personally think, that Zabrak are ok anyways. I am rather talking about Cathar, Twi'lek and such slave races.
  4. Then you should at least be able to sell them for the same amount of credits that were usually in such a lockbox.
  5. Look, it hurts me to see, how people bypass RP. How can a new player get into RP, if the game does not support it You said that there are different kind of players that enjoy different things, yes, of course, but then the game should support both, and not just one type of players, you understand mate? And also I am just saying you what I personally think about it, to start a friendly discussion about it.
  6. What a nice feeling it was.. when you found a lockbox somewhere around a corner. You walked to it and opened it, and woha. Creeedits. I was always happy about this little supply. But thanks to people who made even own bots to farm it, SWTOR just removed all credits from it and put some lazy crafting materials inside it... that no one really wants. When I see a lockbox now, I don't even bother to open it, because it makes no fun anymore, and I am no crafter, so why would I want to have some materials that you can sell for max. of 5 credits...
  7. It is pretty easy to solo it, even without the supply crates. If you have basic level 65 gear perhaps 200+ it should be absolutely no problem.
  8. Here mate, look. Check firewall, anti-virus, modem, internet connection, restart PC, repair SWTOR. If that all does not help, make tracert through cmd and try pinging SWTOR services, there are own tutorials about that And send it to SWTOR customer service. (Or reinstall the whole game, which should really be the last way out)
  9. I wrote alot about it... In nearly every forum I am trying to tell people that fast leveling is nothing that is good... Here... and here... also here.... I am already nearly sick of talking about it, because people just rage and ignore you, while you want to explain everything to them, friendly.
  10. Look. I try to explain it quick. If you explore, you get information about the galaxy your character lives in, you start to think about it and then you start to feel yourself into your character. Through datacrons you get much information what happened before (History), and you start to learn slowly about roleplay. The best way then is, to just start RPing, no matter if you are good or bad, because friendly people like me will always help people to get better in it. And then you don't have tedium at all, so I don't know what you mean with increasing tedium?
  11. 420 days. And I don't want to argue, really. We are both players and we both love the game, we should be able to discuss without arguing. And no, I don't have 700 threads complaining, I rather got 700 threads helping and thinking about other ideas. But hey, let's be friends, I am really sick of arguing about things that concern us all. We all know things that we want and things that we dislike. And I swore myself, that if my account works again (it was bugged some time ago), that I will tell you guys everything I think about the game and how to improve it.
  12. Look. On my Server (The Progenitor) - Noone is on Korriban for planetary RP. My four years old once glorious guild <Darkness> is dead, because true SW fans quit the game, my other very big guild that was a co-guild of <Darkness>; named <Imperial Special Forces> is dead too, because no one seems to get what the Sith Empire and its military is about. And 32 of my old alliances were disbanded because of the lack of RPers.
  13. We lack RPers, it is literally DEAD. And I just don't want to watch my favorite game dieing. You must understand, that I want to make BioWare know this, because I think that they think everything is pink and fine. And the way that they are going is to make the game pure PvE. And that is not the game I loved.
  14. I have my own way of playing, that many others share with me, that is one of the reasons, why I didn't stop playing when Ziost came. Because I still believe in the Sith Empire, with burrrrrrning enthusiasm.
  15. Why exactly do you want to somehow prove me wrong? I experienced the game through RP, side missions and storylines... I want others to experience this Star Wars universe aswell. Only through that we get new people to RP. And only through RP the game stays alive, because RPers do not quit the game that easily, because we know the history of this universe and we are fascinated, that we are inside it. To come back to your "jelly". You say you are one of those, who choose the easy path, the quick path. Why should I be jealous about you? I am explorer, RPer and do not focus on PvE things. I just find the fact funny, that these people who play for a few weeks have the same things that I have with my four years of playing. But I have something that you people do not have. We have the knowledge, the experience, the glorious times in our brains that we remember. You people say that this does not count, and it reflects our current society. "Only touchable things have worth." And about your.. constructive critics... is it not constructive, when I tell the forum what I see is going wrong? Is it not constructive if I work months on one idea that I publish then, like my alliance network idea, my grand guild update idea or in the past my galactic stronghold idea, that I had months before they even pronounced it. I help people where I can, check the different posts. Keep your insultings to yourself.
  16. Because I am an patriotic Imperial. And as you might know the master races of the universe are Purebloods and Human. There is no place for alien filth like... rodians, trandoshans or such things within the Sith Empire.
  17. If you would know the History of everything.. from the Golden Sith age 5000 BBY, over the Great Hyperspace War to how Vitiate raised and built up the Sith Empire, how we landed on Dromund Kaas, how everything was built up, you understand.
  18. Then why do you have so much characters. Make one, let yourself time with leveling, mainly RP, then when you reached that max level you make another one, if you really have to... and the same thing. I have 22 characters now and it's never boring to make all the side missions, because between those missions are a few months.
  19. That is the problem! Without side missions the people will never experience anything of the game than clicking their way through story.
  20. It is just sad when you saw how all of your fellow, that were loyal to you and your order, that were fans of Star Wars and know the timeline exactly from the infinite empire until legacy with darth krayt's empire... And then you see how casual players, players that also play WOW or such things come and see no difference and just level and if they reach the highest level they stop playing. This way RP died on my server and I see myself as one of the last survivors in the WHOLE game, who knows the history, the people, ... everything of the game and in this whole universe.
  21. Look in the suggestion box. Then you see how many ideas I bring in, and I want only the best for the people who play and of course mainly the game itself. People who just click their way through the game will not stay in it long, because they never experienced what it is like to BE in the galaxy. And no, I have nothing against kids, why should I, I have something against people who just want to click their way through the game. You can't click your way through life too, everything I have in the game was earned by hours and hours of playing. I have over 420 INGAME days. That is about 8h per day if you calc it out. And now people who play the game since.... a month have the same things than me, because they just click their ways through, while I had to earn it.
  22. The problem starts with the current generation who has no time at all, are stressed and never learned to enjoy and use fantasies. And the game must support it (Perhaps forcing was a bit rude), but the game must support exploring, currently it's like it never existed. You can even QUICKTRAVEL to heroics now.
  23. Don't say evil. We Imperials are not evil. It is our way of life. We are "racist, fascist, ..." with proud, and we like it. This is what makes Imperials. The error that people make is, to mix real life with it. Because if you see it from that point we all would be national socialists from the inside to the outside, mass murders against the "Hague Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land", ... and would all be sentenced to death. And and and.
  24. Before level sync you were able to one-hit them in most cases, which was rather realistic than annoying. I don't want to PvE fight during RP. And I will EVER stick to planetary RP, because if you experienced a full planned society built up of RPers in Kaas City, RPing citizens, soldiers, .. sith acolytes, ... you know why. No, it does not stop people, but people can escape it. And I first hated the running too, but then I fast saw, what amazing thing you are able to see. The game needs to kill laziness and FORCE people to explore, only through that people get a taste of it. Else they will always choose the easy path.
  25. Surprising after four years of loyally following him?
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