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Everything posted by petergohan

  1. I absolutely agree with you, it's hard liking pvp, but 4/5 matches being huttball sucks... Looking forward to these new arenas and inter-faction pvp, but to enjoy more we should have the option to choose them, or having to end up in quesh throwing some huttballs..., or doing some 4v4 with premades (2 tanks + 2heals).
  2. i agree with him, but i will stay for as long as i can, what i think the devs are missing is the part where the only do content for some audience, like only making new maps, stories, etc, for pve, it would not hurt to make like 2~4 new pvp modes/arenas, it's basic stuff but it could be done, for example we now could have something like a "zakul arena of death", simple things that can keep the pvpers still interested, and giving the money, that is what really matters for the devs in the end. xD
  3. Really? So what about the ops bosses that healer classes are now in pvp? The insane crits sniper/gunners are getting? The super PT? I don't know if it is because i'm new to pvp, but it's gg for certain when you see 3+ healers on the other team, even worst, yesterday i kept getting a team with 4 healers (2 sorcs, 1 merc. and 1 oper.) in a 4v4, all matches ended in like 2 min, and they couldnt even lose 10% of they're hp that it basically auto regened...
  4. i just said what a lot of people that only pve think, they are afraid of pvp, really, but when you overcome this you see that it's not that big of a deal, and is even fun, some people need to relax more over here, geez...
  5. as someone that only pve'd from the beggining(almost 4 years of swtor), entering pvp has opened a new game to me, the only problem i have is to gear up for each thing(pve/pvp) because of expertise or get bolstered, but the few times i've been there forced me to become a better player, really understand the class i play the most(guardian), and i see myself doing it everytime i can now, not a big fan of changes at all, but it's good to see other things, get out of the comfort zone, can be used for life in general, but was really glad with the pvp experience i'm having.
  6. I've been using all greens 190 mods from yavin on everything, lower rating than 190 earing and implants, and have 2 pvp relics, and put expertise crystals on a weapon and offhand equipment, both bellow 190 rating too, but in WZ i get bolstered to 1700ish everytime, i thought it was supposed to give me 1936, or i'm doing something wrong?
  7. And this happens on my last sub day for a while, i wonder if i got lucky or not, but even with the prefered status for sometime i want to play the game. Take the time you need BW, just gives us a stable, bug free(as close to it as possible) game, and balanced classes. Could we at least know what is the issue holding everything?
  8. well as someone that has never pvp'd ever in this game i find myself in a awkward situation, i need and want to pvp for quite some time, but been pveing for so long that i dont know if i'll do ok in pvp, like i see people talking that its so different, we really need a practice mode for it, maybe even encouraging new pvp players to do it by rewarding with some comms, maybe a basic set to start. I keep saying to myself: "I need to pvp, but what if i suck at it?" "Will my gear be enough for now?" "How does that even work?" "My connection will not lag there?", and so on.
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