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Everything posted by akisgood

  1. lol grats buddy, I can tell you're pleased . I actually agree with you that you've probably earned it a lot more by spending so much more time playing.
  2. Ah okay, thanks for the wisdom guys, I guess that clears it up.
  3. you're saying it's the nature of the leaderboard display rather than duping?
  4. Hey guys.... So i'm a sniper who until today was hoping to have a shot at finishing top 3 in season 5. This time last night I was sitting third, and then suddenly this happens. I'm sharing this in the hope that somebody can tell me how to get this sorted out. http://s16.postimg.org/rja38szdh/caprica.png
  5. What I would love to see, and I'm sure it's been mentioned before because it makes a lot of sense in my view, is if staying still in cover for a set length of time granted you camouflage until you attack (an in-place stealth). This would give the sniper a little extra buffer against being the focus target at the start of a 4s match in some situations, and it would make them an even better node defender in 8s. It also fits into what the class is... because the nature of a sniper is one who will conceal himself in a given position while he waits for the perfect shot on his target. Also, a good quality of life improvement that doesn't affect balance, would be to allow you to press entrench while out of cover, immediately placing you in cover on the spot and activating entrench.
  6. Hey pal. In the nicest possible way, I think you could be doing a lot more damage with your gear. - I would suggest you have a look at what some people call the '3 cull rotation' as a way of doing things without reapplying dots too early (it does more damage if done properly). -I don't think you want to use orbital strike for anything other than precasts. -As above it looks like you're losing APM but it's hard to be sure of that without seeing the log. Some tips specifically for parsing that are less relevant for boss fights and thus might not be of interest to you: -Take calculated pursuit (for parsing only) as a better free filler than rifle shot. -Pre-cast your laze target 20 seconds or so before you pull. -When you've pre-casted your orbital strike, you can also then precast a lethal shot to get an extra little bit of damage before the fight starts. -Corrosive mine is also a better filler than rifle shot. source: used viru sniper on all HM bosses pre nerf.
  7. <Provectus> on imp side Prophecy of the Five also sells stuff like this. I suggest you shop around to get yourself the best price you can find mate.
  8. What an interesting project. I presume it would take many hours of work for you to make it usable for the programming illiterate?
  9. To be honest, you can use sorc for anything that's out at the moment easily, especially with the operations nerfs and the 204 MHs, although without either it'd still be usable. The real question is whether you want to trust bioware to buff sustained dps e.g. of madness spec before new PvE content is released, or whether you want to switch to something that gives your group the best possible chance of downing the new fights quickly, since PvE is really in an interrim period at the moment of waiting for the new ops, and this is a good opportunity to evaluate what classes and alts you want to have.
  10. The pub equivalent of force lightning would be a better option over lightning strike once your dots are on. Definitely a good idea to dps when you can but bear in mind that you will have a lot less force to play with if the proposed healing changes go forward.
  11. See if he can do a lot better in virulence because of the mobility and higher sustained damage. If he can't, keep looking.
  12. Almost every guild has 'roster problems'. Wake up nooblet ... P.S. I downed the last boss of EC Nightmare yesterday on a sorc dps
  13. What about a new set bonus on the PvP gear that gives you 99% damage reduction for 4 seconds when you activate kolto overload
  14. I think you may be referring to Blowback, which gives arsenal interrupt immunity on their next blazing bolts after being interrupted . I like your suggestion and I think it's an interesting idea, although I wonder how easily they could implement it and whether it would be abusable. I guess it depends on how long the buff to the next ravage lasts. Hope something gets implemented! 99% sure ravage will still be exactly the same this time next year though
  15. As the guy above says, AP is a good one to use a lot of the time for its great defenses, good burst , fantastic mobility, good 10m options, simple rotation, easy resource management, and all round excellent QoL. Learn this one first. You may want to use pyrotech sometimes. Although it lacks a lot of the strengths listed above, it does have some decent AoE/splash with its new DoT spread, but frankly, if you're asking this question I would recommend just playing AP all the time. You really can't go too far wrong with it, and it does have noticeably better passive defenses.
  16. My pet cat killed it after nerf on his unarmed marauder. Thread should have been closed with nerf. Unfortunately, OP no longer plays the game.
  17. There may be good reasons why this is a bad idea, and I would be very glad to hear them, but I feel like bioware could give themselves a much easier job of making classes balanced in both pve and pvp if they go back to having different set bonuses for each. This could save a lot of time and effort. If a class is underperforming as a pve dps but is fine in pvp, give them a new juicy 6 piece or review their set bonuses in general (e.g. for sorcerer now, if the current dps pve 6 piece was changed to be a buffed version of the lvl 55 set piece or one of the other set bonuses was buffed, it could bring it up to par for rdps numbers depending on exact numbers, without affecting pvp). I feel like this would take a minimal amount of effort for the class balancing team, and it really baffles me why they don't use set bonuses to their advantage to solve their tricky problems. Another example would be mercenary in pvp. Merc dps is great in pve and everyone loves it, but in ranked pvp? You won't see many in the top rankings, because while it does great damage, it explodes in 2 seconds and makes a nasty mess on the carpet. Easy solution? Change the set bonus for pvp! You don't need more damage if you're dead! Give them stacking DR from power shot/tracer missile casts, extra defence chance, an absorb shield proccing when they get stunned, 3 seconds of 99% damage reduction when they activate kolto overload! anything! Use your imagination! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I don't think some specs need to be tweaked in themselves. I read a great post of keyboardninja's about lethality operative suggesting how it could make more sense as a spec, and other specs that I think should be tweaked regardless of set bonus would be madness, rage and sorc heals (to give the latter some challenge with resource management). Creative use of set bonuses could be really fun.. much as I love the generic 6 piece auto crit template that seems to have popped up on a number of classes for both pve and pvp, and it's really easy to tweak without affecting the class in general or baffling new players, so that every class can be viable in pve and pvp and people don't find themselves struggling to play what they actually like to a high level. P.S. I couldn't find somewhere to put this other than here. If somebody knows where it should go, shout.
  18. First thing to say is relative strengths of dps classes vary hugely over time (Bioware always go ham with the nerf bat).. I'm afraid I only play imperial side so you'll have to translate to pubspeak Similarities -Both are similar for raid utility, each providing a raid buff, although the sorc one (giving extra mainstat and health) is more sought after than the merc one (giving alacrity). -Both can offheal -Both are fairly mobile but lightning and IO both have points in their rotatoins where they most stand still for optimum dps. Sorc Pros: -Extremely forgiving on resources - even offhealing heavily or AoEing it takes some time to run out of force in lightning spec, and madness is also forgiving. -Easier to play in terms of rotation simplicity. -Probably slightly more situational mobility than commando with force speed, although they both have good mobility. -God bubble is fantastic and can cheese things like Master's laser on the Master Blaster fight, letting you take all the stacks when it's available. -Able to help the healers with offhealing more effectively than commando (due to resources and lower cooldowns on offheals, plus the strength of static barrier in certain situations). -Lightning has great burst and strong AoE even after the nerf, and tends to be well suited to a range of fights. -Can pull an ally with extricate. Great fun and occasionally useful too. Cons: -Right now, sorc has much lower sustained damage than commando (madness<arsenal<lightning<IO for sustained or thereabouts). You can still do all the current fights on it, especially after the nerf, but IO is one of the highest parsing specs whereas lightning and madness certainly aren't. -Sorc tends to take more damage than most classes. They have a free instant self heal that makes up for this most of the time. Occasionally this can be a problem if something can potential one or two shot you unless you're careful, e.g. the mouse droids on coratanni or the heave on the revan core at high stacks. This can be worked around with static barrier, suppresion and god bubble, but it is a weakness. -Relative lack of defensives, see above. Merc Pros: -Significantly more sustained damage with IO. -Low damage taken with heavy armor and 30% AoE reduction -Decent defensives. -Hydraulic overrides(Hold the line) - extremely useful on the previous content in tos and rav (ignoring some CCs), making this the joint most popular dps back in HM Rav/ToS progression pre 3.2. Cons: -Less forgiving on resources. -IO is somewhat clunky on some fights and arsenal is a weaker bust spec than lightning. Overall, bear in mind that bioware will probably change these specs a lot in the coming months so pick your class for fun and make something else later if it becomes unusable. For this reason I would also suggest considering sniper, which has 3 dps specs and thus is less likely to be hurt by nerfs (as well as great raid utility with the bubble reducing damage by 20% for a while, and good defensives).
  19. Lol indeed, this thread should have ended when 3.2 hit and these things were nerfed... it's not very constructive or particularly relevant any more. On a side note, I just downed NiM Nefra on sorc dps, which is definitely sub optimal for that fight after the lightning nerf. #BringThePlayer. You mention that you did coratanni before revan, and that you only spent a few weeks on revan once you got to it,and that you had a lot of changes to your roster,eventually pulling off your kill with suboptimal gear. I'm not sure what you think other guilds do, but this is the same for most of the guilds that killed it pre-nerf. The key words there are 'pre' and 'nerf'.
  20. - If you have the 1% bonus to accuracy from companion affection, which you definitely want to get, then around 770 or so accuracy will see you at 110%. *Sigh*... no, I'm not retarded actually. What I said was every mod and enc in your gear has either crit of power on it, and having more crit means less power and vice versa. You need to have a closer look at your modifications before making assertions. Taking your example of enhancements, an unlettered enhancement from a revanite token drop will have 72 endurance, 120 of a tertiary stat (which is accuray, surge of alacrity), and 81 of a secondary stat (which is power or crit). Do you see? power/crit occupy the same space on the modification as each other, and accuracy,surge,power occupy another space. You're probably getting confused by the existence of lettered modifications, e.g. from a vendor, which have less power/crit but more mainstat and endurance. These are to be avoided, because they waste some of that secondary stat for more endurance, which you don't want. Alacrity is great yes, and taking several hundred would probably give you a better dummy parse, but in raids with downtime and latency, especially in a burst spec such as marksman, I wouldn't recommend it.
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