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Posts posted by Souliena

  1. Premades with lower numbers -- like 2-man premade or 3-man premade, more easily fit the spots.


    So in the end, all of the above players are put against each other. The rest of the players left -- 4-man premades, don't fit into any slots, so you wait.



    I think this is wrong for our server.

    Doesn't matter if we are 2, 3 or 4 players in group for queing, it needs a long time to get a pop.

    I think that there is annother problem.

    I guess that the new warzone and maybe also arena is blocked for premades at the moment.

    So all players who are queing solo first get in the new warzone or maybe arena.

    No solo players to fill up the other warzones which are possible for groups.

    So even if there is a pop after waiting a long time, warzones wouldn't be filled up if someone is leaving the que after getting a pop or even leaving the warzone, because players first get into the new warzone or arena.

  2. It is just stupid that NOTHING is happening.

    I expected a fix for yesterday, but not even an information about the problem.

    It's impossible for us to play PVP as a group because it is just ridicoulus to wait for a pop more than 20 minutes.

    Not more than 2 warzones in one hour? This shouldn't be normal.

    And we all in our guild don't like to que solo for normal warzones. We like to play together, that's why we have a guild.

    So we don't want to que solo and get in matches against each other.

    Why do I pay for suscribing a game if I can't do in the game what I like to do for nearly one week now? Just wasted money.

    But I know, also susciptions doesn't matter to bioware even if it would mean less money for them.

  3. Hope the fix will come tomorrow.

    Its no fun for me to que solo for warzones.

    I don't like to play solo but I also don't like to wait 20 to 25 minutes for playing a warzone.

    So I will just stop playing until there is a fix.

  4. We also got problems on TOFN.

    It is not that group que is not working... But pops need 15 to 20 minutes as group and if we all que solo for normals need less than 5 minutes.

    So something might be bugged and should be fixed as soon as possible.

    Tuesday and Wednesday pops needed about one minute and after the patch on Thursday pops need more than 15 minutes. This can't be normal.

  5. There is TOO much old stuff in those new packs.

    I just opened 5 packs and I only got 2 new items.

    Really bad chance on new items.


    I dont like this change! As I said, just for making more money. But this is the wrong way..


    In every new pack should be at least one new item, in my opinion!

    Or change it, so that only new stuff in new packs and bring the cubes to the cartell market so that people can buy them directly if they want old stuff.

  6. ^^^^^^


    Moar legacy bays please!


    Support this idea!


    5 legacy bays is not enough.

    One is full with all the legacy gears and PVP items (like Stims, warzone medpacks, grenades) I use for my different alts.

    Then all the mats for crafting because I use mats with different characters.

    And in addition other things like the jawa scrap (possibility for higher stacks would be great for this)....

  7. I'm really disappointed about this change because you are not interested in what people like or want!

    I loved especially the decoration packs. I'm only interested in decoration if I buy cartell packs.

    If there is to much random **** I dont want to have, I won't buy the packs.

    And if someone buys NEW packs, he wants to have only NEW items.

    Better bring the pack with old stuff in a pack you can choose and buy if you want old things.

    Don't mix everything together, the random factor is even higher and I don't like this.


    But I think the problem is the money.

    With random packs there is more money to make than with special packs.

    Difficult calculation but I think I have understand the real problem.

    I know, noone will talk about this here because people shouldn't know why there really are changes.

    But don't forget with your strange changes and strange reasons there will always be a bad image of your development.


    Da hat man dann wohl selber schuld.

    Wenn man beim FP leavt hat man auch eine Sperre, man verlässt ja sowas auch nicht grundlos und

    trotzdem wirst bestraft für, sollte dann auch für die BG's gelten.



    Wenn wir schon beim Vergleichen sind...

    Dann sollte aber auch die Votekick-Funktion im BG funktionieren, die dort noch NIE funktioniert hat.

    Und außerdem muss dann die Igno-Liste ebenfalls für BGs funktionieren, dann hätte man wenigstens die Wahl, mit wem man auf keinen Fall spielen möchte.

    Und ich sollte auswählen dürfen, welche BGs ich spielen möchte und welche nicht. Bei Flashpoints gibt es schließlich auch noch eine Wahl.

    Und wenn das BG verloren ist, dürfte es keine Marken geben, im Flashpoint gibt es schließlich auch keine Belohnung, wenn man den Kampf nicht erfolgreich beendet ;-)



    Im Übrigen sind 90 % aller Spieler mit wenig PVP-Erfahrung resistent gegen freundliche Ansagen oder den Versuch einer Hilfestellung (zum Beispiel im Bezug auf Gear zum Bolstern, ...).

    Wenn ich dann im Hypergates lese, wie jemand gerne möchte, dass einzelne Orbs holen während der Rest dann reinstirbt und die Gegner Kills dafür bekommen.. Da krieg ich zu viel. Ich will im BG schließlich meinen Spaß haben und das möglichste tun, um das BG zu gewinnen.

    Und wenn man dann versucht, sachlich zu erklären, dass es nicht sinnvoll ist, Orbs wegzubringen, da man dann in Unterzahl ist und es sein könnte, dass man dadurch häufiger stirbt und dem Gegner Punkte schenkt, wird man noch aufs übelste beleidigt.

    Liegt vermutlich daran, dass der PVEler denkt, dass er eh besseren Schaden macht und ihm ein PVPler deswegen gar nichts zu sagen hat :D

  9. That is very disappointing to me.

    I was writing with the custumer support about this topic but didn't get a reall answer if it was wanted or a bug that the packs weren't in cartel market the last time.


    So why they promise that with the new system the packs will be always in cartel market and then they totally change this without saying anything until we ask for that.

    Then PLEASE bring back that there are different packs at the same time.

    I don't want to buy just the newest pack.

    I like it to open different packs or the option to buy decoration packs for getting many different decorations.

  10. if we're only talking about queshball, then there is an issue targeting the ball carrier, but that has nothing to do with movement abilities. it's just literally seeing who has the ball because all of the colors are the same and you cannot see if the person you're targeting is the person with the ball.


    I don't think that this is the problem.

    But doesn't matter what it is, for me a reason not to play quesh-huttball.

    Something is working really bad, so no fun to play.


    If there should be a penalty I should be able to choose which warzones I want to play and the vote-kick system should work.

  11. Is 20fps bad in this game? I have a core i5 and that's what I get during a heavy fight. On my previous computer which had a core2quad, it'd drop down to 5fps. A few times it dropped down to 1fps. So 20fps is pretty playable :p



    Would be very happy about 20 FPS in warzones.

    Most of the time playing with 10 FPS or less.

    But I don't have any tipps for getting better FPS.

  12. Crappy map design? Sure? Bugged? No. The only thing that is bugged is leap abilities not working on a vertical climb which happens even on maps like Civil War in the middle area and the game engine itself. Not really a map issue.


    But that is not what I wanted to tell.

    The problem ist that always the ball carrier isn't attackable or healable if he uses a moving speed skill.

    Shadows, Scoundrels, Vanguards, ...

    All move with the ball without possibility to stop them because they aren't attackable for me. I can only see the line of the ball, but the player is like he is invisible ;-)

    Thats why I never play quesh-huttball.

  13. Huttball is the most balanced pvp map though.


    But only the old huttball.

    Quesh-huttball is SO bugged..

    As long as people with the ball with speed-skills are bugging away, I won't play quesh-huttball.

    Engine is too bad for quesh-huttball.

    And never fixed since they brought quesh-huttball.

    Reported many times.... but as with all bugs I've reported... nothing is happening.

  14. If you shout 'left' or 'right' knowing that those terms are relative, you're the one who is wasting time and confusing the issue. During a WZ when time is limited, I want a clear and unambiguous response. This is why East/West is superior to left/right.


    For some people left / right is easier than watching what is west / east.

    I really have to think about which is west / east if someone calls like this.

    And until I can react on this call the bomb is planted / the turret capt or something.

    For me without good orientation (also in real life ...) I think it is better to call left / right from spawn.

    I can't handle this west / east with the minimap while playing.

  15. Als DD find ich die aktuelle Balance gar nicht problematisch. Einfach die Gegner schnell genug umhauen, dann braucht man auch nicht so viel Heilung vom Gefährten.


    Schwierig finde ich es nur, wenn ich gerne neben den BGs mit meinem Heal die Heroics machen möchte.

    Auf DD kriegen meine Gefährten extremen Schaden und hauen kaum was raus. Mit Tank-Gefährte krieg ich trotzdem permanent die Aggro und mit nem Heal-Gefährten kriegt man nichts tot :D

    Als Heiler bleibt einem also aktuell nichts anderes übrig, als einfach keine Heroics in den BG-Wartezeiten zu machen...

  16. This is true. Kills are vastly more important than fighting over middle. So an ideal situation would be that your enemy has better dps and one of your team is preventing them capping their pylon. It is ESSENTIAL, all players leave middle asap or upon respawn and support the cap prevention.


    But - please keep 2 guarding your own pylon as otherwise you are open to a counter attack and if they have 2 stealth players who are smart, leaving a single person defending leaves them open to a sap cap and on Hypergates its all but impossible to counter without a stroke of luck.


    Yes, hypergates is in my opinion one of the most tactical warzones. Need a good overview about your team / classes, enemy team and balance. Need to decide the right for the right situation. Need to know when it is better to try stealth-cap and when it is better to stop them from the beginning of a round. And please... don't try to prevent capping in the first round. You can steal your team the chance to do this in later rounds for much more points.

  17. I think for hypergates it is important to say, that kills are more important than orbs.

    If people leave mid for taking orbs out, the mates would die mid because they are less than enemy team and that would mabye give the enemy team more points than the orb gives the own team.

    Best time for taking orbs and bring them back is when mid is nearly clear (then take all orbs and leave mid with your mates also if you don't have an orb) or if your team pushes enemy team out of mid.

    And: Never stay mid alone. If you see, you will be the last one mid, try to get out of mid instead dying and spending points.

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