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Everything posted by Quesadilla

  1. Assuming a crit every 1.5 seconds, you could use Adrenaline Rush every 33 seconds. That's more than enough to get the 75k healing medal. I seriously think this deserves the consideration.
  2. So how do you explain the Operative/Scoundrel mez from stealth filling your resolve and then start ticking down before the mez has actually worn off? Is this working as intended?
  3. You realize the AOE radius is being cut to 5m from the center, right? That's all the nerf you should need.
  4. I am well aware of this... I guess initially I thought it was possible to get the 75k healing if you have 20k buffed health and pop your Rakata medpack and Adrenaline Rush every 90 seconds. In Assault Specialist, assuming a crit every 1.5 seconds, it is possible, but doing the math I guess you'd still have to use Adrenaline Rush 22 times in a warzone to get that medal. It would be more than possible in an Alderaan though, because Alderaan could essentially be infinite in duration. I still think it deserves consideration.
  5. Well it's nice to know that other people think it's as stupid as I do this hasn't been fixed. Let's see how long it takes for this matter to be resolved.
  6. Tanksins/Tankdows get healing from their force lightning/pebbles. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I do believe Juggs/Guardians can even get the 2.5k healing medal, so why doesn't Adrenaline Rush also count for it?
  7. I can't honestly remember how old this bug is, but I personally think that it has been around long enough for Bioware to realize that the entire team in a warzone does not always appear in the raid frames. It is incredibly difficult to heal someone who does not appear on the frames, and it's just as crappy for that person because they're not getting as many, if any heals. Does anyone else think it's time this gets fixed? Or am I among the minority?
  8. ROTFLMFAO, an Assassin complaining about defensive cooldowns, this is just a troll, right? Your god mode can be used twice as often as Marauders', which is their only respectable cooldown, and you think you're entitled to more? And if you're against a sentinel/marauder or sniper/gunslinger, you have a separate cooldown just for that. If your defense chance is above 50% against either of those classes, you already have the upper hand, especially if the cooldown lasts 12 seconds.
  9. It generally grinds my gears when I get tracer missile spammed to death while I'm attacking a healer or someone else worth interrupting, but I will admit that the Arsenal/Gunnery rotation is optimized by the 3 other skills everyone has mentioned. Do I like the idea of someone literally only using 4 skills for maximum damage? No, but I certainly don't blame them for it. It's not their fault that Bioware designed the class that way, just like Operatives/Scoundrels get constantly screwed at every major update. If it's fun to the person playing the merc/commando, then I'm certainly not going to tell them they shouldn't play that way. The only thing I request is that Bioware not give them anymore knockbacks.
  10. Could not be more false. 15% increase = 15% more damage/healing given and 15% less damage taken. That's a 30% swing, which is miles ahead of whatever even the Rakata power adrenal would give you, and Crit/Surge adrenals are a terrible choice and have been since the surge nurf. If you have all the gear you need in terms of PVP and have nothing else to spend your commendations on, the Expertise Adrenals are hands down the better choice to use, but you can't also use them in PVE.
  11. You have to remember though that Combat Tech is the only "Vanguard" DPS set at all. Eliminator is technically the only "Commando" DPS set. In terms of all-roundedness the Combat Tech set is not that bad.
  12. I think an operation or at the very least a flashpoint where it's the normal number of people plus companions would be really fun. As for a warzone, I completely disagree. It's a cool idea, but instead of having to grind gear for just myself, I'd have to grind gear for a companion I don't even bring out except to do a warzone? No thank you. It's way too difficult to coordinate PUGs in warzones as it is, and having to coordinate companions too would just be too much.
  13. Well the Shockfrozen water still gives you the medals, it is just consumable now. If you want to make a push for every medal besides 300k healing on a shadow tank, you could get one and then have those 2 medals for free.
  14. Also 2.5k and 5k heal.
  15. This question is specifically for ASSAULT SPECIALIST vanguards who currently use the ELIMINATOR set. Do you think that the Combat Tech will be a significantly better choice after 1.2, or do you think that Eliminator will still be useful?
  16. Currently it isn't a terrible idea to use Ion Cell and a shield in a DPS spec, but I've never used Tactics to DPS so I don't know if you would lose too much DPS from not using High Energy Cell. In Assault Specialist after 1.2 it will be a bad idea to use Ion Cell when trying to DPS because you will lose out on your ability to reset High Impact Bolt. Honestly, at level 15, a shield and Ion Cell is probably a better choice just because you'll be able to stay alive a little bit longer, the stat differences on level 15 generators vs. shields isn't enough to worry about. Later on when you start choosing a spec, it may become more important. Like I said though, I've never used Tactics so I don't honestly know. Seems like Tactics will become more viable to go deep into after 1.2, but we shall have to wait and see on that.
  17. Sometimes it even lies, and says that you owe like 3k when it's actually free. I got 50 on one of my characters literally months ago, never respecced and then just recently did, it said in the little thing that pops up that it'll cost me 3600, but it said it was free in my chat window.
  18. Balance and Infiltration shadows = free kill for me. Tanksassin/Tankdow = free kill for them. If there's someone you can't kill as a Tankdow/Tanksassin then you're either building wrong or playing wrong. So according to Bioware, Suck + Godly = average, and henceforth no nerf. I've been saying Tankdows are OP since they started putting DPS mods into their tank gear, and if so many people are now complaining about the lack of nerfs to a class that needed rebalanced the most, more people obviously realize the problem than you think.
  19. To me, it seems like it would be incredibly stupid to use a sniper rifle at point blank range on someone. Sure, one shot would be deadly, but it seems like it would be incredibly difficult to hit someone. Even over 30 meters it really seems quite stupid to use a sniper rifle, I thought they were mostly intended for ranges a lot longer than that. The spammable AOE also seems impossible with a sniper rifle. Last time I checked, fully automatic sniper rifles don't really exist... Do any snipers use blaster rifles instead of the sniper rifle, or is it too big of a loss in DPS to warrant?
  20. I don't quite understand why you think you need an entire new bar for three abilities... The cover bar makes sense because there's literally a full bar of abilities that require cover. You also spend 99% of a long fight out of stealth and cannot get back in unless you blow a three minute cooldown or somehow get out of combat. Cover can be engaged and disengaged infinitely. Also, there are plenty of other classes in the game that have skills that require special circumstances such as a target being incapacitated, slowed, or below a certain percentage of life. There are just as many of these abilities as there are stealth-only abilities, so if a stealth bar is such a good idea, shouldn't an "Incapacitated target only" bar be a good idea too? These skills can actually be used more often than Stealth-only skills in a fight, so if anything, this actually makes more sense than a "Stealth" bar. Operatives have the same amount of skills as everyone else. If other classes can function with 4 full bars of skills that are all there all the time, you should be able to also. It may be more convenient to have a "stealth bar," but it's hardly necessary. You as an operative actually get access to the cover bar too, so you technically have one more bar than the non-IA classes, so if clutter is such a problem, find a way to use that creatively.
  21. Well for starters, this guy did: And a shield is not a worthless argument considering how you are talking about surviving longer. Every class has attacks that you can shield against. Is a shield useful in every situation? Absolutely not, but considering how marauders and snipers do practically nothing except shieldable attacks, this deserves consideration when talking about surviving. I realize that running around with a shield in DPS mode as a Jugg will lower your DPS by whatever the stat difference is, but consideration can still be made for it. As for armor, the "effective difference" between the two isn't so insignificant that it should be ignored. My vanguard in champion gear has 6% more mitigation just from armor than my sentinel. Given that anything with the words "energy damage," "kinetic damage," or weapon damage" are mitigated by armor, Juggs and Guardians have a passive 6% boost in mitigation against most classes whereas sentinels/marauders who who can mitigate 99% of the damage they take for 5 seconds out of every minute and a half (AKA 5.5% mitigation over the duration of the cooldown). Armor is even more important on a Jugg than on a Guardian because both Sage and Shadows' primary DPS moves are kinetic vs. Sorcs' and Assassins' being elemental. Hardly insignificant when talking about surviving.
  22. Is the speed bonus from Ataru Form turning off when you enter combat?
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