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Everything posted by Kaldron_Fell

  1. Not sure it applies to what you're experiencing, but the following is important to know: Any bonus applies only to the BASE cxp. So if you have a 100% CXP boost, a legacy perk for 10% boost, and the 100% boost for having those four base classes at rank 300, and you do an activity that gives a base CXP of 40, you'd get the following CXP: 40 +10 (25% of base for CXP boost) + 4 (10% legacy CXP boost) +40 (100% other legcy CXP boost) ---------- = 94 CXP So in other words, these are not cumulative as they used to be in 5.0. Also: the 100% legacy perk thing only works for toons under rank 300!
  2. Oops, sorry for the wall of text I've been a hardcore DPS guy for a long time now. I take my role seriously, which means always taking everything serious as far as mechanics go and never underestimating the task at hand. I try to contribute in any way I can to make life easier for everyone. I peel properly, I CC, offheal and revive where required and useful without neglecting my main task, killing the enemy as quickly as possible. Now, as it happens, there is a shortage of tanks everywhere so I thought the time had come to get my feet wet and try something new. So I made a immo jug, did lots of solo content with my companion set to DPS (just as someone suggested earlier, to learn to take care of myself and to learn to get and keep aggro) and all that, and when I got to level 70, I got myself some real nice tank gear. Actual tank gear, with shield and absorb in proper proportions, proper relics and of course a shield generator. So then at first I did some veteran FPs, and that seemed like an entirely futile exercise because nobody cares that you want to learn to tank in a vet, it's just rush rush rush and to hell with everyone else. So I started doing HM FPs with my guildies, and that seemed easy enough. So I tanked a few ops, and that seemed easy enough. Now, after doing this for a while (enough to be around command rank 200) I can say it's the most boring thing I've done in a while. Doing mobs is at least somewhat interesting because you can endeavor to "collect them all" and keep everything off of everyone. That is a bit of a challenge. But... tanking Tyth on SM? Could there be anything more boring and less challenging? I'll continue to do it, because without someone taking the bullet,nothing will happen. But I probably won't be enjoying it as much as DPSing. IMHO, DPSing is a lot more of a challenge, at least at the content difficulty I'm playing (HM FPs, SM OPs). As DPS, I have to Protect the healer Stay out of stupid Consider who to attack when Consider who to interrupt when Self-heal where necessary Consider my defenses Perform the best possible rotation for maximum damage whereas as tank, I have to Self-heal where necessary Consider my defenses Keep boss aggro, which is easy with threat bonus to dmg and taunts for when boss wants to swap aggro Oh and maybe I have to decide which DPS to guard. And yeah, sometimes you may have to tank swap. But honestly, most of the time I just stand there and look pretty. Or at least that is my first impression after a while. Am I completely wrong, or is tanking pretty boring? Oh and while we're here, a pet peeve: You've not tanked before but hey how hard can it be, you're the superman of DPSing, right? You're one of those guys that read here on the forums that you can just skank tank all content in the game and that you never need tank gear, and that with dps gear you get more aggro and the bosses go down faster? And you're further one of those that say that, if the healer is semi competent they can easily heal you through it no matter what, after all it's not NiM ops? And if they fail to keep you alive because you're not even using a shield generator, you tell them it's all their fault and that they suck as healers? If that's the case, please please stay away from the HM FP queue and please never join any PUG for any content, because all you will do is outsource your job to someone else and be a burden for everyone else. Because you don't do your job (soaking damage) you make other peoples jobs way harder. Not cool, and not fair. If you're one of those experienced super tanks that laughs in NiM Raptus' face, then go ahead, you know what you're doing. If you know your healer and he's okay with it, go ahead. In every other case , just don't tl;dr: tanking is boring, imho. YMMV, of course. Also, inexperienced skank tanks in PvE content HM FP or up are wrong.
  3. Someone mentioned putting all those new level 1 toons to good use, but I doubt that is how it will work, in fact, this points to a large problem with any new DvL event: If it works the same as the last time, it means creating at least one but up to eight new toons and levelling them to level 50. However, if you have toons on two servers now, you will definitely be over the server character limit. Granted, you get to keep your additional toons, but how on earth will you ever make new ones? You probably couldn't even buy that many new slots because you're way over the new absolute limit, not just your personal one. So, unless they somehow change the ruleset completely, or allow the separate creation of DvL toons, I don't see how this could work for most of us. Concerning the event itself, I have to say a lot of it was stupid grind. I hated that I had to do PvP and GSF. I was being told a lot that I should try and and that after three times, I'd like GSF. I had to do it five times and still didn't like it one bit. And the levelling to 50 of eight toons, just pure tedium. But...! A lot of the other stuff was fun. Like doing each HM FP and the ops and the world bosses. Really enjoyed those, as I hadn't done many HM FPs or too many ops until then.
  4. Only if it's a kath hound Seriously though, I'm just not sure it's interesting enough. At least in previous games, it was just farmland and the only interesting thing was the jedi enclave and two homesteads with one screechy parent each. Oh and a cave with crystals....
  5. I doubt it. It makes far too little difference for that.
  6. Popups came way too often, often while doing something important. But what's more important, this gives far more time to do DvL champion bosses. Oftentimes, once you had a group together for fighting one, there was not enough time left to actually defeat one. I've often had the problem that the bosses would vanish during the fight with something like 3-5% health left. Very annoying. This should make it easier.
  7. I don't think this is a problem that should be solved by making silly laws.
  8. It just means there's another idiotic law in the UK, and that this game will be 18+ there.
  9. That is actually a pretty cool idea. See lots of ancient and foreign places. Maybe kill stuff while you're there.
  10. Actually it was just about three-four weeks ago. Didn't believe server merges would happen so I migrated half of my toons from Progenitor to Red Eclipse. And while I had all bays unlocked on Prog, I had to buy all legacy bay unlocks again on TRE, because that doesn't transfer
  11. Hmm, must not have seen that bit with the overflow. Too much information I guess. The question remains: Will I get my money back? What if paid with cartel coins for these unlocks? that's actual money.....
  12. Full disclosure: I am not an RPer myself, this is just something I "thought of under the shower" (without the actual shower) So, the idea goes like this: Most RPers seem to gather on Nar Shaddaa, so add a new part to Nar Shaddaa. Call it Jekk'Jekk Tarr but forget about the methane atmosphere, because that's so last era. This new part of Nar Shaddaa would be reachable from the Smuggler's Moon, but it would not be technically be part of it. For instance, the three main channels General, Trade and PvP would not be shared with the main planet, but would either be separate or entirely disabled. It would also have a number of instances by default (say 10?) so people can RP in peace and independendly from each others, if they so choose. Everyone would by default start in instance 1 and could then pick a more quiet place. This would also mitigate the effect of troll attacks. The map should feature a main cantina like area, as well as some side areas like the cantina on Coruscant, but perhaps a little more interesting than that. I could imagine dark backrooms, storage areas, beast pens for illegal beast fights, a back room with an illegal arms merchant (just for story), stuff like that. Something for everyone. The advantage would be that this would be very easy to implement, harder to troll than just adding a single extra RP instance and it would give an additional interesting location just for RPers to enjoy. Or is this a really stupid idea?
  13. A few things regarding the effect of server merges on legacies are still quite unclear to me, so here's a few questions that hopefully someone from Bioware can answer in part or completely: (Listed in order of importance to me) Legacy Bays On two of three servers that will be merged into one, I have unlocked all six legacy bays. Will I get to keep all my bays, making for a total of 12 legacy bays? If so: if I had 6 bays each on 3 servers, would I suddendly have 18 bays? How would that even work with so many tabs? [*]If not: What will happen to the contents of the bays I don't get to keep? I did pay for those extra bays! Do I get that refunded in cartel coins or credits somehow? If I have to evacuate some bays in order for items not to get lost, how do I know which ones will be dropped? [*] If legacy bays can now be used to deposit credits, does that mean they will be more like guild banks, with nameable tabs? Strongholds I have 6 strongholds each on two servers. The first six are mostly decorated as opposed to stuffed full of trash to reach conquest bonus quickly. If I have 12 strongholds combined, that's obviously 2 too many. Which will be culled? Is it random? How can I make sure my actually decorated ones aren't dropped? Do I have to delete the ugly ones before the merge? Will there be any way to sort strongholds, or will the list show more entries? As it is, the only one I'm interested in (Nar Shaddaa) is always the last one in the list, on page two and I always have to do a few extra clicks to get there. I can but imagine how much more annoying this would become if there were 6 extra strongholds, possibly with the ugliest first. Thanks for any information you can provide. Especially the topic of the legacy bays is important for me - I have them full of valuable stuff that I can't afford to lose. If I have to evacuate some of the bays, I need to know which and where to.
  14. Stupid question: I paid for full legacy bay unlocks on Progenitor and TRE. Will I get to keep all my bays? Or will I end up with the nornal server limit of bays that we have now? What will happen to items in those bays that are lost? Do I get a refund for lost bays? Or their contents?
  15. I recently moved from Prog to TRE. I did check, out of curiosity, what went down in the Nar cantina. Absolutely nothing. I doubt you will notice much of a change if you start to RP there on the new server.
  16. Yes. I get it on several of my toons. My observeration is that it is tied to selecting a specific proficiency. For my mercenary for instance, it is Trauma Regulators and for my powertech it seems tied to selecting Pressure Overrides. If I don't select that, the reset doesn't happen. I bet the same is true for other classes as well. Try selecting a different set of proficiencies in the legendary tier and see if the reset still happens. If it doesn't, try selecting one of your original ones and one other, to nail down which one causes the reset.
  17. A new boss for Valley of the Machine Gods that also doubles as... A mount A stronghold A pet A new ship for GSF A new type of armor So in short, a transformer type robot. They love robots. Realistically: Tier 5, to retroactively justify all the nerfs and Make Gear Relevant Again! I really hope that I'm wrong but there is a system to their madness, and adding new gear for more grind is way easier than adding more content.
  18. Whatever the reasons are, the "blame" is solely on Bioware. Blaming PvPers or PvEers is unproductive. I'd rather want to know what these supposed targets are, and what they are based on. I keep hearing a class was above its target DPS or HPS but where this target is coming from, and what utilities were included in those calculation remains a mystery. We were promised more communication, but this is quite the opposite. We get these nerfs (for the most part) and buffs announced, but no discussion or even just an explanation about the reasons has ever happened.
  19. Actually if you are really talking about cartel coins, you cannot buy them from anyone else but Bio, because they are not transferable. You can earn them from various achievements though... Or for being a subscriber... Or for using a security key...
  20. Mantle of the Force -> Progenitor -> Red Eclipse The first transfer was due to the fact that I accidently picked a french server and my french is les miserables. Second transfer was due to population decline on Progenitor. Came to TRE, saw a second fleet instance for the first time in years!
  21. Keith's Roadmap for the second half of 2017: ☑ Piss off every single player still around ☑ Forget about new content for the most part (more op bosses? But we already made two?! New PvP? Eh!) ☐ Get every last player to leave ☐ Get game shut down Good to have goals, innit...
  22. Someone was looking for "people" to join their group for DP SM. I thought that was odd because no roles were specified but my guildie thought it would be nice to do that op so we asked and got invited. When the group was completed I took a look at the ops frame and saw that it wasn't ordered, so asked for assistant lead. Got it, asked who was tank (knew who was healers already) and the group lead said they were tank and some other guy with taunt could queue as tank and that all was good. Hmm. So since it wasn't GF op of the day we got summoned by my guildie to Oricon and while we were waiting for someone who accidentally strayed into DF instead, the group lead asks whether we want to do SM or Vet. And I thought hey, cool, people on TRE just casually ask what difficulty the op should be! Nice! One of our healers said we couldn't do vet because they were level 68 only, so we tried SM instead. A few meters in the tank said they'd need some explanations since they had never done that op before. That was when I knew it would go horribly wrong. I told the tank it was quite adventerous of them to ask to do vet when they had never done this one before, and on we went. The lower level healer threw their first hissy fit when we fought the Bestia ("Doesn't anyone here know how to use dcds?"), but all went well. On the second boss, they were unhappy with the way the simplifications were placed though I can't imagine it makes much of a difference in SM. Our tank couldn't keep aggro to save their life, and the hissy healer died from inferno that they kept standing in. After that, they just left the group never to be seen again. Another guy left and I decided then and there it wouldn't work, so I left too. My guildie stuck around and told me later they got as far as the third boss. I can only imagine what Raptus would've done to that tank Now I don't mind if someone's doing something for the first time and needs some help and guidance, but why not just do the op with a proper tank to learn how this works? Why insist on doing it alone the very first time? I don't get it
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