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Everything posted by Anaesha

  1. True but the second form is called an H2 so technically it should be at the difficulty of an H2 Which I'd say it's more at the level of an H2.5 or an H3.
  2. THAT is an Assumption nothing more nothing less. An H2 is an H2 regardless of if it's a weekly or the SF.
  3. Don't you love when that happens? I've done that on my sniper a few times was busy going through my rotation and didn't notice it in time and smack DEAD.
  4. Actually for reference in my own class I'd love to see a Marksman sniper. Dreading trying to do these as one.
  5. Balance from BW? You might as well try to ask your local real estate agent if he could help you buy the moon.
  6. That's a Lie Eric said the armor rating and absorb bug was slated to be fixed in 4.0.3
  7. do it in gear that isn't 220+ and on a class that isn't designed to take a beating would help.
  8. You claimed to have at least you've never showed any real proof that you did unlike others who have said they completed it.
  9. LOL, for some reason I read that and while reading i could clearly picture Snoop Dog in my head.
  10. THE PEOPLE MAKING IT THOUGH ARE IN M0STLY 220+ GEAR MEANING THEY ARE OVER GEARED FOR THE FNING PLACE!!!! So far I've only hear of one person making it through in gear that was lower the 216. If it's meant to be done solo by people looking for the gear that drops in them yet they need better gear then the heroics offer just to get through it how is that fair to them?
  11. I'm sure a Troll will pop up to say they need to L2P or some other such BS like they always do.
  12. something I think people are missing is that everyone making it through these are tanks/healers and have better gear then the H2 SFs drop so yes you can make it but what about the person who doesn't have 220 or 224 gear?
  13. Thanks I missed it. these topics and posts are going to fast I'm having trouble keeping up with them. lol
  14. Once AGAIN it's a class designed to take a BEATING or can heal THEMSELVES claiming to have done it solo. I've YET to see any of the other classes make it.
  15. whatever troll. Next month BW will do something you don't like and you'll be on the forums screaming bloody murder and claiming you're leaving AGAIN!!
  16. seems to me the classes "allegedly" making it through are classes designed to take a beating and classes with the ability to heal themselves. I want to hear someone making it through with a marksman sniper, a sharpshooter gunslinger, Shadow/Sin, or a Mara/Sent
  17. OUCH. Guess my sent and mara are never doing SF. at least not until BW fixes this ****.
  18. It's BW. Have they EVER done something right the first time? I'm sure they will fix this mistake..............................
  19. You do Realize ERIC said ALL H2s that INCLUDES SF are SUPPOSED to be able to be done by you AND your COMPANIONS!!! How hard is this to figure out?
  20. Lets just say comps got Nuked from orbit with the biggest mother fn Nuke BW could find.
  21. I take it back that manka cat mount looks fun as well.
  22. Try it on a class that ISN'T designed to take a beating.
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