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Everything posted by Anaesha

  1. Have you tried to do H2 SF solo? it ain't easy even with the OP comps so if all H2s including SF are meant to be done with just you and your comp I don't think they know what they're doing as SF will be impossible to do as they intend with this nerf.
  2. LOL, Don't bet on it whatever BW broke they seem to have broken it REALLY good.
  3. That right there would be the issue. the ST (bitraider) client is slow a ****. I have the SSN client and it downloaded extremely fast.
  4. You don't actually need to change this "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"BR\" }" It's an unneeded step.
  5. Check your client to see if it has an ST in the lower left corner. If it does that's why it takes so long. My client downloaded and patched in no time at all.
  6. Had no issues at all with patch but I'm using the SSN client not the BT Raider client.
  7. Games are form of entertainment IE they are meant to be fun. if they stop being fun then they stop being entertaining.
  8. BW and balance should never be used in the same sentence. They don't know how to do that they never have, it's either make it op or nuke it from orbit.
  9. This has some unneeded steps in it. The only part you really need to change in the Launcher.Settings file is "bitraider_disable"
  10. They just now figured out there was an issue with RaF? I could of sworn players have been saying there were issues with it for awhile now.
  11. Glad to know it isn't just me getting that.
  12. They will be the tanking forms armor rating and absorb bug isn't slated to be fixed until 4.0.3.
  13. We don't know yet if they just "tweaked" it or if they Nuked it from orbit with the mother of all Nukes. Knowing BW's track record the latter is more likely then the former.
  14. All adding chat bubbles will do is degrade the games performance which is exactly WHY BW said they would not be doing them.
  15. How about no. BW doesn't balance they make **** op or nuke them from orbit. You've been here long enough to know that as well as I do. I would rather just keep comps as they are rather then risk BW pulling another slot machine fiasco.
  16. Anyone notice that around 1 AM CDT (My time) the forum gets really funky and doesn't update the topics?
  17. The original info before Eric confirmed it was data mined but honestly even I'm stumped on where they got the exact numbers.
  18. That's actually easy. All they'd need to do is set up companion preferences were players could set the order in which they want their comps to use their skills similar to how they did it in DAI.
  19. I wasn't looking forward to doing H2 SFs on my sniper before the news of the nerf now I probably won't even attempt it.
  20. 7 but the 16 chapters is just season 1. They plan on doing more.
  21. Not just healing it's likely the tank stance bug where your tank has no armor rating and no absorb that's getting it killed and in true BW fashion they're nerfing comps healing but not fixing the tank until 4.0.3.
  22. Yeah he can be recruited on the Trooper or you can blow his brains out.
  23. What class? I've heard Mercs are having issues in H2 SF.
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