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Everything posted by DuchessKristania

  1. I really enjoyed it too. It's just a fun little detour from the usual stuff. I'm battling a bug right now and it gave me something fun to do that I didn't have to be super focused and energetic for, neither of those things are my strong suit just now, lol. I also like Dantooine and it's nice to have more to do there.
  2. It really makes it feel like we're Sah'ar's sidekick in this new stuff. Nothing like being Robin to an NPC's Batman, lol.
  3. I've always found her story to be truly tragic, but I like to believe that she did find peace within the Force. Still, I wouldn't mind exploring the idea of her coming back in game. It could be interesting to play through. Maybe Malgus will have something to do with it., or the holocron that we've been chasing down.
  4. Note to alts, bring a book for that fight.
  5. Lol, same! It's interesting though, glad I asked about it. If I take another character through I'll be paying attention for it.
  6. Thank you, someone else filled me in on the backstory stuff, but the visual is helpful. I do vaguely remember wondering the camera seemed to focus on that "extra" when I was playing, lol.
  7. Interesting, thanks for filling me in. I kind of zipped through that content so I didn't notice any of that. I'm not a Vaylin fan, don't dislike her, she was just the baddie I needed to kill, lol. Still, it could be a cool story to explore further.
  8. I'm not a Vaylin fan but now I'm curious. I'm guessing since I'm fine with the character being gone I just didn't pick up on the hints, but what is the deal with this Syl Vaylin connection? To be fair, I also don't even remember who Syl is, lol.
  9. I don't think it sounds that drastically different. I think I like the new voice a bit better. To be fair to those who don't like the new voice, I can understand that having your main's voice change without warning would be really upsetting. I do think the team should have announced it ahead of time. People wouldn't have been thrilled, but at least they would have been prepared for it. Dalton is my favorite Bond as well! My boyfriend is English and when I visit him in the UK we always watch at least one Bond movie together.
  10. YES! More personalization in general, and for the love of the Force give us Leia's Cloud City hair and Padme's twisty bun from Geonosis. More of the movie hairstyles in general. If they're doing hair from the new series they can do them from the older movies as well.
  11. Yes, please stop with the unvoiced interactions in the main story. I don't love it in the events and side quest stuff, but I can live with it. In main story gameplay it really impacts immersion.
  12. That paired with not having my character voiced for most of it really made it feel like I was Sah'ar's sidekick. The fight was really confusing and it seemed like I wasn't even really playing it, just standing on the sidelines and watching. I guess my Jedi should have brought a snack and just kicked back with a Snickers.
  13. Honestly, I'm not sure what I actually did. I was out of the center and just kind of running around on my shadow when Sah'ar kicked his butt lol. I was running around to see if there was something I was supposed to interact with and all of the sudden it registered he was defeated and went into the cut scene.
  14. You're welcome. I can't claim to have a personal stake in the male agent's voice, but to not announce the change prior to the update was incredibly poor judgement and bad form. They can't go back in time and change how this was handled, but I hope if main characters are recast in the future (and the reality is that recasts happen) the development team will learn from this and handle it better next time.
  15. Sort of ditto. I have a male agent, but he's a long way off from getting to the new voice, and he's a super alt. I love the agent, but my Imp main is a lady agent.
  16. To be honest, I've always felt the male agent sounded really nasally and wasn't crazy about his voice on the one male agent I have. Still, I can entirely understand how difficult it would be to suddenly have your main's voice changed without any warning. If the female agents voice was changed I'd be devastated, she's my main and has my favorite voice in the entire game. I understand that the devs can't force a VA to stay if they want to move on, or if conflicts arise, but warning should have been given so players were prepared at least. There would still be unhappiness, but at least they would have felt more respected.
  17. I think I'd be cool with it if it brought back the voiced character responses, got old companions back in action more, and produced something more than what we get in the current updates. I'd also expect to know the cost of the expansion WELL in advance so that people could have time to set the funds aside. It all comes down to what our money would buy. If The quality equaled the cost then 100% yes.
  18. I didn't like her until this update, but even with her having grown on me, I don't want to be her supporting cast.
  19. I didn't really feel that way about it. I know I'm in the minority, but it felt like getting to be in my own Star Wars movie to me. That being said, even in those expansions our characters had voices. They did more then stand around and stare at the flavor of the week companion as they glitched all over the screen. Though, if the glitches I saw had been supposed be there at least it would have made sense for my character to just stare, lol. I'd rather have my character speak than see more mist and trees added to Hutta.
  20. I completely agree. It makes our characters feel like nothing more than supporting cast for Sa'har. Super fun to feel like your playing someone else's story. This was a misstep, and a bad one.
  21. I hope this isn't the case moving forward, I really dislike the kotor voiceless character thing. I can tolerate it for little one off things, or events, but for story? I look forward to hearing my character's voice, to the inflection and life the VAs put into the responses. It's like my characters no longer have any real sense of life in the story.
  22. Nothing like watching your character stare at the NPC like some kind of hypnotized automaton. I HATE the old style unvoiced interactions. For the love of the Force give our characters their voices. This is awful, the blank, silent stare takes me entirely out of the story.
  23. In fairness, during their brat phases I've never found any character to be engaging. The thing with the canon characters is that we see them more because it's in a heavier narrative medium. Unfortunately for characters like Sa'har the mmo story format doesn't leave a lot of room for the same level of development and character bonding. That's not always the case, but I think with this game it tends to be true. That being said, to each their own. I've never really felt the need to convince people to dislike characters I dislike. I dislike them, doesn't mean anyone else has to. I rather like that each character has their fans, it creates more immersion for me if I see players running around with all different companions, looks more alive and natural to me that way.
  24. Right there with the folks talking about this. I'd love to have another big planet to explore and play around on.
  25. I don't think Sa'har comes off as a girl boss, more a confused and kind of boring character. She's just not for me. I don't really mind the silly little plant this, or get booze quests, lol. My favorite event quests are the ones that end up making it easy to go for World bosses. I wish there were quests like that for each world boss. I like completing achievements, especially the kind of quirky ones I can just do at a leisurely pace on my own. Admittedly, I'm a very goal-oriented person and stuff like that keeps me occupied for hours when non of my friends are online to play. I don't play with randos much because I'm visually impaired and I need to go at my own pace, my friends know that and know how to accommodate without fuss.
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