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Everything posted by Wolfgangpiffath

  1. i have the same problem, did the heroics but no points.
  2. started F2P in 2012 played and subbed for few months, few months in 2013, few months in 2014, same for 2015.
  3. They can't ban the ip from those bots or people behind ? I've seen they farming in Ilum too, where you have the heroic quest weekly, the spawns are fast and you can see usually 3-4 bots, killing everything around.
  4. They are not giving anything, we have to pay for it. For the HK companion or the HK55 Chapter. Theres nothing "Free". Indeed they just want to make money, and we saw the truth. Next 1 hour expansion only in Feb( wasnt supposed to come in january ???), A copy paste comp, and a "new 1 hour chapter" hiden behind a paywall. 8 Months ? seriolsy. No new content ? no new pvp, pve, nothing ? We already knew about the events, so what is the prize ?
  5. pff, they will introduce customizations in packs or CM with CC. Why not ?! dem whales....
  6. Already used my token, so i dont know where or how (besides new token) can i get those armors !
  7. How can i get the armor from when you create a new 60 (jedi,trooper etc) ? Like the jedi armor with the republic logo on the shoulders ? Do i really need to buy a 60 character token to obtain the armors ?
  8. Without, I dunno, but for me game looks strange with bloom.
  9. yeah the lag and the spikes got worse with the new expansion. My ping is usually 180 (playing from Europe) sometimes 250 max. Not much of a problem, but these days(past weeks), my ping goes 180-560-220-600 etc.
  10. yeah, definitely force companions are better. Most of the times when i try solo Heroics with Qyzen,i noticed a lack of healing ( too slow ) and when im playing with senya, she's definitely can keep up with the damage.
  11. I dont like too. At least not with Arcann. Its the same guy from Fallout 3 ThreeDog from the radio i believe.
  12. i want CC's for the problems we had today. I demand compensation....
  13. Harb is down, repeat Harb is D O W N. Harb is down. hamster needs reinforcement ASAP sir.
  14. "What if Bioware allowed a week where you could move each of your toons one time at no cost. Would you give it a try? " Of course, but this will not happen. never.
  15. You can see this everyday on Makeb too, at morning .
  16. now the "irradiated varactyl" collection price is updated from 200 cc's to 600 cc's at = http://tor-fashion.com/collections-unlock-costs/ thanks ! Price check if possible the Coastal / Woodland and Armored Grassland Varactyl . The grassland normal have the right price ( 200 cc's ) !
  17. yeah i know and i was using it as a "guide" since its the best source we have , but is not totally updated i guess. Because i was looking there , and the irradiated varactyl costs 200 cc's but in reality it costs 600 cc's . yeah , i got mad when i saw it , especially after "wasting" 3mil.... thinking that the price would be 200 .
  18. I used to use the tor-fashion, but i don't think it's totally updated because (thats the reason for me posting here) i bought the iradiated varactyl thinking that the unlock price was 200 cc's but its not, its 600 . that why im asking if theres any other updated source.
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