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Everything posted by mokkh

  1. No, the sith have an innate dessicating series of enzymes that internally drains their pores of all life despite humid conditions; including bacterial blooms due to continuous coverage. (See: Darth Vader)
  2. That post was dated: 01.12.2012 , 02:01 PM | #3 Beware the power of necroposts on these boards. I'm sure you meant well, but that dude is probably long gone.
  3. I still use Kaliyo on my sniper. She doesn't have to tank, she just has to hold aggro long enough for me to do my thing. In fact, she makes me be a better sniper because she can't tank like treek. I'll be damned if I use an ewok an any imperial character ever ever. As it is I only have her on a sage and a shadow. All other toons use original companions. I would like to see them add stuff that the gsi droid has, like guard. Comp skill set variations would be awesome too.
  4. Elevator shafts, jumped down a lot of elevator shafts in the early days of the game. For no good reason.
  5. Coordinated with fixed position turrets and air support? F YES!
  6. I'm thinking about it. Wait a minute... Naaaaaaah.
  7. I'll let you speak for yourself. Clearly, you always opt to take the high road when given the chance in a controversial discussion. I was mistaken to say otherwise. My apologies.
  8. Arty, it is official. You are a sage. Or you're just telling me things I already know and feel better about since someone else said them. Either way... /salute PVE =/= PVP and it never will. Games that try to marry the two playstyles together have always had this unsolvable paradox to contend with. In the future, I do believe there will be a point where AI will be able to not only mirror but outshine player responsiveness and then we could see a true equalization of the PVE and PVP playstyles. But we certainly aren't at that point yet.
  9. So, you don't even remember things that you've posted in the past or the people that you insult openly. I do and will continue to. It's official, the kettle is black.
  10. He asked for good points of the game and bad points. Not a poorly hashed out generic synopsis of your take on public perception of the game to date. I'm here to tell you when your replies are bad replies. Allow me to demonstrate: Good point: many of the old problems with cosmetics and armors have been alleviated with unify colors. Bad point: most of the armors that aren't from the CM are still hilariously horrid to look at, much less wear. Good point: Strongholds have made it so you can get to fleet pretty much anytime you want. They are well designed and the interface is relatively easy to use. Bad point: getting enough decorations to actually fill out your stronghold with any degree of coherent style will mean paying out the *** on the gtn or going through the CM. Good point: people in game are generally courteous and helpful for both new and returning players. There are a lot of additions to the game that have improved the leveling experience. Bad point: Due to the influx of uninformed players, pick up groups sometimes tend to disintegrate quickly due to short tempers if anything at all goes wrong. Good point: The new expansion offers a fully fleshed out storyline that has planets with beautiful environments. Bad point: The clipping and pathing and lag of a lot of the new content is still really rough around the edges. Good point: The groupfinder system is an "easy" way to find a group with a diverse set of pve fps and ops to engage in multiplayer combat. Bad point: As you level the groupfinder restricts your choices so that most of the content you might have previously enjoyed is no longer an option. And so on.
  11. I'd be interested to find out if they work with HK since he was installed after the fact. Do tell if you can. I'm lazy and short on play time atm.
  12. Heh, I remember when there was cd for giving companion gifts. You guys don't know how good you have it now. And as wicked said, the old world belsavis dailies give out comp aff, most are 45 per positive response iirc. typical convos yield at least 90-135 per quest They used to scale up depending on how late in level you got the comp but now they are all more or less uniform.
  13. If you've gotten them to 10k and unlocked the portrait you've already seen all the interactions from them that you ever will. i.e. You can't lose comp affection after all the convos are burned and you've played through all of the old story missions. I haven't had a single reaction (positive or negative) from any comp that I've used on maxed out characters in years. I know you can still lose affection if you go to the old school daily areas on Belsavis but you can also gain it right back. And yes, I have all 40 portraits unlocked. Not all of them are at 10k, but... I'm a slacker like that.
  14. Kinda depends on how you want to play. I guess the most efficient way is to pick two complementary classes; i.e. tank/heals or dps/dps and you gear out a tank/heal comp on each of your toons. If you want to avoid having to watch every class scene then I would definitely take the separate class approach. If you both want to split the difference in the same class then you could have one go straight darkside and the other go full light just to see the way it pays out. I started typing out all the possible combos but it got old so I'll let you figure it out on your own. There are a lot of possible permutations for duo combos. Pick the toons you want to try out, maybe even by starter world so you can hit the ground running together.
  15. Umm... I don't need a proc alert to hit snipe as a sniper. As others have stated, it's giving me info that is already there. Not only from the cd display on the hotbar but from the icons I reduced to nothing to clean up ui clutter. So... I need more info because they removed all other abilities and I have nothing left to hit anyway? That makes sense. Haven't played my arsenal merc yet but I swear if there is a big glowy square telling me to hit tracer missile or unload... /brain asplosion (sic)
  16. Probably the way it always does. Like... victory.
  17. The 3rd anniversary "Lag Until Life Day" event?! Sign me up! I saw some great stuff on Yavin earlier, but I've been doing this long enough that I just chuckle.
  18. Well said, agree on all points. I could care less about skill trees, they are a leftover WoW system that should be buried. But for people to think that somehow the removal of the "illusion of choice" condones an actual removal of choice is a problem. I have 7 utility points to choose from, out of those 7 I have one actual utility that I didn't already skip over when those same abilities were in tree form. They didn't give me new options, they just took old options from each tree and allowed me to pick from the ones that I already wasn't using or had been forced to use to get a skill higher up the tree. Diversion is a prime example, it used to be an ability that I would never spend a point on to get because it is pretty much useless for my gameplay. It is now auto-granted as a signature class ability, and that pretty much sucks for a casual-core raider like myself. They also streamlined shatter shot and series of shots, and that 's awesome. Seriously, I no longer have to care about applying a debuff and then going through my rotation. A debuff will be constantly applied as I fight. However, the two abilities they merged are still forced on me and are now totally useless. They removed cross abilities like explosive probe that I actually enjoyed using depending on the situation. In other words, it's not so much that I have a problem with the discipline system being in place, it's how they did it that I have a problem with. All utility points for my sniper are basically defensive or reductions in cc cds. Yes damage is on par if not higher than before, of course I'm 5 levels higher now so that may be moot. But in my opinion the gameplay has been trivialized in the process. I am open-minded enough to say that I won't be able to pass full judgment until I take the remaining 12 of my 55s to 60. When I started this game I was coming from EQ1. I played an sk, when they announced the shadow class I was like... hell yeah. But when I got the weekend beta invite in late fall of '11 I didn't want to play the shadow until after launch for story continuity. So I made a mm sniper, and it has been my favorite one to play ever since. I bring these things up because I care about the game; a lot more than I should. If any of the people in this thread who wasted the energy to hit their keyboard in an effort to attack my character ever played alongside me or had the stones to contact me in game then they would change their tune. As it is, this thread has become default juvenile internet trash talk and its unfortunate. I'm disappointed but not surprised.
  19. I went 4 times today always letting him reset before med probe, and it didn't work. Fun fight, but it's borked up beyond all recognition at the moment. I'll check it out after the fix.
  20. Started at 55 with full 180s. Damage at that level was noticeably lower due to the removal of abilities and one that I had to hit 57 to get back. Now, at 60 in the same gear damage spikes are noticeably higher than before. I think highest ambush crit used to be 12.8kish. Today I had one for 14.5k, that's definitely a new high. 19.8k during the broken revan fight (I think there's some type of damage boost for that fight though). Have yet to do any 60 ops or 60 hms due to gf not popping. For tacticals though it seems to be right in line with where I was, if not better than where I was despite the stat decreases. I don't parse so I can't comment specifically but this is just qualitative analysis from watching numbers float by. My MM sniper is the only toon I've had time to play around with. Gonna check into the rest of my crew later this week.
  21. What? Do you even know what two abilities I'm referring to? Snipe and Ambush. Seriously, I don't need to be told when to hit snipe as a sniper. Snipe-snipe-ambush does not require a video to prove to you that I'm not lying. Now, there is a useful utility point that I now use, the insta snipe after cover pulse so it goes take cover>insta-snipe>cover pulse> insta-snipe> ambush. Most lead ins are the now penetrating blasts>followthrough>sniper volley>penetrating blasts>insta-snipe>followthrough>cover pulse>insta-snipe>ambush>followthrough with corrosive dart thrown in the mix somewhere. Snipe isn't triggered, it doesn't even have a cd other than the gcd. I don't mash random buttons, my keys are very specifically mapped out. I now have two holes in my set up on both my standing and cover bar due to the removal of explosive probe and the obsolescence of series of shots. As incredulous as you may be, I'm even more so that you would doubt me.
  22. /golfclap Nonsense much? The thread was about feedback on disciplines. I gave mine, not all of it was negative. You and a few others have decided that the game is better served if you turn your attention on me. You also just stated that as a paying customer my feelings over the product I pay for are meaningless on the very same forums that the devs look to for player feedback. I haven't had this many additions to my ignore list since pre-launch of the game.
  23. The proc icons that I have minimized so small that they aren't visible? I don't use proc icons, period. I'm a good player, I don't spend time staring at my hotbar. I know what's going to go off and when. You've made assumptions about things that you don't have the information to make assumptions about. I don't waste time with proc icons, so I made them so small that I don't have to see them. The big glowing spinning squares around 2 abilities that are triggering so much that they are very nearly always on, are useless because they are very nearly always on. And if I make them shrink and go away, I no longer have a hotbar. Maybe that will clear the logic up for you.
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