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Everything posted by Taareth

  1. Yeah it sucks they took the old packs off with NPCs in them, can't get hold of them now.
  2. I'm rarely in fleet, mostly I use the strongholds as a quick travel point, I have all I need there and its decorated to my liking and closer together. A lot of the people I know do the same, so I can't agree the population in fleet is an indication of anything other than the population in fleet. This post is not debating anything else said here, except that point.
  3. Sure it'd sell tbh, popular little guy, but better off as a companion. Did all yoda's species speak like him, I cannot remember in canon.
  4. Really, this is a technical hurdle you are trying to argue, the ability for a non player character in a cutscene not to wear gear that he wears outside of it. Come on this 2016, even in the base game they can do this, its not a technical limitation at all its a design choice. But yes its a very annoying one, and a downgrade from the base game.
  5. Hate the designs in the current two packs, some people like them, great. I don't, so why sap the variety and remove all the old packs. As long as stuff is selling why the hell do bioware care what packs are selling, surely having a popular pack up should show them which designs people like more, so they can better design stuff in the future. Simply removing them to steer people towards their new stuff is nuts, no more money from me I guess and I often spent a fair bit. If its all about promotion - This doesn't mean rotation of the packs is bad idea either, but it should come with at least 2 old, 2 new up there. Such limited foresight really, 'look at that great stronghold item from the vendor, ah its a few bucks, okay then why not, no wait its a pack that no longer exists, well that's a purchase missed then.
  6. We've just got to keep pushing for some kind of fix to affection gain and or possibly some more companion storylines in the expansions. Its probably one of the most requested features to have some more interaction storywise with companions.
  7. I was going to reason it depends how many hours it lasts you but no. There is no point paying a sub if we are paying for zones as well. If we are paying for zones as well we might as well go f2p with a cash shop. Pricing in that case needs to be on average play time, say a couple of characters, and stick with it as a rule, whatever that average pricing is.
  8. Yes these items should be tradeable, especially when you get a lightsaber crystal for instance and can't give it to someone who can use it.
  9. Here is a universal tip for great RP. The more someone gives you in RP the more you give them. - That is if they give you some hits in a spar, make sure to keep it interesting and rp giving them an advantage too, so the the scene, thread, chat or whatever plays out with some tension and intensity. If they stumble so you can hear them coming, play out them having an advantage later etc. If they seem overpowered, god mod, bunny whatever you want to call it. Don't give them very much at all, they can be drunk, mad, delusional in your character's eyes and the scene can STILL be fun. I have had a blast holding character with people all in caps, or breaking OOC - IC before, just depends if you can roll with it. Imperials have hated aliens for as long as i can remember, if I RP an imperial human agent you can be that isn't going to change. Are there other ways of playing an imperial agent you bet, just not how I RP them. As for Sith its my experience Rawr Smash gets old very fast in rp boards or communities, and the writer or player burns out. You need a lot more too them to keep them interesting for the rp'er and others.
  10. No, you pick the communities you are a part of as a social aspect . This is why I edited the initial post to see if the other servers were any better. Thank you, it might be worth me switching servers.
  11. I've had negative experiences with people, I've had great experiences with people, I don't dislike people. I see a lot of people getting turned off the game, which seems counterproductive when people want a pop increase.
  12. I subbed but I am thinking about unsubbing due to the extreme hostility that seems to be directed to many f2p players. I wondered if it was just my experience seeing it in the new player zones, or if other people had experienced it more frequently to, I am not speaking about one or two players it's almost a constant thing now. Freeloaders was the latest term. -edit Current server the english rp server, are the others any better?
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