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Everything posted by LegendaryBlade

  1. I have a question What is the point of posts like this? Everytime someone posts that they are leaving for whatever reason, there's always at least one "You aren't quitting lawl" or "You'll be back!" style of post. They seem un-necessary and almost accusatory, if not more often than not incorrect. I plan to play the game long enough to see the plots and then i'm going to go back to FFXI or maybe try Realm Reborn; will you accuse me of not really leaving when I go? It just seems kind of silly. Even the kinda dickish "Well good riddance" style posts, while just as pointless and empty, seem to convey some relevence. Posts like yours just seem like some kind of knee-jerk denial of reality laced with a condescending attitude.
  2. Premades are fine, there should be no restriction on people who choose to group up with their friends and play a videogame.
  3. Am I the only one that thinks the Jedi Consular has the worst VA of any of the classes yet? I haven't gotten very far in the story, I just started my Consular and already I cringe everytime I go through dialogue. I've already had to kind of go back and redo his appearance after I realized the young-ish looking character I made would be impossible to fit to this super deep late-thirties early-fourties voice. Even after making a more appropriate character model though he just sounds so...bad. It's made me reconsider playing through his story and I feel bad that such a trivial thing gets to me but...it does.
  4. So I play TOR on my okay-tier laptop a lot of the time. I had avoided trying Unleashed on it because I figured 4 gigs of ram wasn't enough. I was wrong, combining Unleashed with Gamebooster removed just about all the chugging from my game. Now the only time it chugs at all is when someone messes up and we pull two or three groups and there's 100 things going on, and then it's still playable. Thankyou for this amazing piece of software!
  5. This part of your post brought a tear to my eye. In all seriousness, good luck to you. Planetside 2 is also super amazing, so enjoy it!
  6. It wouldn't work because all of SWTOR is just a big holodeck simulation run at Starfleet. If you tried to use something like the holodeck inside the holodeck it would probably cause some kind of malfunction. In all seriousness, all I want is the ability to replay class missions.
  7. Five star post right here. Quoted for truth.
  8. I don't know, I can agree the voice acting has it's moments but I can't say it's that good. There are a few lines so far in the Smuggler story that really made me shudder; but what really draws me up the wall is how often things are repeated. Just reused voice clips that feel way out of place, and not just in side quests. Often during what should be important story moments.
  9. Last expansion did that, level cap was raised to 99 and the only way to reach that level is by beating the Taru that trained Maat in the first place. Because, you know, Tarus are the best. It's also an extraordinarily difficult fight and every form of chat was flooded with people complaining that it was too hard. Good on Square for not budging. So basically you don't know what metacritic is at all, is what you're saying. You can't affect the critical score without being a well known and selected critic, user scores are a separate thing and placed off to the side. SWTOR's user score is abysmal but it isn't what I was talking about in the OP
  10. The arcadey reputation comes from the last expansion where you can basically power level by getting together a group of 20 people and either rolling over the super powerful enemies in Abyssea or doing pages (which are like mini quests) that can be repeated ad infinum. I mained RDM for a lot of years but i'm switching out of it because Square obviously hates us, given that they never give us any of the stuff we need to remain a needed class for parties. We're practically obsolete. I'm going to finish leveling SCH when I rejoin net year.
  11. Yes, it uses such nefarious sketchy methods as math and...averaging numbers. A lot of Bioware peeps are just mad at Metacritic because user reviews hasn't been kind to them lately. But who follows user reviews lately?
  12. Review aggregation. It pulls together credible reviewers scores and gives them an average rating. TOR has an average score across all reviewers of 85, which is coincidentally the same as FFXI's. It also has a user score, which is the accumulation of all user-made reviews but, unfortunately, it tends to be less reliable. Edit: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic and http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/final-fantasy-xi
  13. SWTOR now shares the same Metacritic rating as Final Fantasy XI! That's not too shabby, considering FFXI is also sitting on somewhere around 500,000 subs (Lowest estimates have it around 350k, higher have it at 500k. Square rarely releases their numbers) despite being 11 years old. FFXI is also getting a major expansion early next year in Seekers of Adoulan, which is a new continent, two new classes, and a new storyline. Sounds kind of like a bigger Makeb! (New planet, new story?) The similarities never end. Anybody else here come from FFXI? Anybody else going to go back when Adoulan comes out?
  14. This has been asked for numerous times. It's one of those things that's ridiculous that SWTOR doesn't already have, Macros especially.
  15. Makeb is probably the biggest release we're going to see for SWTOR for a long time.
  16. Sometimes I feel like the long loading screens are just me. I've noticed a handful of times where i've loaded in to a Flashpoint with a group and they'd already be way ahead of me. I don't really understand it either, I have highspeed internet and i'm running the game on a PC that well exceeds it's specs; tinkering with the settings doesn't seem to help either. Whatever though, i've yet to get in to an FP group that minded waiting for me to load in. I've heard Hard Mode groups are a lot less patient though.
  17. The third thing, which is what I came in here to post when I saw the thread title. I just got to the point in the Smuggler's story where
  18. I could write up a big post like I usually do, but it's late and i'm tired so i'll just say it bluntly. Bioware hates KOTOR II. They didn't make the game, so they don't have any respect for it. The reason The Exile was basically made Revan's ***** in both the game and the novel was because Revan was actually Bioware's character. As for Revan's ****** writing. I don't even know.
  19. My Top 3: 1. The 'dual' on Alderaan where my Smuggler just says "Okay go!" and shoots the guy 2. On Tatooine where my Smuggler just draws and opens fire on the sith, even though I wish he would of drawn his other pistol and kept firing when she pulled the gun away 3. Voidwolf is talking **** and I notice one of the options is [shoot Holocommunicator]. "Wrong Number" pew pew
  20. 1. Jawa 2. Trandoshian 3. Rodian I also want to throw in my hat that Bioware's statement regarding species is -ridiculous-. Many MMOs have races that aren't just recolored humans and have extremely active roleplay communities or engaging stories. I even have a 'lizard person'(Gorn) in STO and he's one of my favorite characters to play, and why I ultimately gave part of my vote to Trandoshian. I'd really like to see Togruta, Ahsoka's species in, but I only get 3 votes and they're already topping the list!
  21. Someone please tell me i'm not the only lightside character that chose to kill the Rakghouls (both the first time with the ambush, and then later against the holo-jedi's wishes)
  22. This thread got my hopes up and then dashed them quite expediantly.
  23. Oh dear yes, we certainly wouldn't want to have a conversation on the forums
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