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Everything posted by LegendaryBlade

  1. Well, I almost don't blame them. I've been told the styles I like are 'boring', but then these are the same people that think realistic swordsmanship is dull. People, especially current Star Wars fans, love their flashy silly choreography. I'm just an old stuck up grump who can help but think "Look at all this wasted movement". When I discovered Makashi, which for all intents and purposes actually seems to be based off of the premise of having a fencing-like realistic duelling style in the lore, I was ecstatic. It's a shame you almost never see it used. I like Djem So because, as I understand it, it is the style Vader uses in the original trilogy. Which despite being 'slower' and 'duller' is actually very proper; you can tell watching it that they brought in people to teach the actors the right footwork and blade control. To each their own, i'm rambling now. Basically, if I could use Makashi i'd main whatever class used it regardless of what side they were on. EDIT: By the way, just found out the Makashi salute http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110928230528/starwars/images/thumb/7/70/MakashiMovesManeuversTJP.JPG/250px-MakashiMovesManeuversTJP.JPG is just a regular fencing salute. Kinda backs up my theory.
  2. I have a rather strong feeling it wont be done justice but i'll definitely keep that in mind when I eventually play the force sensitive, thankyou. I just find it goofy whenever I see a knight spin around and stab behind him or anything of the like; let alone full forward flips.
  3. Well, judging by lore if you were force sensitive it'd be very likely the jedi would steal you away from your parents and train you. You'd learn how emotions are are bad, connections are bad, how the dark side is bad, and how only the sith deal in absolutes. You'll then drink the coolaid. What i'm getting at is that the jedi order is pretty cultish. I do think there are a lot of people who would end up with space-based occupations; like freighter pilots or stuff. My brother was a trucker, I almost took a trucking job before I got my software design degree. Freigher pilot in SW is just being a really cool trucker, but with more space pirate battles. For the most part though, everyone here would be living on some random hub world playing space videogames and watching about the empire on the galactic news.
  4. I might actually play a force sensitive if I could choose to just use Makashi or Djem So; the only two saber forms I know that are actually practical and based on real technique. Of course, i'm sure there are others but the majority of the saber arts seem to be pure choreography with fluff built around it, instead of the other way around.
  5. This ^^ Putting endgame game in the cash shop has been the definition of pay2win since it became a common phrase for MMOs, and that's what people are afraid of. The idea that this is 'just the start'. Even the dev post kind of insinuates that they don't plan to stop going in this direction; because they want it to be "equally viable" to in game methods. For what it's worth though, EAware just saw the backlash it causes and if they have any sense it'll show them that it's not a worthwhile venture to put more endgame gear in the shop.
  6. Good to know that 100 threads is enough to get BW's attention. I'll probably hold off on the level 7 space missions until they announce what they're going to do then; perhaps lower comms cost. I like that Bioware noticed the outrage and took it to heart though, a step in the right direction. Now maybe we should start 100 threads on server transfers....
  7. Another thing a modern MMO should have that TOR just...doesn't have. Apprenticing/Level-Synching/Whatever lets me play with friends please.
  8. Yes, unfortunately I didn't realize the chat window stayed open until after I had taken the screenshot and later checked it after closing the game out. Hopefully there's another photogenic 'cutscene' soon
  9. I don't mind the second thing, cosmetic stuff isn't bad. I am considering buying the Outrider's jacket with some of my complimentary coins myself, and then just moving the mods over. The first thing I very much have a problem with.
  10. I like how some people have boiled down to arguing over terminology and semantics. How about this. Whatever you want to call it, it's bad.
  11. I guess it just bothered me because I wanted to play a younger looking character, fitting the fact you start out as a padawan, and it just completely broke immersion to see by body 1 character talk like he was in his thirties. I still don't think it's particularly good VAing though, even with that considered.
  12. The best force user is the Smuggler. Duh
  13. http://i45.tinypic.com/xcnpyq.jpg Captain Armetage Starborn; Republic Privateer
  14. I had decided pretty early on I wanted to play more neutral, I had my characters motivation and would always choose the practical, sane options regardless of alignment. I'm on the final chapter now and I sit at somewhere near 6000 lightside points and 800 darkside points, with only two decisions I regret: Letting the privateer go instead of forcing him to work for me (I hated the darkside dialogue and ended up escaping out and rechoosing. I regret letting bad dialogue dictate my decision) and another where I spared a traitor who's continued survival would only damage morale. I made this thread because, well, it seems rather silly. I've cheated, stole, smuggled illegal goods, and smashed people in the back of the head with my pistol. I've noticed the further I get in to the game the sillier and sillier the darkside options seem; and often they're just killing people for practically no reason. Am I the only one who's picked up on this?
  15. If SWTOR was real life most everybody here would just be Republic citizens watching the war unfold on the news. The truth hurts I'd love to be some kind of Smuggler, or just a pilot in general. Exploring the vastness of space and living on my own rules.
  16. I despised the lockboxes in STO, that's part of the reason I took a break from it. I may return now that the Romulan faction is out, but I can't put in to words how much I hate them. That said, at least the STO lockboxes dropped okay stuff more often than not; as does not seem to be the case with the SWTOR ones.
  17. Not like this, this is more like how a gaming company falls apart. Right now other MMOs are having holiday events and giving out free stuff. If I felt like renewing my FFXI sub I could be running around collecting Santa armor and what not. The gaming industry 'works' when it finds out how to keep up customer satisfaction, because customer satisfaction usually results in munnie.
  18. This needs to stop. Not every person with an opinion is from MMORPG.com. I've never even been there and I think this game is snowballing downhill in to boiling lava. Maybe, just maybe, there is actually a legitimately large portion of the games player base that was disappointed with the last update?
  19. Aren't we all a bit old to be buying scratch lotto tickets that don't even pay out real tangible stuff?
  20. I can't stand the body types. Type 1: Skinny guy. Okay, whatever Type 2: Average fellow, a good step up. Type 3: BIGARMS MCLARGEHUGE, THE TOWERING MOUNTAIN I think there's a step missing inbetween 2 and 3. I really wish Bioware wouldn't of gone with this comical cartoony style just done something more straight faced.
  21. +2 I practically walked through the last parts of the game with my single saber consular character.
  22. To be fair, the EU isn't any worse than the prequels.
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