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Everything posted by KariTalRathe

  1. Posts like this come from a misunderstanding of the game mechanics - another player CANNOT flag you for PvP on a PvE server (not shouting, caps was for emphasis). There are only three ways I am aware of to become flagged: You enter a PvP zone and ignore the "you will be flagged for PvP" warnings. You target a flagged player and use a defensive/support skill on them. You target a flagged player and use an offensive skill on them. Anyone claiming to have problems using AoE in a non-PvP zone, check your controls and untick the option to auto-attack next target. Problem solved. Lastly, PvE servers are not PvP exclusive. The 'PvE' tag is purely a desriptior for the primary content, but all servers are all inclusive; that is you can RP, PvE and PvP on any and all servers.
  2. Same here. I have played tons of MMOs that don't have servers in my region or anywhere close to it and apart from slightly longer loading times it isn't an issue. Once the game is loaded, ease of play is dictated by my PC, not my connection. The only people who will suffer real inconvenience by the server closures are the presumably now redundant team who ran the APAC servers.
  3. That would only be true if the 'need' option was not available to all.
  4. IMO, reverse engineering is worthy of a need roll. If the guy successfully REs the item, many players will benefit from that one piece. If you had won the roll, only you will have benefitted from it. @OP, I wouldn't worry too much about the established convention. I see far more people kicked from PUGs for not skipping conversations and/or content than being kicked for daring to need on companion/vendor gear without asking permission.
  5. It's for your own security. I know it might be a hassle, but any reason you haven't sent them the proof of ID they need to resolve your issue?
  6. Six paragraphs to say "Charge for everything except the service I want to use". Seriously?
  7. 2,300? You're lucky to get 1,800 credits on my server during the Gree event, which drops tons of enhancements for some reason. Along with modded sabers. I doubt it is people dumping comms as they are likely to buy something that at least makes them a little money and enhancements have always been the poor cousin of the item modifcations when it comes to profit. Surprised you didn't notice this last time the event was on.
  8. And which assumption was that? I didn't say 'all', I said 'most'. I see people needing all the time on primary stat items even though it isn't an upgrade. I also see some people passing on primary stat items because it isn't an upgrade. I made no absolute assumptions at all. But I reiterate - if the 'rules' are not clarified at the head of the game, you have no obligation to ask permission for that need roll you make. Nice that you do, but not obligatory.
  9. People who think it is anathema for a company to make money because their product is a video game really don't deserve an explanation. They won't be happy until you are all on welfare and running the show from a damp, unheated basement while wearing layers and layers of hand-me-down sweaters with holes in just to keep warm. But kudos for the effort
  10. How many of you who think the social convention is absolute have needed on a class item that was then passed onto a companion as it wasn't actually an upgrade for your character? I suspect most of you are hypocritical and have done this. In the context that any upgrade is utilised in both party and solo play, here is another question - a DPS item drops. Are the healer and tank less entitled as their primary functions are different, or do the DPS members of the group recognise that actually DPS is especially important for the companions of said classes and allow them an equal chance of boosting their 'character'. The thing about social conventions is they are not written in stone, they change and evolve. Any group who does not discuss and decide loot rules ahead of time have no right to start dictating them halfway through a dungeon in which all 4 players have contributed. The fact most PUGs don't bother to do this in SW:TOR is due to the fact that gear is actually ridiculously easy to come by and there is little to no reason to argue over who is needing and who is greeding.
  11. Subbers get coins as part of their subscription - stop pretending like we can't access the CM content unless we spend money on top of our monthly payment. That's BS.
  12. I want one of these cut-price subscriptions that come without cartel coins but cost less per month. Haven't been able to find it yet but obviously you have so any chance of a link? As I don't utilise the CM I wouldn't mind saving myself some sub money.
  13. Thank you for clarifying what the OP didn't. So let's see if I got this right - Our sub includes an amount of coins to buy items from the CM BW are to add a barbershop type function to the game - something many have been begging for This new content is going to be available via the CM Our sub includes an amount of coins to buy items from the CM As I thought. Subscribers are not being nickel and dimed.
  14. I haven't spent a dime on the cartel market and have only yesterday bought a couple of packs from my stipend to give away as gifts for guildies...how is it I am not being nickel and dimed and you think you are?
  15. We have the whole unify colour thing going on, which I actually prefer to having to buy dyes for each piece of gear - that is dyable - and doing it yourself. This system may not make dying practical or even doable (though someone did say in chat last night a dye system was going in...), so if it is a case of one or the other, I would take what we already have. I know it is a personal preference, but for me it works fine.
  16. How was the person initiating PvP in a PvP zone and with a 1:3 disadvantage being a jerk?? The OP flagged themselves for PvP by entering that zone, they weren't forced into it.
  17. BIB: My first thought upon reading the OP was "Three of you couldn't take down one player-character and you blame expertise? Expertise has nothing to do with it" (I haven't changed my mind on that either, but if it makes Baron feel better about getting beat...).
  18. That's pretty much the effect of swapping from my PvE gear to my PvP gear when I enter the PvP zone on Ilum and then on top of that I can't call on a companion to aid me in a PvP or PvE fight. So yeah, your 'more appropriate thing' is already being accounted for and by more than a mere 30%.
  19. All things being relative, there isn't much cheating going on in SWTOR. That aside, I did see something wierd last week during a Huttball match. I was leaving the endzone having been killed, there was not another player in sight. Then just as I started up the first ramp, I passed a stealthed enemy player who was carrying the ball and moving at speed! When I discussed this with my team, a few said it was a graphics glitch and the person wouldn't have been stealthed but come out of stealth recently and my gfx hadn't recognised that. Still doesn't explain why the ball icon would also be invisible, nor did it explain how they were able to run with the ball Being quite new I am willing to listen to a reasonable explanation of how this could happen. The only other thing I witnessed was also during Huttball where the enemy players were able to glitch into their own area where we couldnt get at them. They would then just pass the ball to each other until time run out and they won the match. Thankfully BW have recently fixed this (again: I believe this exploit wasn't new and used to occur in the past too).
  20. I don't really get this. Why don't you just wear your own PvP gear to that zone so you do have the expertise to cushion the blows? If you don't have an expertise set, then presumably you are not yet L50 and this other player would have beaten you whatever you were wearing. PS: Shame on your team-mates for not immediately jumping in the first time you got attacked. PPS: I play on a RP server and consider queuing for pylons to be an abomination and totally against the spirit of the event. PPPS: Server classifications, like language, specify the main activity on each server but all servers are all inclusive. Please stop using server classifications to stifle legitimate content simply because YOU don't enjoy it.
  21. I don't agree either. I actually think if reputation wasn't legacy wide and you had to work for the reputation in addition to the items you wanted on each individual character then there would be less complaining - I mean really the reply from one poster who blames BW for the fact he spent all his tokens because they didn't warn him additional items would go in on a recurring event is mind-blowing and I have seen a few make this ludicrous argument. It really does seem that the more we are given, the more pathetic our demands become.
  22. I was talking about the things you wanted in your guild hall/ship. Let's go over the things you suggested should be in them: personal storage chest - we already have on our ships and on fleet and on various planets unlockable vendors - on personal ships and on fleet. I would also class comm/event/social vendors in the same vein. guild bank - on fleet different vendors - how many more do we need? what would you like these vendors to sell? GTN terminals - fleet, various planets already have these other useful stuff - tell us what this 'stuff' would be if you want to convince me that guild halls and ships would not be devoid of life as they are in every other game that provides them. Stop with the personal insults and try countering my argument if you think I am wrong. I'll even help you! Guild halls/ships could facilitate roleplay - on the downside, I enjoy seeing guilds holding meetings on white nova, or training at the dummies so I personally think it would be a shame if this was hidden away in a private location. But I can understand why some roleplay focussed guilds would prefer privacy. @Grazzt. I already said it, but a seperate guild interface would make me very happy. I don't think players particularly need to be enticed into joining guilds - as you already pointed out, you are a new guild but have grown rapidly already. As an unguilded player, getting ops isn't as easy as you make it sound and the same goes for ranked warzones.
  23. Yeah, I didn't bother putting the locations into mine so I will add another column and borrow from yours The other spreadsheet I saw had linked each codex to the swtor spy screenshot guides, which was a nice touch but I prefer swtor-holo and swtorhub for their straightforward written guides. If I can't figure out how to get to a datacron from either of those two then I will go youtube it. Edit: The other datacron spreadsheet
  24. Thanks Hyfy...I feel a little less p'd that other classes have to 'suffer' this too. Thankfully the Gree event blaster looks like a hairdryer so I would only ever have bought it for swapping barrels to different characters. The double-bladed lightsaber looks awesome though, I hope it sounds OK; I hope to use it on a future character.
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