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Everything posted by captpickles

  1. Except this was reported elsewhere 1st, with videos.. then it filtered here *LAST*. So banning anyone here resolves nothing but banning the people who will use it the least and allow those in the know to keep benefiting ...
  2. In this case i will disagree with that stance a smidge. Beacuse now there are those who know and have the advanatge and will not be punished for it... and thos who dont who will be at a disadvantage. Aslo i kinda wonder if this is what is causing the silver issues, and the class balance issues.
  3. So How about a BW response to the current proven bolster hack/bug ? Its posted to several sites. its documented in video it boosts people in end game gear it is proven and doable with nothing more than credits in game. not trying to get banned... but you need to post something to let people know your investigating .... aslo .. you think just maybe this bug is why it has been so hard to balance classes lately and why the silvers are punching like mike tyson ?
  4. No fix as I know OP. There are just fewer people playing than launch Because of the lag and ability delay. Some key planets like makeb and Rishi are close to laughably BAD at times....
  5. Yeah the ability delay is NOT foxed by any means BW. Corellia was terrible last night .... (harbringer) Fights underground were hilariously bugged.
  6. Corellia was awful last night on Harbinger... fights were over and not even a single animation would occur, or the 1st animation would 'stall' and go all global cool down for 5-7 seconds. ability delay is not fixed by any means BW ...
  7. Bump. Harbringer was bad last night on Corellia
  8. Bump. Harbinger 12:30 am was #$%^&*( awful ... Corellia was $%^ing painful.. 75.5fps... yet every combat was lagged so badly they were over before the 1st animation was complete. cool downs not track able.
  9. EA is now refuting the report. FYI ... however it is a good time to turn on the access restrictions settings and change to pay pal payments regardless.
  10. Unlocks you have paid CC for will remain, and any cartel unlocks bought via GTN will remain. however if you are a crafter I would try really hard to find that 50c a day to keep subbed. the 350-credit cap will kill your crafting if you need to buy mats in bulk. if you have the credits or CC you need to get the artifact unlock and a few others or you max-geared toons will be severely gimped. someone on the forum has a list of things you need to go preferred in style... I could not find it with a cursory look ...
  11. Soo.... update ????? its been quite a while. and while were on 3.0 madness, why is there still ability lag ? /pokes the bear//
  12. peoples sad and pathetic cries for credits makes me giggle, then hop on one of three rancor mounts paid in credits and ride away going ... eeeeheheheheheheheh
  13. Yup, juts keep buying my mats .. have a little price war while I sell to both sides
  14. Can't prove it, but how the game "schedules" effects is F%^ed up... for one shadow complexity is NOT hardware accelerated and the more you turn it up the more disk swapping seems to occur, with it turned all the way up my 4690k@4.5ghz with 16gb ram and a 4gb-nv-760 galaxy card stuttered like a MOFO on belasvis when trees came overhead. I though" .. "that's F^&*ing weird" .. WZ fine, FP fine, Belsavis = lag fest at 40fps ?? .... hmmm started to play with the graphics settings and clicked "ultra" ... I was custom before by setting everything to max. noted a dramatic increase in response and less stutter. and then it hit me,... the cpu temp dropped from 55c to 35c like magic. now it was on... toggled all the s%%t in the graphics panel until I hit the shadow complexity slider... bingo. Set it all the way right and BAM 55c and micro stuttering under trees in belsavis.. set it all the way left, 35c... no stuttering, 75.5fps at all times (refresh rate limit of monitor) my opinion, and conclusion .. shadows are not hardware accelerated to have a 20 Celsius impact on the cpu.. awesome. and -0- Celsius or load on the gpu.
  15. turn down your shadow complexity slider. it is not hardware accelerated.
  16. Because it sells faster. Because fools then buy that crap up uber cheap than try to repost it at the 5% cut... then I post MORE at the -25% cut... they buy it again... I keep posting until they stop... but that takes a number of reposts since there will be 4-5 bidders trying to make a buck by scooping up my cheap crap. but they don't get that I have 3-4 cargo bays full of ONE or TWO specific mats... so I can keep posting until I hit my 50% profit limit and stop. Then I pick a new mat to go after that and do the same. All I do to make credits is this over and over. 2-million is not a lot to some... but that's what I make per day selling just mats. not even the special purp ones.
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