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Everything posted by Baletraeger

  1. Baletraeger


    How about a Huttball League? You can queue solo for regular games, or queue 8x8 group ranked league play. Both modes you will have games stats tracked (goals, passes, interceptions, trap kills, kills, etc) instead of what is tracked in standard warzones. 8v8 games will also track some kind of ranking for leaderboards to have additional rewards like in arenas.
  2. This is what I'm asking about What does that mean? Is this going to be purely a TTK adjustment? Up or down? Is the aim to just make it the same experience as today but using less abilities? Or are we going to see changes to mechanics to make fights more interesting to account for a streamlined combat experience? Are the changes to classes going to end up with us being even more homogenized than we are now, or will classes become more situationally unique? Is content going to be adjusted accordingly to account for that in either case to help combat class meta (aka fotm)?
  3. In 7.0 what kind of changes can we expect as far as difficulty curve? Is the idea going to be classes are supposed to be simpler in 7.0 so content difficulty would be increased, like adding mechanics back into SM operations? Is the barrier to entry for HM and NIM operations going to make a shift to mechanics vs skill at class? It's not clear to me what culling abilities and rebalancing content to account for it actually means for the gameplay experience of the overall game, and the barrier to entry for progression content for players.
  4. How about a new coffee table book that comes with a collector's edition code? I'd love another large hardcover that features all of the concept art post launch, alongside stories and thoughts from the dev and production team.
  5. Id rather be able to choose which warzones I want to queue for, which could be a part of scrapping Group Finder in favour of a proper LFG system
  6. We need a proper LFG system so players can find each other to group for ALL content and activities.
  7. We need a proper LFG system that allows players to select the content, class and gear requirements, etc., as exists in many other MMOs, both older and modern.
  8. The Conquest system has always and will always be broken. Every change made to the system has done nothing to create better competition. As long as they use a leaderboard system the same problems will remain. Conquest needs to be scrapped and rebuilt as a Guild vs Guild challenge system, where guilds that conquer a planet must defend it or lose and open the planet up to conquest by another guild. Guilds can only conquer and hold one planet at a time, and if they lose a planet they cannot try to conquer it again for one week. This system would allow large guilds to conquer planets but then face attacks from multiple guilds to defeat them every week, thus opening up for small guilds to get rewards for participating in the defeat of a large guild, and medium guilds the opportunity to conquer a planet, thus gaining notoriety and the chance to grow.
  9. Interest check - MM Trial and Error for the sniper cheevo and the final boss laser cheevo. Troomis on Star Forge Impside.
  10. I just hope they go back to one set per spec like in the past. Onslaught was supposed to be a change to horizontal gearing but they are obviously giving up on that considering how most of the sets are useless and they need to cull all the classes to handle balance better. TBH if we just had regular set bonus gear like every other expansion no one would be having an issue with this. I still wish they had listened to player feedback to make set bonuses 3/6 instead of 4/6 to allow mix and match, which would have been a much more successful implementation of their horizontal gearing strategy and perhaps led us down a different path going into 7.0
  11. But if they tell us that they are removing the cheevos or setting them to 0 points who is going to murder Golden Fury for the next four months?
  12. And ask us more questions. I get it. You've been given a goal to reach and you are using the process you learned to make data driven decisions. But a cornerstone of the product management process includes confirmating AND refuting your decisions based on qualitative data. When you decide to condescend to players that our feedback is 'too emotional' or we dont understand the long term game it only hurts your development process. I am going to use a recent example. Onslaught gearing. This was a really exciting system when it was announced. Horizontal gearing systems are great for player engagement. Collecting of course, but also for broader use, more theorycrafting, etc. But it has largely failed to change gameplay. Why? Well, you made getting the gear an unenjoyable experience. Grinding the more efficient content in the game for currency, and rng vendor, and locking certain sets behind some of the least played content in the game. You were given this feedback clearly from the players, but ignored it because it didn't agree with your engagement metrics. Second, you ignored feedback that set bonuses at 4/6 pieces would restrict the ability for players to mix and match sets, a cornerstone of horizontal gearing systems. If you had set a 3/6 bonus system we would still be theorycrafting today on the best set mix for different content. Instead what you got was the BIS equation solved in the first week of release (barring a few changes due to set nerfs) and the rest of the sets and tacticals ignored outside of achievement collectors. Your data will tell you that the gearing system isn't engaging players. But without qualitative data you don't really understand why. I understand that you are getting a lot of charged feedback from players here, on r/swtor, and twitter. I challenge you to read it, respond and ask for more from us. Ask us WHY we feel the way we do about a certain change. Ask us what we would do differently. For example, on the is whole ability cull thing. Ask us to create our ideal hotbar. What are the skills that every character MUST have in our opinion. Are there skills that every melee, ranged, dot, burst, healer must have? Is there a skill or skils that define what it means to be an Agent? Are there skill(s) that define what it means to be an operative? A Sniper? Your players want this game to succeed just as much as you do, we aren't your enemy, but we are a tremendous source of data if you'll take the time.
  13. Yeah I missed this in my first review yesterday. Removing the Sap ability from a stealth class is completely meta breaking. I'm going to me mad when you take away conc from merc, but taking away sap from stealth as well? It boggles my mind.
  14. Don't do this. Personal loot is generally disliked in the game you are constantly trying to copy. If the loot system is causing friction then look at the root cause and address it. Don't remove yet another player interaction because the big MMO 'solved' the problem like that. How about a loot priority system? How about an ingame DKP system? How about a loot lock so group leaders cannot change the loot type once the raid starts? There are alternatives that you could explore
  15. Expect the entire bathroom to be thrown out.
  16. Concealment Operative Feedback Level 20 - Debilitate is a chosen ability? Not having a hard stun seems like a huge ability gap. Level 35 - Advanced Stealth looks like a must have. Level 50 - Having to choose between Infiltrator and Advanced Cloaking seems counter intuitive if you wanted to make a heavy stealth build. Level 70, Rip Infiltrate, having to choose between Flashbang and Holo is really painful, mobility versus crowd control feels like a real step back. Overall not a bad experience. I don't feel like I am 'missing' so much of my bag of tricks that I feel exposed. As a stealth class I never want to feel exposed. Still having an interrupt is good to see, but the lack of a threat drop outside of cloaking screen is somewhat concerning. There is a lot of confusion over what you guys are doing with regards to threat, taunts, and drops.
  17. Snipers lose orbital strike, the circle is complete
  18. There have never been gear set achievements before, this was a completely new feature that was introduced in Onslaught.
  19. Will I be able to make multiple loadouts to cover multiple disciplines? For example, If I choose Merc and PT as my 2 Combat Styles, can I set up loadouts for AP, Shield, IO, and Bodyguard, which are all going to have different gear and tactical sets?
  20. 1. Will I be able to make multiple loadouts to cover multiple disciplines? For example, If I choose Merc and PT as my 2 Combat Styles, can I set up loadouts for AP, Shield, IO, and Bodyguard, which are all going to have different gear and tactical sets? 2. What is happening to the Onslaught sets and Tacticals? Will we be able to buy them from a vendor to complete the associated achievements?
  21. I would love to see the current group finder we have in SWTOR replaced with a full featured social system that allows for LFG, Bulletin Board, and a Calendar. LFG - even old games like DDO have a full featured LFG panel that allows players to advertise for groups covering not only every quest and raid, but also open content. Wouldn't you like to be able to LFG for Hammer Station grinding without having flower sniffers? Wouldn't you like to advertise for The Shroud Revealed? Wouldn't you like to be able to advertise for FP/Uprising Achievement runs? I would, and a proper LFG panel would be infinitely better than trying to advertise on /1 and /allies and get past all the trolling. Bulletin Board - although this could be rolled into LFG, the idea of being able to advertise future player-made events, RP events, OWPVP murderballs, Guild adverts, etc, has merit. Calendar - It would be pretty sweet to have an in-game calendar that shows when all the events are happening, what the Conquest Schedule is, etc. Also, this could allow for guilds to plan events in-game and not have to rely on 3rd party systems like Enjin/Discord to track attendance.
  22. I expect NR-02 and Balkar to discard us once we've served our purpose.
  23. and in the intro cinematic I want my character to shout "Hammer Station is mine!"
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