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Everything posted by znihilist

  1. Actually their answer was that I didn't even use the group finder like I assembled 3 other people and went in through the normal entrance. They didn't say that I had one FP unchecked, but that I literally didn't use the group finder at all. Quoting the agent verbatim: EDIT: If they said that I was still missing a requirement I would have given them the benefits of the doubt. But the answer they gave me is very specific, and from that, I concluded that there is something very wrong about how they are handling this issue, whether it is malice or not I can't be certain but the overall way they handled it is, unfortunately, leading me to believe it was malice.
  2. I know that some people do this out of habit for two reasons: PvP and behind target requirements from other classes. Think of it as an automatic behavior. However, as you suggested, this can be an issue sometimes.
  3. TLDR: Agent kept closing my tickets and coming up with random reasons so I can drop the issue. I just want to be very clear, I am not upset that my issue went unresolved, or that it took long to get support to help, or any of that. It was just how the agent decided to deal with the issue. Recently, I was experiencing an issue on one of my characters where after completing flashpoints through the group finder I was not receiving any reward (I posted about it in bugs subforum). This issue was happening frequently enough that I decided to write a ticket about it, hoping support can still send me the rewards or maybe figure out what was happening. The first thing the CS agent does is close my ticket in the exchange claims the following (quoting directly): "Just to let you know, I have to close your ticket for you to see my reply." the emphasis is mine here. This initially bothered me, but it wasn't a big deal because at least the agent seemed cooperative, so I decided not to hold it against them, but in light of the rest of the post, it will make more sense as part of a pattern by the agent. After the back and forth the CS agent gave me a list of reasons that I was already following as the reason why I didn't receive my rewards. I was following the instructions but due to the fact that I didn't think I needed to convince the agent I was really experiencing an issue, I didn't make sure I had any evidence. I then decided to let that ticket go. As the issue continued, I decided to take videos of me doing flashpoints to show that I am indeed following the instructions, I then create a new ticket detailing that I am still experiencing the same issue and that this time I am willing to provide video evidence showing that there is indeed something wrong going on. The same agent does the same thing, closes my ticket and they inform me that they looked at the records and that it showed I wasn't following the instructions (using the group finder). First, I am having a hard time believing that they actually looked at the records or that the records indeed say that I didn't use the group finder. Because the alternative is that I and at least 7 other people will need to get our eyes checked since we all saw the same thing. I then replied with the location of the video that I already told them that I have and detailed where and what to look for, their reply was that they thank for me giving them evidence to work with, but then they gave a generic this is a bug without really checking the video in question (YT studio was very nice to tell me the number of views), and in very kind words told me to **** off. From the beginning, the agent was very dismissive, quick to come up with random reasons why they can't help me, reasons that can't possibly be true (considering the videos I took). I understood even before writing the first ticket that there is a chance that they may not be able to help me, but I don't appreciate having my tickets closed immediately and being given the runaround so I can drop the issue and they get a quickly resolved ticket on their record. I am not sure why the agent is doing that. But if this is the level of support I expect to get in the future, then I am not sure why I would continue to play. Just to make it clear I am not pulling the "You won't see any more of my money" card, and I don't think or believe that I have any special privilege because I am a subscriber, but dealing with this agent was beyond frustrating and I would really rather not play then deal with them again in the future if this is the treatment that I am going to get every time I have an issue with the game. Eventually, and with no help of the CS, I figured out the issue and it was indeed a bug. If the agent took 5 minutes from the beginning to actually investigate the issue, all of this would have been avoided saving both of us a lot of time. Ps, I asked the agent twice to put me through a supervisor and twice I got ignored.
  4. I am just over exaggerating, just to show how much I hate it. Although in retrospect, last night I was tanking Lost Island and after skipping some trash I explained to the group that while my friend is a good player, they never done the FP. We never ended up wiping on any boss, but they were more accomodating in clearing the path to the bosses in case we did. Honestly both DPS were so good that I ended up putting them on my friend list in case I ever run into them again.
  5. This is starting to be one of the most annoying things about the group finder, even more than quitters, people who's idea of a rotation is to randomly mash buttons or even those who think red circles on the floor are a good thing to shower in. The obsessiveness with skipping got very annoying very fast, half of the time it requires careful maneuvering, jumps that are not meant to be possible even by Michael Jordan in his prime, or waiting idly for someone to stealth across the entire map to (I often end up doing my online grocery shopping during those). The end result is often enough someone messing it up or dying at the boss than having to repeat the utterly mind-numbing process of skipping again. If I am tanking I am willing to do the narrow walks to skip some trash mobs (think Mandalorian raiders or HS), but if it requires any kind of jumping or careful maneuver, then I will pull everything and clear it in my path to the boss.
  6. I mean on the forums, sorry for the confusion.
  7. I just sent a message that was maybe rather lengthy, and then looked at the copy in the sent folder and it only showed a part of it. I am wondering if that's how it was sent, or is it just a fluke.
  8. I have had this same issue with one particular CS agent, all my tickets are closed immediately. Then my issue got dismissed with a random excuse even when presented with evidence that it wasn't. I took a video of myself going into a FP via the GF and the CS closed my ticket because apparently I didn't use the GF to get into the FP (even though I linked them the video showing me doing exactly that).
  9. I have 306 gear, and 24 FPs selected. I have no FP missions besides the weekly to do 3 and 5. (MM and Veteran). I have no phase that requires to be reset. The one thing I noticed last night when doing Hammer Station is that at the end when you use the console to finish off the quest, I didn't get the follow-up to talk to Malgus (beside the no daily reward). EDIT: Crisis on Umbara was missing from my list. I did it on Story Mode and now it is showing up on my list. This is beyond silly, this reward system setup is very problematic, why fix whatever wasn't broken to begin with?
  10. Nope, and I also have less than 10 quests, so it is not that my quest log is full either.
  11. More details: 1. All flashpoints are selected, and nothing is filtered out. 2. The same group that started the flashpoint ended it. 3. Master Flashpoint was The Foundry. 4. At the end of the flashpoint, I was not presented with a quest completion giving out the two Equipment crates, tech fragments, etc. 5. It was the first FP of the day after the daily reset. 6. The weekly quest Galactic Conflicts tracks the completion correctly, so does Searching For Allies. Methods to reproduce: Unkown yet, can't figure out what is causing it to bug out. This has happened to me at least a full ten times in the last week, this is not restricted to Master, but happens with Veteran flashpoints.
  12. Literally happened few minutes ago, the tank blamed the healer's low gear when he died when the tank didn't step out of huge red circles on floor repeatadly. Sadly, the second dps voted yes...
  13. I used to mostly do end game content (basically HM and NiM raids), and recently came back to the game. While I usually used to do raids, I kinda like most PvE content. My free time to play is basically after 10 PM EDT during the week. Oh, and I am on the empire side.
  14. But the whole marketshare of Windows is irrelevant, none gamers by definition don't play games and by that they don't play SWTOR. So the 80% he pulled is irrelevant, the closest thing we have to the reality of things is that number: 40%, you are free to criticize it, but unless you have a better alternative to gauge things out, that's what I'll use. My point wasn't that I want the game to be ported to DX12, my point that the poster I replied to was wrong on many levels and I was trying to bring a better picture to this.
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey ---> almost 40% of users are on Win 10. However, switching the game to DirectX 12 doesn't mean those without it can't play it, same situation we have now (most are on 11, but game is on 9). DirectX 12 have a major improvement for CPU overheard over the previous versions, this : Is wrong! That's not how it works. DirectX 12 offers the devs better access to the hardware, it doesn't move the load from GPU to CPU. All in all usage of X12 is an overall better. Does it matter at the end? Probably not, but it is not a net negative. Stop thinking everything has to have a technical reason why it doesn't work, sometimes it is just economic* or laziness. *: The amount of money that goes into upgrading the game is less than the amount of money expected as revenue from such a move.
  16. Oh man, it only took you 6 months to do them? However, kudos on the developer notes, that one is well done. However, too little too late for the effect of the severe unbalance the game has been for all this time.
  17. Did it happen after the patch/sever-down? This is normal when an item sells before the patch, but you see the mail after it.
  18. Will you guys ever add weapons to costume designer, the combination of both could be a great feature.
  19. I find it quite weird to liken someone calling people working at BW idiots and morons and that they should be fired to the incident where a dev got threatened with death. As unfortunate as it is, considering the former is rather standard in gaming communities, why does BW find itself digging the hole even more? Why are there companies out there who give a better pretense at communication than the one we have here? This system where everyone has to be punished for the action of few can't be sustained, because the further they dig themselves in the further they create an animosity between them and the people who genuinely don't respond with vile even when they disagree. Someone has to take the step toward improving the situation, I can control myself but I certainly can't control everyone else.
  20. That's a very insidious thing to say, and you are perfectly aware what you are doing: to shift the blame to a "vocal form distribution". It is really a shame to see you say this, while I don't agree with some of the stuff you say, however, to see you cast such a net to stifle the dissent is really uncharacteristic of you.
  21. That's so ironic coming from the guy who keeps breaking Reddit's ToS to complain about one subreddit... Why don't you tell yourself those three sentences and get over it?
  22. Convenient isn't? Convenient to use as an argument for (sentence had against before I corrected it) bad communication: "Remember that one time when allegedly an idiot threatened a dev over class changes? Well, that's why we continue to exhibit poor communication, even though nothing changed from before or after." This excuse is dead in the water, because the matter of fact is, that incident whether it really happened or not, it didn't change a pattern, it just created an excuse for people like you and me to bicker about on the forum while they continue their operandi modus. The only rare time I ever saw a true communication on their part is something I can't talk about (the irony of the NDA...), but even then there is so much to criticise about that as well.
  23. Don't worry about that, the thing people exploited with was credit duplication as far as I understand. They send credits around in mail (that's one way) to duplicate them. Moving credits on its own is fine.
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