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Everything posted by Lakemine

  1. Why do the GS objectives not cycle through each week? Also do the dailys/weeklys in the GF rotate? Because I keep getting different ones based on the planet I go to. I get different ones on fleet, and different ones on my ship and different ones on a planet. Are they supposed to rotate daily or weekly as well? And if they rotate daily, why dont the GS rotate daily as well? Since the GS objectives require dailys/weeklys that are not available, due to them rotating daily or randomly? Or is this just bugged on my part, and they will rotate weekly as well? Also commando is bugged, and choices in my PT trees refuse to pick for me. (Guessing bugs.)
  2. And its permanent. So be careful what you pick, you can't switch it later if you don't like it. You can only switch between your original and the 2nd one you picked. That's it.
  3. Welcome to a rehash of 3.0 but even worse. I called it in July when they announced it, no one believed me. IMO, they need to delay 7.0. Both for the players and devs sake. And trust me, the amount of bugs incoming is going to be horrendous From class swapping being broken or removing things, loadouts not remembering where your skills are, GS objectives not updating or counting, gear being deleted because you clicked a loadout and it auto deletes a piece of gear because its not in the secondary loadout you set up (when its just supposed to go in your inventory) The only bug I don't foresee is companions being deleted or their choice flags being deleted. I will be genuinely surprised if that happens. (Because with the new storyline, not many companions are associated with it. Could be wrong though, but the only companions I see being affected is Arccan, because of the choice to send him to Elom or not.) I mean in 3.0 when they removed the skill tree, it screwed up GSF by removing ALL components and preventing the buying of new ones. Took them months to fix it. And with all 48 specs receiving "changes" AND being able to pick a secondary combat style (which btw you can only pick one AND its permanent, so choice wisely*) the cross breading of all of that coding will no doubt have a MASSIVE bug issue somewhere along the line. * They will release a $20-30 (2000-3000CC (because 1000 CC = $10) combat swap or to add a 3rd spec token later on. (As is always. Design the problem, and sell the solution. Greed ruins EVERY game it infects. )
  4. And remember they are all being leveled up to lv80 Its why i'm running them none stop atm to get 100% on FPs. Because once 7.0, they will be uncompletable but for a premade.
  5. Maybe. But it isn't clear communication. Its poor communication skills. Lack of communication ALWAYS causes issues and problems. But over communication/clear communication I have yet to find where it is a bad and horrible thing that ruins people. Poor communication ALWAYS ruins things.
  6. Where they failed is with poor communication. SO MANY PEOPLE in reality think the bare minimum is "good enough" and it ends up ALWAYS causing issues, problems or harm to others. I have yet to see where over communication has a negative outcome. Not ONCE is it listed there "You are limited to only 2 and its permanent, but we will explain why." It is vague. It is DESIGNED to be vague, because deceptive people do not like to be honest. That is the issue. Deceptive marketing. (Then again, I should know better, because BioWare did the same with Anthem AND they are under EA.) And where were the content creators that said this? Because maybe I live under a rock (probably more so true) but the ones I have seen have NEVER mentioned this AT ALL. They kept either saying "I don't know." Or saying that we can switch them. That is nor informative at all. I just don't get why people can not communicate well, and why having poor communication skills is somehow a "good thing" and people continue to get away with it. Edit: Mixing classes as ine sentinal spec on a commando? Yah, we know day 1 of them announcing 7.0 that wasnt the case, had to explain to people "No. Your not getting a gun on your jedi. No your not getting a lightsaber on your sniper." But they presented it as if your a Force user, you can switch to any jedi or sith spec (barring LS/DS requirements) and if your a tech user you can switch to any tech class. "You want to run a rifle? Go for it. You want to run a sniper? Go for it! You want to run a assault cannon? Go for it! One pistol or two? Go for it!" NEVER was it mentioned "BUT you can only pick one." Granted, this new information seems to indicate it changed over a few months, but that is their failing for not communicating. "Hey, we were too ambitious. We have to lock the styles to 2 one only per character, and its permanent. So no, you don't get access to 24 tress anymore, you only get 6." THAT is clear communication. And I fail to see or find that ANYWHERE. Meaning, the failure is on them. (Then again, with their recent silence and non-communication over these changes A LOT of people dislike......that actually seems par for the course of the pattern they have set for their bad reputation.) And I really really really really REALLY don't want this game to fail and face EA's wrath, especially since EA lost the FIFA contract and they won't be making their billions anymore from that, they will be cutting devs and shutting down games to "save costs". And if these changes go live, I fear it might be like a mass exodus like 5.0 did. And the only reason why we had a influx of people......was because of it being released on Steam. I fear that if another mass exodus happens, we won't be able to recover. And I really really really don't want that. Man I really do hope they just delay 7.0 and take more time to work things out, both for us the players sake and the devs sake of time crunch and the backlash against them.
  7. Yeah, I just found that out from the PTS feedback forum. I have no idea how I missed this for 4 months. MONTHS. I have read every dev post. Its greatly depressing and angering, so sorry to the devs where I said it seemed like they were lying. Oh 100% agreed with you. But having it cost $20 (2000 CC) will make ALOT of people mad, since the price is $15 for a month.
  8. Thank you, and I agree with everything ^
  9. Nope. But we don't know what will happen to those items. My guess is either they will be destroyed or sent in the mail to the first character you log into after it launches.
  10. QoL abilities, more characters, no credit cap, access to xpacs and storylines and leveling systems, and atm gearing but soon to be removed. Not everyone who subs ONLY does it for OPs, some people just like having more options and things that make the game easier and more fun. That's it. Plus its their money, its not yours. They can spend it how they want. How does that effect other players?
  11. Well thank you for letting me know. I have no idea how I missed this (since I read every dev post) and I don't get if this has been common knowledge for 3-4 months, why no one has told me!?!? Man this is both depressing and angering. I get only having 2 to flip back and forth, that's fine. But there should be an option to pay at cost to switch out a spec you tried and didn't like and want something else. Especially since you can't test them before confirming. And paying $20 (which is more then a month of sub btw. 2000 CC = $20) for either a 3rd or to even SWITCH IT!?!?! Is BEYOND greedy and very nasty toward the players.
  12. As a response to the spoiler stuff. Ok adding repeatable weeklys is a GOOD THING, and the upgrade boxes are good, but still meh because of RNG. Kinda seems weird saying "removing RNG!" and then just having more of it. Ok good that I can still get the armor achievements from Kai, it will just take longer. Thanks. Dumb an asinine, but thanks. Also, with how convoluted the new gearing system is where you need a 8 paragraph essay to explain it, why not just keep the current system we have now? Especially since TFs are staying. Literally just add mods for TFs to a vendor and tokens to OPs for OPs players to the current system we have on live. Its that easy and simple and then it becomes the best gearing system ever because if gives players CHOICES which is always a good thing. I thought the devs said "we want to simplify and make things easier for players.", which the current system is. This new one is convoluted, arcahic and punishing. That doesn't seem like "simple". Unless BioWare devs are changing the definitions of words, which I would very much like to see the Dictionary listing definition they are using. (And remember Jackie, the disappointment, anger and confusion emotions I have are NOT at you. They are at the devs and the people making these choices and forcing them on us. Without feedback, permission, ANYTHING. That is who my anger is directed at, not you. )
  13. Do you know where this information was communicated? Because this is news to me, and many other people i'm in discords and groups and guilds with. They had no idea, and now are upset. If this was changed before, I don't think it was communicated well, if at all.
  14. I guess that can make sense. Question on a different system. Like what someone else already pointed out with Destiny 2. Pinnicles are the top gear in that game (and its a ever moving goal post btw, each pinnicle doesn't just give max rating BiS, it only gives 1-2 ratings about what your average is, so you have to continually keep running the weeklys to get them slowly higher and higher.) and there are some pinnicales for solo content (The Europa Exo Simulation), others are play list (Play 3 strikes, play 3 gambit matches, play 3 pvp matches etc etc), but the best way to get higher numbers? Is raids. Raids ALWAYS give pinnicles that are 2-3 ratings higher AND each boss gives a 1-2 pinnicle. So does it take a solo player many more weeklys and months to get max rating? (which is 1330 atm) Yep, but they still can if they want. But raiders just get their faster. Is that a system that is ok if copied to SWTOR? EDIT: Oh another thing I forgot to mention. Grandmaster Nightfalls (kinda like super hard FPs). They are gear locked to 1345 (have to have full 1330 and your artifact level to minimum 25+) So should gear locking be in this game as well? Yeah, "anyone" can get max rating, but it takes time for solo players because they can only get 4-6 pieces each week, while raiders have access to 15+, and then with gear rating locking content, it means that you KNOW people in it have put in the time for the gear rating and probably know what they are doing. (Obviously with ALL randoms, its hit or miss.)
  15. Thank you for laying it out succinctly. As I said before in response to someone saying "Who is this system for!?!?", "Find the group or people who benefit or benefit the most, and you find who they want to focus on."
  16. Have you ever stopped to think that not everyone is a clone of you? I can solo HM FPs as well, but my mom can't, a few friends I play with can't. Heck some of them can't get through some solo FPs and need my help, which i'm glad to give......OH WAIT, BioWare removed that option for some dumb reasons, so they HAVE to solo it now, and the gear helped them survive instead of themselves getting one shot. Also I saw earlier you pointed out the GSI 'GOD" droid......uh.....do you even play the game? LOL The last 5 FPs have NOT had it. The last one that had the GSI droid was Rishi. Every FP since then has a lv1 storyline companion that is WEAK. So no, your information, while semi accurate, is flawed. If the GSI droid was in EVERY solo FP, (which even before they removed it from the last 5, it wasn't in every FP. The GSI droid is only in Esseles, Black Talon, Taral V, Maelstrom Prison, Boarding Party, The Foundry, Directive 7, Battle of Ilum, False Emperor, Tython, Korriban, Manaan, Rakata, Blood Hunt and Rishi.) then your statements of gear would maybe maybe MAYBE have some merit to them. (course your mindset, behavior and demeanor is shameful and evil and basically invalidates your concept.) The GSI droid is NOT in every FP, and I can say with almost 100% accuracy it won't be added to Ruins of Nul. I have been asking for the GSI droid to help solo players because they removed the option of me helping to co-op with them (in an MMO no less ROFL XD You say this is an MMO, yet do not speak of why they removed multiplayer content from the game.) for years now, still no answer. Atm, Hammer Station, Athiss, Mandolorian Raiders, Cademimu, Colicoid Wargames, Red Reaper, Kaon, Lost Island, Umbara, Copero, Nathema, SoV and SoE do NOT have the GSI droid but should. I think maybe if you advocated for the GSI droid in every FP, maybe people wouldn't need your pearl clutching tools to complete STORYLINE in a STORYLINE MMO. Gear is a tool, not a reward. Nothing more, nothing less. And trust me, I get it. We can solo HM FPs, but not every other player can, and some have issues with solo storyline ones because of BioWare's horrendous "balancing". Also another reason why people are upset by static gear, because they can't work around BioWare's idiocy anymore. And just like I asked the question before, please explain to me how someone else having the same number next to their name as you is somehow ruining and is detrimental to your gaming experience your paying for? Because all I can see is it hurts your ego......which I do not believe is a justification to harm other people. But if I am miss understanding or missing information, feel free to fill me in. I do love learning.
  17. And not only that, if you pick sniper, you can NEVER change to anything else besides VG. VG and Sniper is ALL YOU CAN DO. You can only pick 2 combat styles and your locked into, permanently. Its on the PTR now.
  18. Uh.....hate to break it too you, but you only have like 3-4 abilities till the earlier 20s. I am SO glad I leveled all of my characters during 2xp and don't have to level anymore with this trash new system. Also with combat styles? You can ONLY have 1 secondary. Once you pick it, you can NEVER change EVER. Its permanent. You pick two, and that's it. Can never pick beyond those two. EVER. Its like the marketing of 7.0 was deceitful.
  19. I mean, your not wrong. I agree with you, really. Gear is NOT THE GOAL. It is a tool. A tool that makes things easier in the game for every type of player, NIM raiders down to plebs that cant even do solo storyline FPs without help. And why is it a GOOD thing to make sure only a small number of people have a tool and others do not?
  20. Yep. I agree greatly with you. BUT......I will add one piece of information your maybe missing, with the shared tagging being added in 7.0, world bosses have shared tagging for cross faction as well. So no more Imps stealing the WB on Hoth for the Festival event. I am assuming the same will be for the DvL bosses when they return. But even with that change, I still agree with you and dislike this change strongly.
  21. I honestly feel more depressed then anything. The silence form the devs, the community in a civil war destroying itself, only a few good changes and a lot more bad changes.......
  22. Yep. They are removing character based social levels and making it legacy, so if you already have the achievement for social lv10, the only things that change when it goes live, is you can't get the character titles anymore, and you get 10 new legacy titles. That's it. (Although their wording does seem to maybe imply some more social rewards on the vendors, so we shall see.)
  23. To the people who are defending these changes (too many too go through atm of 40+ pages that popped up in less then 36 hours, but I can go back to each one if needed.) How and why does it hurt you that someone weaker or not as experienced as you can get the same level of gear? 6.0 is the best gearing system SWTOR has ever had. (The ONLY way to make it better is add the mods to the vendor so players can CHOOSE (remember choices are a GOOD THING for players) and OPs tokens for OPs players. If they would have added those 2 things, it would be the best gearing system SWTOR has ever had.) The only negative I see is people who are insecure "NEED" to have a higher number then other people lower then them for selfish reasons. Look up the definition of a narcissist, its based in selfishness at the expense of others. Seriously, please explain how someone else getting gear that helps them is somehow RUINING and detrimental to your game you are paying for? Also, if the reason for doing HMNIM content is not for titles, mounts, achievements and prestige, but for GEAR? Then maybe you need to rethink why your even playing this game, or actually any game to be honest, at all. The titles stay, the mounts stay, the achievements stay, the prestige of the sense of pride and accomplishment stays. Gear? As we see, it gets trashed every xpac. All that time and effort completely and utterly wasted. So if your sole focus is to do HM/NIM content JUST for gear.........you maybe need to rethink why your playing games. Also if that is your sole reason for playing games, then I ask kindly, please go find another game that rewards that mindset and behavior. I like SWTOR because I can play solo most often, but can still group up for stuff with a few people my subconscious likes or maybe some randoms. (Its hit or miss with randoms lol ) Those of us who like this game really do not want to see it ruined by a selfish minority because then we lose. The selfish minority will just jump ship and find another game to devour, but those of us to stay and play because we like to play in the Star Wars universe, we like to play alone but also have the option of co-op with a parent, SO, sibling or friends, we like the storylines and characters. Yes yes yes, I get it. That isn't reason the "elite" people player for......so why make other people (and from the forums, youtube and discord it really does seem the majority. For every one player defending or liking these changes, there are 10-15 others who hate it. Including some Founders and I even found a NIM raider who hates these changes.) suffer just to please your own selfish ego? Why not leave this game that "doesn't reward my time playing so I can have a d*** measuring contest and lord it over plebs!", the game doesn't reward that, so why keep wasting time in it and ruining it for other people that do enjoy it? Another sad thing is to see the community in a civil war because of these changes. If more and more people leave, it means the game will shut down, and then the "elite raiders who only want the BiS gear for people who run NIM ONLY" won't have a game either. Which I theorize will not bother them in the slightest, because they will go and find another game to consume. The only losers are us players who actually LIKE THIS GAME. (And the devs, sinc they either get fired, lose their job or lose income. Although they just might get moved to a different game, so they wouldnt be a shafted as us players who like the game.) Even the elite NIM raiders should WANT people to stay, because it means more people subbing/likely to sub, which is a GOOD THING. Some people sub for only OPs, but that is a minority, the majority of people who sub just do it for QoL and no credit cap. Trust me, it sucks being in a minority on things, but welcome to reality. Doesn't matter if you don't like it, you can't change that the majority of people don't like/do OPs, and definitely not NIM. That's even an even less minority. BUT......like what was pointed out, letting "plebs" get higher gear, made them more likely to try it. Will everyone who tries it stay? NOPE. But isn't one more player starting to do OPs and then eventually get up to NIM a GOOD THING? Why crush and destroy that possibility for a perceived shiny number that is higher then someone elses? Or are people THAT short sighted? Way more then I thought. Oh and Jackie? (I don't know how to do the link thingy, so maybe it gets lost in the muddle of the firestorm of this thread atm, but I hope not) I am sorry that you have to take the brunt of our disappointed/anger/betrayal/sadness and yet still seemly to be a kind person. So for that, I thank you exponentially and I do hope all or a lot of this negative feedback makes it to the devs knowledge, so they can either change it, tweek it or delay the 7.0 xpac to refine it more. Remember that Japanese dev (honestly forgot his name, and i'm kicking myself for it ) said "A delayed game that is made good is well remembered and loved, a rush game that is broken is reviled, hated and forgotten." Please delay 7.0 and listen to more feedback, please don't end up like Cyberpunk 2077 Thank you for reading and stay safe all.
  24. ^ This. The Galactic Season Weeklys being weekly locked, makes PERFECT SENSE. (Because of BioWare's own failing gambling mission system, is what drove people to complain about it.) But the regular weeklys? NO. Those should NEVER be removed/deleted each day/week. Seriously, what harm is it doing? The GS weeklys being different, yeah. That made it so people couldn't play together, THAT changing makes perfect sense. But the regualr weeklys? Really.......who is it debasing that some people continue for weeks to get it? REALLY!?!?!?! WHO IS IT HURTING SO MUCH THAT IT HAS TO BE REMOVED!?!?!? Oh, also I will say one good thing. The weeklys being multiple runs now on the PTR is a good change. I like it.
  25. Thank you for this information, I had no idea. And yeah, it is very sad that someone attacking/insulting/belittling someone with disabilities is allowed to continue and get away with it, and worse......was praised for it by a few people. And with it being allowed to continue, it gives the image of BioWare supporting that. And that........that is a horrible thing to support. I wonder if we can get EA to look at this enabling of harassment? Also.....because of it being an online only MMO, that won't be the case. We DO LOSE. Because they will shut down after claiming "The players didn't like us anymore.", so they can claim innocence. (Just like what narcissistic people do.) And......I don't like it. It makes me very sad.
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