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Everything posted by ZanyaCross

  1. I had this exact glitch the other day. It's an Nvidia issue. You need to roll back to a slightly earlier driver.
  2. I would have brought that up but while the ring seems to have a will, it's unclear whether it has any more agency, the ability to make decisions being a key to that, than a piece of uranium giving someone cancer. Even the orcs, while sentient, don't have agency if they are incapable of being anything but evil, and slaves to Sauron's will.
  3. This thread... http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/motorstorm/images/b/bb/Walk_in_walk_out.gif
  4. Actually they can. Legally they just have to let you know in advance, and give you a checkbox to click saying you agree to the new terms that you will completely ignore and click through if you want to keep playing. Anybody saying otherwise is living in a fantasy world.
  5. Sorry, OP, but well-intentioned as you are, your comment sounds like another one of millions by fans that think they are the truth-keepers and gate-guardians of what [insert franchise here] is really about, ignoring all the examples of how it can be, and has been, so much more. Or, to quote a certain Jedi that wasn't quite wise enough to realize the irony of his own statement, "Only a Sith thinks in absolutes."
  6. Then I'll rephrase. The entire plot of Lord of the Rings centered around The One Ring. The entire story was about it and the conflict around it, but it wasn't an active participant in the story, making decisions that would affect the outcome. That was Sauron, Saruman, Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, Gandolf, even Gollum, who all had agency and took actions, by their own choice, that affected the outcome. The movie Excalibur is an even better example. The movie itself is named after the sword, and the whole story surrounds the people who hold it, but the sword isn't the one who's decisions shape things to come and move the plot forward. It's Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Guinevere, and Morgana. We're not the main character, we're Excalibur. We're the weapon the real protagonists, Lana and Theron, point at the baddie. [Edit: Or the one Senya uses to help redeem him.]
  7. Rolling a Male Dark Side SW and JK, never again. Being able to romance Jeasa and Vette after mentally torturing and breaking them made me feel literally sick. I did it once just to see what it'd be like and that was more than enough. DS Knight gets even better, where you can publicly humiliate Kira and call her a liability in front of the entire Jedi council and then tell her how much she means to you in private to get her in bed. UGH!!! I don't even want to think of what you can put poor Mako through as an evil BH (especially since she was originally intended to be 16), or Nadia as a DS Consular. NOPE! And lest the guys feel left out, you can threaten to kill Andronicus if he leaves, and get Quinn back on your leash after beating him within an inch of his life and telling him you're through. I almost feel bad for the poor *******. I might even let him live out of shear pity. Seriously, there are times I feel like I'm playing "Abusive Relationship Simulator".
  8. And Bioware can change the rules whenever they want. It's their game, and you know it or you wouldn't feel the need to argue so vehemently here. Instead of wanting others to enjoy every part of this game, the people fighting this want to hold on to something they can lord over those nasty "freeloaders" you seem to hold in such obvious contempt.
  9. No, nobody here has ever heard of the Mongols. Tell me, how much territory, economic power, and military might do they have now compared to China? Because rofl-stomping everyone around you doesn't mean a whole if you don't have the infrastructure and cultural unity to hold it all together in the long term, which is why they broke up into four smaller groups in 1260. It's not even just a few, though. You have majorly big players like...
  10. By that logic you can just watch the entire game on Youtube, so why are you even spending money to be here?
  11. The problem is that the male bodies, at least type 3 and 4, are clearly meant to evoke a feeling of power. Female type 3 and 4 bodies are designed for guys to find attractive. Guys get to feel mighty, women get to feel attractive to guys. The female type 3 body should look like Zarya from Overwatch to have any parity with the type 3 male. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E2Jzt0HGixY/maxresdefault.jpg
  12. The problem isn't that the story isn't about us. The whole first nine chapters is about how Lana and Koth have risked their lives to rescue us. The chapter with Satele and Marr is all about us coming to a greater understanding of the Force. The problem is one of "agency". Despite being the one who will supposedly save the galaxy, all we ever do is be a tank for someone else on their mission. Our character's decisions aren't the ones actively shaping events. Chapter 10, help Kaliyo with her mission. Chapter 11, help Jorgan with his mission. Chapter 12, go talk to the eldrich horror because Lana says so. Chapter 13, help Gault with his heist. It isn't until chapter 14 that it even feels like someone else is helping us with our problems, and none of the events are really insticated by "The Outlander". We're a passive character in our own story. The player has become the NPC's companion!
  13. Umm, no. I've been subbed for 4 years, I have the content and I completely support putting it on the market because I actually want more players to experience a genuinely well-written chapter. I want more people to appreciate the work of the people who obviously put their best work into this. When I experience something good, my first instinct is to share it with others, not horde it all to myself. Don't make assumptions when you obviously just walked in and didn't read the discussion going on.
  14. Oh, btw, anyone who says they think the chapter should cost $120 because that's how long an 8-month sub costs? Kindly refund the 4000cc you also got for being subbed. Also, roll back any level gains your characters got to where they would be with preferred xp gains. Also, give back any gear you got doing heroics (or credits from selling them). Also, give back anything you bought on the GTN because you didn't have a credit cap. Huh, it's almost like subs already get a ton of stuff back for what they pay. That's assuming that the number of preferred players is equal to subs, instead of vastly outnumbering them.
  15. I guarantee you that you'll see more type 3 women than type 3 men.
  16. This makes so much sense it will probably take them another five years to make it happen.
  17. Notice how he keeps saying "sales" and not cc purchases. I want a source on where this idea that subs buy more cartel coins comes from.
  18. You'd almost think that the vast majority of the people subbed at the time were regular subscribers and would have stayed subbed regardless.
  19. Most of those subs would have subbed anyway. Also, $5 for the chapter is completely at odds with the pricing in the cartel market and deliberately unrealistic and disingenuous.
  20. Subs get free cc each month so please don't bring that tired "subs spend more money on the market" BS here. It's been debunked so often that it should be on Snopes.
  21. Vader's "Big No" emote. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/random-ness/images/9/9f/Darth_vader_no.gif/revision/latest?cb=20120616003315 Also, if possible, video of the VAs pulling it off in the recording booth, because that would make my entire year.
  22. Playing The Gemini Deception again now makes me wish I had my own reprogrammed Skytrooper.
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