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Everything posted by ZanyaCross

  1. God yes, please fix this. It's frustrating how long it's taking to get any of these.
  2. Yeah, why should "royalty" have to deal with all those filthy unwashed F2Plebians. If this gets implemented and someone opts in than it should bar them from ever getting grouped with F2Ps too. Good luck waiting for your FPs and WZs to pop after that!
  3. No kidding. If they think just springing this stuff on people who turn their machines on one day is going to fly, they need to think again. This is going to be one of those issues that's going to cost them players.
  4. What's really sad is they haven't even fixed all the problems with Level sync yet. I wasn't there for SW Galaxies, but I can't help but wonder if history is repeating itself with all the interference.
  5. This is one of those rare chapters where it really pays to be nice and pick the LS options.
  6. Vaylin was willing to obliterate an entire city block full of civilians, and that was before you nuked their star fortresses, raided their tower, found a ship with a mini Death Star gun, and then robbed them blind. At this point even Arcaan (who is the retrained one in comparison) would be willing to wipe out any number of his own forces to kill you, and should have given standing orders to that effect.
  7. In all the years this game has been out, when has Bioware EVER made a change to the fundamentals of this game that did not end up being a broken, imbalanced mess that took them six months to fix? That's one of the reasons I'm so angry at this. Everything has finally settled down. Yeah, one or two advance classes need a bit of tweeking, but the game is finally in a place where everyone can enjoy it, and BAM, the whole thing changes. Forcing us to relearn the game every year isn't giving us new challenges as players, it's giving us new frustrations!
  8. Senya is a mother. Her decision is honestly one of the few moments where I could genuinely sympathize with and understand a character doing something that runs diametrically counter to my wishes (unlike Koth).
  9. I want to frame this post and hang it up in my stronghold.
  10. I should not have to bribe people to help me finish a multi-player mission that finishes a single-player story. It's a lot easier to just abandon the mission.
  11. Wow, so we can't even discuss the things that are making me think, after four years of loyal subbing of finally abandoning this game? Smooth, Bioware.
  12. Yeah, and I'm sure that had nothing whatsoever to do with how abusively they dragged everything out, right? Who the heck would want to play through multiple stories when you had to get to lv 10 just to move faster than a power-walk? And you needed to be lv 25 just to get your first mount, which you couldn't use in those insanely huge space-ports. And then after spending five days slogging through a planet, you get the BONUS SERIES. Even now, try to imagine all those times in the trooper story you had to report back to the senate tower. Go ahead and try running on foot from your hanger to the second floor of the tower after every planet. This game's problem was never a lack of content, it was how mercilessly and frustratingly it tried to age you to death.
  13. You have to go to the terminal in the arena and say, "I'm done" and that'll get you points for what you did.
  14. I've been hearing this for years and I'm calling BS on it. No-way people went through 8 class stories pre-2.0 in any less than 6 months, 4 if they have no lives. Quite the opposite. The game so relentlessly and abusively wasted people's time that it actually chased players away before they even make it to the end of their first class story.
  15. Just do the first five three times and that should be enough. Whole even shouldn't take more than an hour, tops.
  16. "Dear Diary, OP posted something amazing today..."
  17. This happened to me as well. Guess I have to file a ticket.
  18. In before people who complain every day about game-breaking bugs flood in to say how this is impossible and it's obviously somehow OP's fault.
  19. Didn't your mama ever tell you that sharing is caring?
  20. I'd make comparisons between Katara and Sokka with Lana and Koth defrosting you, but that wouldn't even be close to a fair comparison to Sokka, who despite being a goof is a really likable and useful character.
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