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Everything posted by ZanyaCross

  1. I think you meant to say "consequences", and believe me, I'm perfectly willing to accept the consequences of my actions as long as I get to make Koth suffer the consequences of his.
  2. Then maybe you should try playing again. Koth tells you right to your face very early on that he deserted when he was ordered to kill civilians that weren't even Zakuulan. They even telegraphed the fact that... So while I agree that Koth is a thoroughly unlikable character, he's in no way inconsistently written. Everything he does (or potentially does) is actually foreshadowed beforehand.
  3. Do yourself a favor and go watch Zootopia.
  4. The only thing they "eliminated" was pack-hunters ganking lowbies and people getting tricked into self-flagging.
  5. We're not talking about a color crystal here, or a mount. It's an entire chapter of story content that happens to be more universally liked than any chapter in KotFE proper. People who play through that and see Shroud of Memory are going to go, "Wait, so I get this garbage but not the one everyone says is the good chapter?" Good lord, it wasn't even much of an incentive because nearly everyone thought it was going to be a complete waste of time like the recruitment mission for Nico. The fact Bioware actually put real effort into the thing the fewest people will see while refusing to even fix the huge problems with the chapters everyone gets stuck with just blows my freakin' mind.
  6. If I go with "laugh it off" on my internal dialogue wheel, I usually say, "I'm the reason Jedi wear brown robes."
  7. I dispute that assertion, but even if we take it at face value, there are better ways of doing that than permanently gating off content that must have cost a large amount of money, time, and effort to create for what amounts to only a short term gain. If it doesn't get offered on the market then that content has now made all the money it ever will, and that it just a poor investment. At some point even Lucas backtracked on his word and released the unmolested versions of his movies on DVD because there was money to be made there (hopefully Disney will realize it too) that more than made up for the twelve people who invested in the laserdisc versions of the OT and felt so cheated that they left the franchise. Honestly if they can charge 2400cc for a mount then the same amount for a whole chapter, given what they put into it, seems fair.
  8. Now see this is something I would support. It offers a HUGE incentive to people to sub without actually gating off content or characters.
  9. On the plus side, they did fix world-pvp, which I remember being a major complaint in your videos, and you're no longer stuck with a choice between "a psychopath that thinks your dating and a psychopath that thinks she's a philosopher". So... umm... progress?
  10. If I misjudged you and your post then I apologize. I never heard of "sarcasm brackets" in my 20 years online, but if it's a common thing and I somehow missed it then that's totally on me. Please understand that Poe's Law is a thing, though, especially when I have randos in FPs actually take time out during cut-scenes to tell me how ugly my character looks, and then I have to decide whether I want to suck it up, laugh it off, or tell them I'm not there for them to find attractive and risk souring the mood, provoking them, or even getting vote-kicked because I'm not one of the "cool kids" (the ones that suck it up or laugh it off). Not an excuse, just an explanation.
  11. Finished act 1 of the smuggler story and didn't get Torchy. Filed a ticked and it got mailed to my smuggler. They definitely have their good days.
  12. They have a little slideshow on the homepage honoring his career in wrestling, movies, comics, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo
  13. What a shock. No, really. I'm beside myself with surprise. You're right. You only speak for yourself. I judge "essential" content by the overall quality because that is what attracts new players and keeps the old ones coming back. Or, you know, they'll just get frustrated and go find a game they can be a part of from the beginning and won't treat them like second-class citizens. Not that you care, as long as you get yours, right?
  14. Okay, regardless of whether you feel Bioware should change their TaCs or not, can we at least agree that Bioware did make a mistake by gating legitimately good content like this while new subs sill only have the, and I'm being generous here, divisive KotFE story?
  15. But here's the thing, even if they subbed just for HK, they still got a ton of other stuff, even if to them all that was a bonus. Artifact use, appearance editor, extra character slots, color match, hide head slot, gear drops from heroics, access to KotFE itself, increased level cap, unlimited medical probes, and oh yeah, 4000 cartel coins! All that stuff has value that they still benefited from, so it's equally disingenuous, or at least highly inaccurate, to say anyone paid $120 for the HK mission.
  16. Or you could encourage Bioware to fix their bugs instead of putting the onus on players to work around them like a road full of potholes.
  17. Fixed to add a shred of human empathy. Also, if you really believed that you probably wouldn't be screaming hysterically, dismissively, and insultingly at every other post in this thread trying to shout everyone down. Sorry, but It's not your place to tell them no, no matter how much you feel entitled to. I would like to thank you, however, for continuously bumping the thread so Bioware will notice.
  18. You're right, it's a totally unequal comparison. One was about a billion times harder and had a million times more resistance than what people here are suggesting and it still got done. That's the point. I didn't want to go there, it's tacky, but I'm beyond sick and tired of people trying to say "just accept it" as if they have the final say in the matter. How about you accept the fact that things can change if enough people ask? How about you accept the fact people aren't going to shut up about it? I think deep down that's what a lot of the naysayers here know deep down or they wouldn't be trying so desperately to shout down the people who want Bioware to reverse a bad decision.
  19. Bioware made a critical mistake in storytelling here. Having our character be the leader of the alliance, only to take orders anyway from Lana and Theron, just undercuts the story being on rails in a way that the class stories were able to hide better. This could have been solved if someone else was the actual leader as opposed to the player character who's only real qualifications are they are absurdly good at wrecking the enemy.
  20. Saw how well the Hydra Armor looks with dyes on fleet. Might be time to roll a new Mando character.
  21. Funny, about ten years ago people got told the same thing over and over again about being able to marry their partners. Things do change if enough people ask for it.
  22. Heh, it's a semi-derogatory word for people either spout nihilistic or hate-filled things just to seem "edgy", so cue people trying to "educate" me about what it really meant. "Grimdark" is when something has no happy endings (because joy and happiness is unrealistic for some reason) and is so dark it almost borders on parody, like Warhammer 40k or what most comic books tried to go for in the 90s. I might remake him as a sith so I can have "Lord Edgelord".
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