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Everything posted by gentleblade

  1. Nice thought, but too many resources have just been sucked out of the game at this point. We're lucky to get half an expansion these days.
  2. and it's bad because the silvers are like ultra buffed and the apologists are like INTERRUPT and the games like LAAAAAAAAAG and I'm like....
  3. This is where the "You can see the whole story without spending a god damn cent" mentality comes in. To which I almost want to respond to half the time with "Sure if you like bashing your head against the wall".
  4. The cost of training my skills is over 9000.
  5. I guess this is the part where someone chirps in and chalks up everyone being weaker to how it is with every new MMO Expansion pack. Except not really because only old republic nerfs you in the old content as well.
  6. It's not really much of a "boost" if it's presumed used and built into their number crunching for hitting the level cap. It's a nice way of saying even paid subscribers are getting reduced XP. I can just imagine if WoW ran out of quests before you reached the level cap and Blizzard's response was "Run dungeons or hit the Shop lol!".
  7. STO really does have the better F2P model. And I say that primarily because anything you could ever want from the C Store or elswhere in the game that is throttled by not paying is easily circumvented by fielding easy peasy contraband alts KDF side thus giving you redonkulous amounts of dil for hardly any time or effort and by extension all the energy credits/zen/etc. you ever need. Then again, only Old Republic let's you have light sabers. So the moment STO has that, then we'll talk! http://i.imgur.com/ijQ80zT.jpg Wait, what the...
  8. It was a good idea that could have been an amazing one with a little refinement, but I have a feeling most vets don't ever want to see it again because it wasn't perfect in its first incarnation. Blizzard also let players get to the cap quickly. Difference is they gave players a basic set of gear with your classes preferred stats to start you on with AND ACTUALLY PUT YOU IN A CRASH COURSE TO SHOW YOU HOW TO UTILIZE YOUR NEW CLASS AND ABILITIES. If Bioware had done that, and maybe put a minimum item level requirement on higher level group content, the majority of the woe-is-me-the-bads rhetoric would fall to the way side.
  9. The loading times in this game are agonizing. Why then do I have to load load load from my ship to some mini station first THEN load a SECOND time from the station to the planet? I mean, ok. Make me go to the station once for the inoculation quest the first time or whatever when applicable. But after that I'd rather just cut out the middle man and the loading screen and just get down to business.
  10. I just did a speed level through as a Jedi Sentinel / Combat, and it wasn't easy. I was so ultra squishy and I got so little gear at the rate I was leveling that I basically had to make a strategy of blowing up the enemy before they could do the same to me. Now that I've seen the Jedi Knight Story and am moving onto the Sith counterpart I'm looking at the different story and playstyle both and wondering which spec is best. Clearly as a jug I'll have a tank spec available this time, which would likely give me amazing survival. But if the other two trees are less squishy than my sentinel was then they might be viable as well. Thoughts?
  11. I personally wouldn't mind an old, wrinkly, gray haired, red eyed force lightning spewing crone.
  12. So much this. I quit at 41 a year ago because I just couldn't take it any more. That's the one area they shouldn't compromise on in preferred status.
  13. Tyrion Lannister did it. Are you saying you're better than Tyrion Lannister?!
  14. Blizzard gave new players free levels to catch up to the veterans recently too, except they held newcomers hands long enough to show them the purpose of their abilities, how to use them in synergy, as well as giving them a set of basic gear that show them what they wear and what stats to shoot for. Same idea, but with a more polished implementation. The 12x XP was a great idea in the same vein, except with new players sort of thrown in with no idea on how to gear or play their new classes. Humorously, forum pleas for things like basic gear set additions being added to the event are responded to with a resounding "Do you want us to PLAY the class for you TOO?!?!" XD A bit late at this point. But there's always next expansion. And while I can appreciate the logic of vets dealing with the audacity of the noobs making off with their freebies, consider that the alternative is we have a game in which half the population doesn't know how to play.
  15. I came back for the 12x XP and used it to great effect to finally get my inquisitor main from 41 to 55. There were a couple tricky spots, but it wasn't too bad. The Jedi Knight (combat) on the other hand is giving me some trouble. (picked up from 22, now 34) Darn this class is squishy. I guess it makes up for it by having a staggering number of defensive cooldowns, though I wish I could trade some of the clutter on my two main action bars for some better baseline defense. I like Kira as a companion character, though she's neither a tank nor healer. I guess I'll just have to suck it up until one presents itself. It was so nice with the Inquisitor getting Khem'Val (tank) right off the bat. And the only maintenance I had to worry with survival with that class was keeping up a bubble. On a side note, I find it interesting in seeing the player reaction to 12x XP. The vets appear to warm up to it about as much as a jedi council would warm up to the idea of it's members engaging in hanky panky with each other.
  16. I'll just leave this here... http://makingstarwars.net/2014/10/star-wars-episode-viis-bad-guy/
  17. I can't seem to find a belt that doesn't clash with the look of my slave girl outfit at all. Because I doubt Bioware will be making an official one any time soon, what are some good alternatives that look passable? Most of what I have found thus far while leveling are all big, bulky and gray. Not even conforming to colors seems to make a difference.
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