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Everything posted by Azurestone

  1. I can't believe you don't know this yet, m8. Force storm has an increased crit chance by 15% for lightening spec, and my base crit chance when i got my non-optimized full 174s (14 wp aug) is 27%, now if you stack that up with 60% crit chance on recklessness it's a 102% crit chance over a 2 full round of force storm spam (12 ticks). Theoretically in a real warzone, if you have 8 ppl without AOE mitigation or any use of DCD/adrenals, that would be this amount of dmg: Assuming force storm ticks for 3k, which is at least how hard it hits during recklessness. You would have an AOE dmg potential of 12*8*3000=288k total dmg during 2 rounds of full fs spam. That's over 20k dmg per second no sweat
  2. Force storm crit ticks for a legit 3.2k at least on a fully geared player, and it has 102% crit chance during recklessness for a 12 sec spam with my gear. In that ravager room full of mobs force storm spam can spike an 18.5k+ dps.
  3. m8 I main a sorc on lightening spec but I still think the FS dmg is a bit too much. It's not nowhere nearly as powerful in group ranked if your team position well, but I can't deny that is some ka-ray-zeeey dmg in that SS.
  4. Last time I made a Starparse analysis of how force storm on lightening spec can do a 2.7k single target DPS with no sweat, but it didn't get enough attention, so here I go again, and this time: A picture is more than a thousand words Disclaimer and credits:
  5. New lightening storm is smash with god mode toggled on. GG #1 Arena DPS for the rest of 3.0 and probably 4.0 as well
  6. PVP Forum is working as intended™
  7. Hey, I am wondering what's the solo ranked like over here? I currently play ranked on Bastion and I love that server because we got PST, EST and Aussies on that server so I pretty much get solo ranked queue pop all the time. Last time I checked with my friends, they told me POT5 isn't ideal to server transfer because the population quantity isn't quite good. TL;DR pop rate, quality etc. for solo ranked. Thanks in advance.
  8. You have my upvote. On the same play level Hatred sin is by far the most scary spec.
  9. Yo thanks, boss! Gonna work hard on this personalized gearing guide! Thanks a lot!
  10. Yeah LoL that force lightening deception assassin. This game is so hard
  11. AP global ppl all day long in regs. I did like 150+ solo ranked pre-season 4 and I personally feel PTs are not that scary in solo ranked (a good hatred sin is far more scary). Under heavy fire, PT drop about as fast as a merc and if they use LoL Speed it's gonna **** up their dmg as well. By my estimation an AP PT need around 10 GCD to dish out their complete burst dmg, and under focus fire they can very well be dropped within 10 GCD, after which they need like 1 min to get their big burst back again. I would say an urgent fix is not a bad idea to smoothen the LoL Shoulder Cannon situaion. FYI earlier in a solo ranked I was against 2 AP PT and 14 SC Spam off GCD ****. I still feel the Shoulder Cannon shell in my ***. I agree with a couple of my friends, who suggest this class needs a major overhaul. This class ain't overpowered or glass cannon, it;s just overall terribly designed. You LoL into the crowd to dish out the LoL burst and LoL out with LoL Speed before enemy ranged LoL global you. It ain't fun for anyone, not for AP players who complain about getting globaled or the actual player being globaled. I am sure fellow PTs never enjoyed getting globaled by a well positioned rdps, and I am sure I ain't the only one who has felt the power of 14 Shoulder Cannons off GCD. Also, very cool video. WTB a "MLG Yoloswag Mtn Dew Illuminati Confirmed 420 Noscope Legalize Weed" version of it, if you know what I mean. Sorry for the long post, here is a potato
  12. 1. You defend against any assassins by standing in the right positions, i.e. close to your teammates so they can't yolo into the crowd and single you out to stunlock you to death 2. Powertechs - "could survive" lel 3. Juggs - "superman" (kden if you insist) 4. Ops - Lethality ops very good and conceal op has one of the best DCD in solo ranked 5. Snipers - Re-enter cover for 30% dr 3 stacks every 6 seconds is so hard, especially when you have a whooping 20 sec cc immunity
  13. Thank you for the help. Does that apply to PvP as well or is it just for dummy parsing?
  14. Ok, please don't laugh at me guys cause this is the first time I get into the PVE scene, but I have like 7 accuracy augs cause I can't figure out how to bring myself from 106 to 110 otherwise as the Force-lord's gear I purchased have a but loads of power/surge in them. Should I dump all accu augment and try to get accu from enhancements? Why would that make my stats better?
  15. At this point I've grown so accustomed to 4v4 yolo deathmatch spirit that I am scared if 8v8 will return cause objective has been scratched from my SWTOR dictionary since a long time ago.
  16. I loaded back the combat log and a SS of damage tab, and here it is. I can also submit the original combat log if that is gonna be of any help to figure out my parsing problem. I'd be glad to do so (ignore that surprise l2p 3.3k parse in there if I do, bc that one is a huge derp.)
  17. 1. I force speed on CD. I thought I was supposed to force speed on CD as I took the 5 sec CD reduction on force speed and that proc seems awesome. And inb4 anyone asks, yes I took chain shock and tempest just to make parse better, and hopefully I didn't get that part wrong. 2. My APM seems low and it might be because I use a naga mouse so I only hit one button for each and every of one of my offensive CDs / abilities. 3. I am using polarity shift on CD and no I do not have any set bonus, not even the old one. Yes I do 186s purples fully aug'd. Please elaborate by telling me exactly how does it look strange so I can try to fix it on my part. Are you talking about my gearing stats or my parse values? I am new to PVE gearing and struggling especially with 3.0 PVE gearing (stat changes and stuff). I just get what I can for gears, mostly force-lord stuff and aug to make up for stats I am falling short. I tried as hard as I could to keep up with instructions I learned online, and this is the best set of gear I can get with all my comms and credits and not-so-shiny loots.
  18. Here is a screenshot of my sample parse I have trouble breaking 4k and I am seeking help. My current stat is at 4110 wp, 1726.2 bonus dmg, 110.32% accu, 26,27% crit, 73.95% sruge and 2.13% alac, with gear level of 192/198 mix with no set bonus. I've read Ktap's dulfy guide and tried to keep my priority abilities on CD as best as I could, but I just can't avg at 4k+. Do you guys think it's my rotation or do I really need that set bonus to break 4k+? p.s. I am pretty sure it ain't RNGesus that kept me from 4k because I average at 3.9 over a bunch of parses on 1 mil dummy with armor reduction.
  19. That match in ur screenshot is Ebon Hawk?
  20. Can you also link the original or historical progression record in your thread please? It's quite interesting and be able to look back and saw progressions in Bastion history. Thank you, kind sir
  21. Tef'ia is a raid healer for <YES> on Harbinger last time I checked, and So-low is a very good player native to Harbinger as well. You also have 6 ppl in your guild. Nice try, though
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